Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
The Hooghly Mills Company Ltd | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) |
Particulars |
2022 |
2021 |
Non-Current Assets |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
1,305,895.29 |
1,312,658.51 |
Capital work-in-progress |
1,235.39 |
1,235.39 |
Investment Property |
3,919.94 |
3,919.94 |
Financial Assets |
Investment |
138,165.18 |
134,559.36 |
Loans |
Other financial assets |
33,002.97 |
34,427.46 |
Other non-current assets |
4.44 |
4.44 |
Goodwill on Consolidation |
1,814.99 |
1,814.99 |
Total Non-Current Assets |
1,484,038.00 |
1,488,620.08 |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
168,035.18 |
437,531.22 |
Financial Assets |
Trade receivables |
106,357.67 |
97,222.51 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
31,921.37 |
29,677.10 |
Other financial assets |
5,305.34 |
4,428.29 |
Current Tax Assets |
13,658.04 |
6,452.85 |
Other current assets |
16,087.88 |
17,523.84 |
Total Current Assets |
341,365.48 |
592,835.80 |
Total Assets |
1,825,403.68 |
2,081,455.88 |
Equity |
Equity Share Capital |
79,380.00 |
79,380.00 |
Other Equity |
1,269,389.00 |
1,223,844.18 |
Equity attribute to owners of the Company |
1,348,769.23 |
1,303,224.18 |
Non Controlling Interest |
8,380.07 |
8,339.79 |
Total Equity |
1,357,149.30 |
1,311,563.97 |
Non-Current Liabilities |
Financial Liabilities |
Deferred Tax Liabilities |
16,020.05 |
1,221.79 |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
16,020.05 |
1,221.79 |
Current Liabilities |
Financial Liabilities |
Borrowings |
286,352.95 |
538,175.37 |
Trade and other payables |
Dues to Micro Enterprises and Small Enterprises |
Dues to other than Micro Enterprises and Small Enterprises |
111,782.80 |
153,500.71 |
Other current liabilities |
17,472.52 |
19,372.78 |
Total Currrent Liabilities |
452,234.33 |
768,670.12 |
Total Liabilities |
468,254.38 |
769,891.91 |
Total Equity Liabilities |
1,825,403.68 |
2,081,455.88 |
Particulars |
2022 |
2021 |
Revenue from operations |
1,417,716.14 |
1,018,104.35 |
Other Income |
22,262.81 |
18,117.40 |
Total Income |
1,439,978.95 |
1,036,221.75 |
Expenses |
Cost of materials consumed |
785,574.67 |
617,856.35 |
Changes in inventories of work-in-progress, stock-in-trade and finished goods |
134,218.37 |
(58,055.67) |
Employee benefit expense |
274,310.23 |
285,987.19 |
Depreciation and amortisation expenses |
10,902.68 |
13,587.38 |
Finance costs |
35,152.41 |
28,453.57 |
Other expenses |
143,042.62 |
152,395.71 |
Total expenses |
138,200.97 |
1,040,224.51 |
Profit before tax |
Income tax expenses |
Earlier Year |
0.22 |
5,836.63 |
Deferred tax |
14,798.26 |
2,604.94 |
Total tax expenses |
14,798.48 |
8,441.57 |
Profit & Loss after tax but before share of profit of Associate Companies |
41,979.51 |
(12,444.33) |
Share of Profit Associates |
316.59 |
539.54 |
Profit for the year attributable to share holders |
42,296.10 |
(11,904.79) |
Other Comprehensive income |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
Equity Instruments through Other Comprehensive Income |
3,289.23 |
11,477.75 |
Other Comprehensive income for the year |
3,289.93 |
11,477.75 |
Total Comprehensive income for the year |
45,585.33 |
(427.05) |
Total Profit/Loss for the year at attribute to: |
Owners of the Company |
42,255.82 |
(11,952.53) |
Non Controlling Interest |
40.28 |
47.47 |
Profit & Loss after tax but before share of profit of Associates |
45,585.33 |
(427.05) |
Earnings per equity share atttribute to owners of the company |
Basics |
5.32 |
(1.51) |
Particulars |
2022 |
2021 |
Cash flow from Operating Activities |
Profit before tax |
56,777.99 |
(4,002.77) |
Depreciation/ amortixation on continuing operation |
10,902.68 |
13,587.38 |
Profit on sale of Fixed Assets |
(3,680.00) |
(5,978.41) |
Debts Written Off |
91.83 |
51.54 |
Investment written off |
154.23 |
Liabillity Written Back |
(21.60) |
Dividend Income |
(52.65) |
(7.18) |
Advance/Loan Written off |
64.77 |
Share Written off |
2,678.53 |
Finance Costs |
35,152.41 |
28,453.57 |
Interest Income |
(6,960.93) |
(3,037.46) |
Operating profit before working capital changes |
94,974.63 |
29,199.30 |
Movement in working capital |
Increase/(Decrease) Financial Liabilities borrowings |
(251,822.42) |
145,493.19 |
Increase/(Decrease) in Financial Liabilities trade payables |
(41,717.90) |
(74,897.92) |
