Unlisted Deals:
Ador Powertron 500.00 (4,900.00%)AITMC formerly AVPL 59.00 (-1.67%)Amol Minechem 940.00 (3.30%)Anglo French Drugs 1,020.00 (2.00%)Anugraha Valve 640.00 (1.59%)APL Metals 39.00 (-2.50%)Apollo Fashion 90.00 (3.45%)Arohan 250.00 (-1.96%)Assam Carbon 360.00 (2.86%)AVALOKITESHVAR 242.00 (0.83%)Axles India 730.00 (0.69%)Balmer Lawrie 200.00 (-0.99%)Bharat Hotels 360.00 (-5.26%)Bima Mandi 235.00 (-2.08%)BIRA 425.00 (-3.41%)BLSX 32.00 (-3.03%)BluSmart Mobility 2,300.00 (-4.17%)BOAT 1,625.00 (-2.99%)Bootes Impex 3,000.00 (-3.23%)C & S Electric 1,070.00 (1.90%)Cable Corporation 11.10 (0.91%)Capgemini 12,500.00 (-3.85%)Care Health 175.00 (-2.78%)Carrier Aircon 500.00 (-3.85%)CIAL 440.00 (-1.12%)CSK 188.00 (-1.05%)Dalmia Refract 270.00 (-1.82%)DFM Foods 425.00 (-5.56%)DSP Merrill Lynch 1,000.00 (%)East India Pharma 39.00 (-2.50%)Eaton Fluid 445.00 (1.14%)ELGI Ultra 400.00 (%)Elofic Industries 2,850.00 (1.79%)ESL Steel 42.00 (-2.33%)Fincare Business 87.00 (1.16%)Fincare SFBL 205.00 (1.49%)FinoPaytech Limited 118.00 (-1.67%)Frick India 3,300.00 (3.13%)GKN Driveline 1,800.00 (-0.99%)Goodluck Defence 220.00 (-4.35%)Group Pharma 300.00 (%)Gynofem Healthcare 69.00 (-1.43%)Hazira Cargo Terminals Limited 205.00 (1.49%)HDB Financial 1,030.00 (-0.96%)HDFC Ergo 370.00 (1.70%)HDFC Securities 9,999.00 (-2.45%)Hella India 860.00 (-4.44%)Hero Fincorp 1,250.00 (-3.85%)HICKS 1,650.00 (3.13%)Hinduja leyland 225.00 (-4.26%)Hira Ferro 190.00 (-5.00%)Honeywell Electrical 7,500.00 (-1.32%)IKF Finance 270.00 (-3.57%)Incred Holdings 155.00 (1.31%)Incred Prime 10.00 (1.01%)India Carbon 950.00 (-4.04%)India Exposition 125.00 (3.31%)Indian Potash 3,150.00 (1.61%)Indian Seamless 202.00 (1.00%)Indo Alusys 25.75 (-0.96%)INDOFIL 1,200.00 (-1.64%)Infinite Computer 405.00 (1.25%)INKEL 21.00 (-4.55%)Jana Small Finance Bank 75.00 (%)KEL 465.00 (-2.11%)KIAL 135.00 (2.27%)KLM Axiva 16.00 (3.23%)Kurlon Limited 1,275.00 (1.59%)Lava 40.00 (-4.76%)Lords Mark 119.00 (-0.83%)Mahindra Rural MRHFL 100.00 (%)Manipal Housing 74.00 (2.07%)Manjushree Technopack 940.00 (1.62%)Martin & Harris 820.00 (-1.20%)Matrix Gas 395.00 (-3.66%)Merino 3,350.00 (3.08%)MINOSHA 282.00 (0.71%)Mitsubishi Heavy 207.00 (-0.48%)MKCL 425.00 (-2.30%)Mohan Meakin 2,250.00 (-1.10%)MOHFL 14.50 (-3.33%)MSEI 8.00 (3.23%)MSIL 31.00 (3.33%)Nayara Energy 1,500.00 (3.45%)Nayara Energy NCD 330.00 (3.13%)NCDEX 208.00 (1.46%)NCL Buildtek 277.00 (0.73%)NCL Holdings 106.00 (0.95%)NERL 58.00 (-1.69%)NSDL 1,250.00 (2.04%)NSE India 1,700.00 (-2.86%)Onix Renewable 16,500.00 (3.13%)Orbis Financial 420.00 (-0.24%)Oswal Minerals 60.10 (-1.48%)OTIS Elevator 4,000.00 (-2.44%)OYO Rooms 52.00 (-1.89%)Panasonic Appliances 270.00 (3.05%)Paymate India 500.00 (-1.96%)PharmEasy 7.50 (-3.23%)Pharmed Limited 675.00 (2.27%)Philips Domestic 580.00 (-0.85%)Philips India 925.00 (-0.54%)PNB Metlife 70.00 (%)PPFAS 8,000.00 (2.56%)Proyuga Adtech 25.00 (%)Purity Flexpack 20.00 (%)Ramaraju Surgical 260.00 (-1.89%)Rapido 16,650.00 (0.03%)RASOI 82,000.00 (2.50%)Reliance GIC 580.00 (0.52%)Ring Plus Aqua 600.00 (3.45%)RRP S4E Innovation 270.00 (-1.82%)SAB Miller 540.00 (0.93%)SBI AMC 2,625.00 (-1.87%)SBI General Insurance 621.00 (0.16%)Scottish Assam 505.00 (1.00%)Shriram Life 261.00 (0.38%)Sigachi Laboratories 36.00 (-2.70%)Signify 1,325.00 (1.92%)Smile Microfinance 51.00 (-1.92%)Sterlite Grid 5 315.00 (3.28%)Sterlite Power 550.00 (-4.35%)STUDDS 660.00 (-2.22%)SVSML 315.00 (2.94%)T Stanes 800.00 (1.27%)Tata Capital 930.00 (-1.06%)TRL Krosaki 1,725.00 (-1.99%)Urban Tots 79.00 (-4.82%)Utkarsh Coreinvest 230.00 (-2.13%)Vikram Solar 410.00 (-1.20%)Vivriti Capital 990.00 (-1.98%)Zapp Fresh 113.00 (0.89%)

