Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Particulars |
No. Of Shares |
% of Shares Held |
Promoter |
12,000 |
4.84% |
Public Shareholding |
2,36,000 |
95.16% |
Total |
2,48,000 |
100.00% |
Particulars |
2021 |
I) Non- Current Assets |
Financial Assets |
(i) Investments |
- |
(ii) Loans and Advances |
8,55,11,830 |
II) Current Assets |
Financial Assets |
(i) Trade Receivables |
36,77,81,837.36 |
(ii) Investment |
79750000 |
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents |
7516647.82 |
Inventories |
131346214.7 |
Other current assets |
26616658 |
Total Assets |
69,85,23,167.88 |
I) Equity |
Share Capital |
5,45,05,000 |
Other Equity |
5,84,85,305.74 |
Total Equity |
11,29,90,305.74 |
II) Liabilities |
(i) Non-current liabilities |
(ii) Current Liabilities |
Financial Liabilities |
(i) Trade payables |
56,82,93,109.64 |
(ii) Short term provisions |
24,11,776 |
Other current liabilities |
1,48,29,976.50 |
Total Liabilities |
69,85,23,167.88 |
Particulars |
2021 |
1. Income |
Revenue from Operations |
1,36,22,45,058.00 |
Other Income |
77,54,37,391.72 |
Total Revenue |
2,13,76,82,450 |
2. Expenses |
Purchase |
1429307865 |
Change in inventory |
-34815204.7 |
Employee benefit expense |
- |
Other expenses |
733913729.6 |
Total Expenses |
2,12,84,06,389.85 |
3. Profit/ Loss before tax |
9276059.87 |
4. Tax expense: |
Current tax expense for current year |
2411776 |
Short & Excess provision for Income tax of last year |
0 |
Profit/ Loss from operations |
6864283.87 |
Other Comprehensive Income |
- |
6. Earning per equity share: |
(a) Basic |
27.68 |
(b) Diluted |
27.68 |