Increase/(Decrease) in other Financial Liabilities |
(20,995.21) |
10,694.27 |
Increase/(Decrease) in Financial other Current Liabilities |
(1,900.26) |
18,766.26 |
Decrease/(Increase) in trade receivables |
(9,226.99) |
28,491.42 |
Decrease/(Increase) in inventories |
269,496.03 |
(115,469.92) |
Decrease/(Increase) in other non-current financial assets |
(1,424.49) |
4,158.80 |
Decrease/(Increase) in other financial assets |
(877.05) |
(1,456.55) |
Decrease/(Increase) in other current assets |
1,371.19 |
(804.62) |
Cash generated from/ (used in) operations |
37,877.53 |
34,701.38 |
Direct Taxes paid (net of refunds) |
(7,034.96) |
(268.40) |
Net Cash flow from/ (used in ) operating activities (A) |
30,842.57 |
34,432.98 |
Cash flow from Investing Activities |
Purchase of fixed assets, CWIP and capital advances |
(4,559.47) |
(5,652.15) |
Proceeds from sales of fixed assets |
4,100.00 |
6,019.88 |
Dividend Received |
52.65 |
7.18 |
Interest Received |
6,960.93 |
3,037.46 |
Net cash flow from/(used in) investing activities (B) |
6,554.11 |
3,412.37 |
Cash flow from Financing Activities |
Finance Costs |
(35,152.41) |
(28,453.57) |
Net cash flow from/(used in) financing activities© |
(35,152.41) |
(28,453.57) |
Net Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) |
2,244.27 |
9,391.78 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
29,677.10 |
20,285.32 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
31,921.37 |
29,677.10 |
Components of Cash and Cash Equivalents |
Cash on Hand |
2,105.07 |
1,663.45 |
With Banks on Current Account |
28,914.25 |
27,225.47 |
With Banks on Depsoit Accounts |
902.05 |
788.18 |
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents |
31,921.37 |
29,677.10 |
Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
In 2022, the company reported a significant improvement in its operating activities compared to the previous year. The operating profit before working capital changes increased to ₹94,974.63 lakhs, a substantial rise from ₹29,199.30 lakhs in 2021. This improvement was primarily driven by an increase in profit before tax, a decrease in depreciation/amortization, and a lower profit on the sale of fixed assets.
However, the movement in working capital had mixed effects. While there was a substantial decrease in financial liabilities borrowings, trade payables, and other financial liabilities, there was a significant increase in inventories. The company managed to generate ₹37,877.53 lakhs from its operations in 2022, compared to ₹34,701.38 lakhs in the previous year.
After accounting for direct taxes, the net cash flow from operating activities in 2022 was ₹30,842.57 lakhs, slightly lower than the ₹34,432.98 lakhs reported in 2021.
Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
The company invested ₹4,559.47 lakhs in fixed assets, CWIP, and capital advances in 2022, slightly less than the ₹5,652.15 lakhs invested in the previous year. The proceeds from the sale of fixed assets increased to ₹4,100.00 lakhs, and the company received dividends and interest, resulting in a net cash inflow from investing activities of ₹6,554.11 lakhs, compared to ₹3,412.37 lakhs in 2021.
Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
In financing activities, the company incurred finance costs of ₹35,152.41 lakhs in 2022, higher than the ₹28,453.57 lakhs in 2021. The net cash flow from financing activities was an outflow of ₹35,152.41 lakhs in 2022, reflecting an increase from the ₹28,453.57 lakhs outflow in the previous year.
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents:
The overall cash position of the company witnessed a net increase of ₹2,244.27 lakhs in 2022, significantly lower than the ₹9,391.78 lakhs increase in 2021. The company ended the year with cash and cash equivalents of ₹31,921.37 lakhs, compared to ₹29,677.10 lakhs at the beginning of the year.
Components of Cash and Cash Equivalents:
- Cash on hand increased to ₹2,105.07 lakhs in 2022 from ₹1,663.45 lakhs in 2021.
- With banks on current accounts, the company held ₹28,914.25 lakhs in 2022, up from ₹27,225.47 lakhs in the previous year.
- Cash with banks on deposit accounts amounted to ₹902.05 lakhs in 2022, compared to ₹788.18 lakhs in 2021.
The total cash and cash equivalents, including all components, were ₹31,921.37 lakhs in 2022, reflecting an increase from ₹29,677.10 lakhs in 2021.