Girdharilal Sugar and Allied Industries Limited Annual Report and Financials

Last Traded Price 0.10 -0.99 %

Girdharilal Sugar and Allied Industries Limited (Girdharilal Sugar) Return Comparision with Primex 40 Index

Periods 1 Week 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 3 Years All Time
Primex-40 -15.70 (-0.43%) -58.84 (-1.59%) 200.37 (5.83%) 590.52 (19.40%) 1204.06 (49.53%) 1425.26 (18.05%)
Girdharilal Sugar and Allied Industries Limited


Girdharilal Sugar And Allied Industries Limited Balance Sheet (Amt In Rs.)




PARTICULARS  31 March 2019  31 March 2018
NON CURRENT ASSETS 41,05,56,681 42,60,27,877
(a)   Property Plant and Equipment 7,82,457 7,82,457
(b)   Capital Work in Progress    
(c)   Financial Assets    
(i)    Investments 1,200 1,200
(ii)   Loans 94,09,182 36,13,771
(iii)  Other Financial Assets    
(d)   Deferred Tax Assets 1,14,86,042 1,59,52,353
(e)   Other non current assets 53,67,936 33,86,024
  43,76,03,498 44,97,63,682
(a)   Inventories 16,17,83,436 16,91,03,474
(b)   Financial Assets    
(i)    Trade Receivables 10,27,56,606 11,27,71,587
(ii)   Cash and Cash Equivalents 11,63,609 29,29,563
(iii)  Other Bank balances other than (ii) above 19,55,803 14,46,840
(iv)  Loans 15,17,18,824 16,93,24,246
(v)   Other Financial Assets 3,16,30,421 2,43,25,373
(c)   Current Tax Assets (Net) 5,11,571 14,73,605
(d)   Other Current Assets 1,65,94,498 1,66,60,490
  46,81,14,768 49,80,35,179
TOTAL ASSETS 90,57,18,266 94,77,98,860
(a) Equity Share Capital 19,16,53,870 19,16,53,870
(b) Other Equity -2,73,48,247 -1,61,49,495
  16,43,05,623 17,55,04,375
(a) Financial Liabilities:    
(i) Borrowings 7,44,253 3,16,49,608
(b) Provisions 61,84,755 61,68,737
  69,29,008 3,78,18,345
(a) Financial Liabilities:    
(I) Borrowings 15,31,41,288 12,26,11,023
(II) Trade Payable:    
( i) Total outstanding due to micro & small enterprises 4,07,736 43,94,461
(ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro & small enterprises. 21,90,30,790 25,85,67,794
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 23,19,69,732 22,74,06,297
(b) Other Current Liabilities 12,86,11,034 11,95,59,793
(c) Provisions 13,23,055 19,36,772
  73,44,83,635 73,44,76,140
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 90,57,18,266 94,77,98,860

