Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Hotahoti Wood Products Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) |
Particulars |
31-03-2023 |
31-03-2022 |
Assets |
(1)Financial Assets |
(a)Cash and Cash Equivalents |
552.00 |
71.00 |
(b)Loans |
4,519.00 |
20,314.00 |
(c)Investments |
47,920.00 |
47,920.00 |
(2)Non-Financial Assets |
(a)Inventories |
1,55,866.00 |
1,55,866.00 |
(b)Property, Plant and Equipment |
2,753.00 |
2,753.00 |
(c)Other Non-Financial Assets |
46,200.00 |
46,015.00 |
2,57,810.00 |
2,72,940.00 |
(1)Financial Liabilities |
(a)Derivative Financial Instruments |
(b)Payables |
(i)Trade Payables |
660.00 |
591.00 |
(c)Borrowings (Other than Debt Securities) |
1,11,247.00 |
1,34,202.00 |
(d)Other Financial Liabilities |
17,039.00 |
16,177.00 |
(2)Non-Financial Liabilities |
(a)Other Non-Financial Liabilities |
344.00 |
729.00 |
(3)Equity |
(a)Equity Share Capital |
2,00,000.00 |
2,00,000.00 |
(b)Other Equity |
-71,480.00 |
-78,758.00 |
2,57,810.00 |
2,72,940.00 |
Particulars |
2023 |
2022 |
Revenue from Operations |
(i)Interest Income |
1,449.00 |
655.00 |
(l)Total Revenue from Operations |
1,449.00 |
655.00 |
(ll)Other Income |
2,115.00 |
19.00 |
(lll)Total Income (l+ll) |
3,564.00 |
674.00 |
Expenses |
(i)Finance Costs |
3,438.00 |
5,425.00 |
(ii)Imparement on Financial Instruments (Net) |
-21,647.00 |
54,411.00 |
(iii)Employee Beniefits Expenses |
141.00 |
429.00 |
Administrative and Other Expenses |
14,354.00 |
295.00 |
(lV)Total Expenses |
-3,714.00 |
60,559.00 |
(V)Profit before Exceptional Items and tax (lll+lV) |
7,278.00 |
-59,885.00 |
(Vl)Exceptional items |
(Vll)Profit Before Tax (V-Vl) |
7,278.00 |
-59,885.00 |
(Vlll)Tax Expenses: |
(lX)Profit After Tax (Vll-Vlll) |
7,278.00 |
-59,885.00 |
Total Other Comprehensive Income/(Expense) (X) |
(Xl)Total Comprhensive Income/(Expenses) for the period (lX-X) |
7,278.00 |
-59,885.00 |
(Xll)Earnings per Equity share (Basics and Diluted) (in Rs) |
0.36 |
-2.99 |
(Per Value Rs 10/- per Equity Share) |
Particulars |
31-03-2023 |
31-03-2023 |
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities |
Profit Before Tax |
7278 |
-59885 |
Adjustments for: |
Impairment on Financial Instruments |
-21047 |
54411 |
Operating profit before working capital changes |
-14369 |
-5474 |
Changes in Working Capital |
Adjustments for: |
(Increase)/Decrease in trade receivables and Other assets |
-185 |
-44382 |
(Increase)/Decrease in Loans Assets |
37441 |
46374 |
Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Payables and Other Liabilities |
546 |
-12068 |
Cash Generated / (used) in operations |
23434 |
-15577 |
Direct Taxes Paid (net of refund) |
4104 |
Net Cash (Used in) / Generated from Operating Activities |
23434 |
-19682 |
Net Cash (Used in) / Generated from Investing Activities |
C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities |
Increase/(Decrease) in Other Borrowings (net) |
-22954 |
19654 |
Net Cash (Used in) / Generated from Financing Activities |
-22954 |
19654 |
Net Increase /(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents |
479 |
-28 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year |
72 |
100 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year |
552 |
72 |
In the financial data provided, we can see the cash flow statement for two different periods, ending on March 31, 2023.
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities
This section shows the cash generated or used in the company 's core operating activities.
- Operating profit before working capital changes improved from a loss of 14,369 units to a smaller loss of 5,474 units.
- Working capital changes contributed to the change in cash flow.
- A decrease in trade receivables and other assets resulted in an increase in cash of 185 units.
- An increase in loans assets added 37,441 units to cash flow.
- An increase in trade payables and other liabilities reduced cash by 546 units.
- Net cash used in operating activities was 19,682 units after accounting for direct taxes paid.
B. Cash Flow from Investing Activities
This section deals with the company 's investments and disinvestments in assets.
- There are no specific figures provided for purchases or proceeds from sales of property, plant, and equipment, or changes in investments.
- The net cash flow from investing activities is not specified.
C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities
This section shows the cash flow related to the company 's financing activities.
- The company had net borrowings, as evidenced by an increase in other borrowings, which added 19,654 units to cash.
- No dividends paid or corporate dividend tax paid are specified in the data.
- Net cash used in financing activities was 19,654 units.
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
- There was a net increase of 479 units in cash and cash equivalents for the period ending March 31, 2023.
- At the beginning of the year, the company had 100 units in cash and cash equivalents, which decreased to 72 units at the end of the year.
Components of Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Cash on hand increased from 72 to 375 units.
- There are 15 units in balance with banks in current accounts.
- There is no information about fixed deposits or ATM balances.
- Cheques on hand increased from 0 to 162 units.