Girdharilal Sugar And Allied Industries Limited Profit & Loss Statement (Amt In Rs.)




PARTICULARS  31 March 2019  31 March 2018
Revenue From Operations  37,14,59,086 45,52,80,594
Other income 44,13,409 1,08,41,878
Total income (A) 37,58,72,495 46,61,22,472
Cost of materials consumed  25,96,60,824 32,68,49,497
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade 77,56,206 52,15,000
Changes in inventories of finished goods, Stock-in-Trade and work-in-progress 78,35,622 -20,21,616
Employee benefit expense  1,84,88,611 2,20,04,302
Finance Costs 2,80,80,460 3,04,86,820
Depreciation and amortization expense  1,83,88,632 2,05,51,211
Other Expenses 4,31,19,037 6,30,43,679
Total expenses (B) 38,33,29,392 46,61,28,893
Profit/(loss) before exceptional items and tax (C) -74,56,897 -6,421
Exceptional Items (D) - 47,86,885
Profit/(loss) before tax (E=C-D) -74,56,897 47,80,464
Tax expense    
(1)    Current tax - -
(2)    Deferred tax ( credit)/ charge 44,66,311 7,78,743
Total Tax (F) 44,66,311 7,78,743
Profit/(Loss) for the year from continuing operations(E-F) -1,19,23,208 40,01,721
Profit/(Loss) from discontinued operations - -
Tax expense of discontinued operations    
(1)   Current tax - -
(2)    Deferred tax - -
Profit/(Loss) from discontinued operations(after tax) - -
Profit/(loss) for the period -1,19,23,208 40,01,721
Other comprehensive income    
"A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss" 7,24,456 27,34,338
"(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss " - -
"B (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss" - -
"(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss " - -
Total Other Comprehensive Income 7,24,456 27,34,338
Total Comprehensive Income for the period (Comprising Profit (Loss) and Other Comprehensive Income for the period) -1,11,98,752 67,36,059
Earnings per equity share of Rs. 10/- Each (for continuing operation):    
Basic 0.62 0.21
Diluted 0.62 0.21
Earnings per equity share of Rs. 10/- Each (for discontinued operation):    
Basic - -
Diluted - -
Earnings per equity share of Rs. 10/- Each (for discontinued & continuing operations)    
Basic  0.62 0.21
Diluted 0.62 0.21

Girdharilal Sugar And Allied Industries Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Amt In Rs.)




Particulars  31 March 2019  31 March 2018
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    
Profit / (Loss) before tax -74,56,897 47,80,464
Adjustments for:    
Remeasurement of Defined Benefit Plans  7,24,456 2734338
Depreciation & Amortisation 1,83,88,632 2,05,50,834
Provision for Gratuity 8,74,049 11,69,120
Provision for Leave Encashment  3,45,837 4,63,390
Unwinding Finance Cost  43,01,402 37,68,201
Miscelleneous Balances Written off  -4,50,197 -10,95,812
Interest Expense 2,79,20,346 2,98,73,613
Profit 0n Sale of Assets  -29,69,250 -16,65,834
Interest Income -2,95,539 -4,06,539
  4,88,39,736 5,53,91,311
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes    
Adjustments for:    
Trade Receivables  1,00,14,981 1,11,69,880
Other financial assets  -72,50,394 20,96,791
Other Bank Balances  -5,08,963 2,17,033
Inventories 73,20,038 -37,20,717
Other Current Assets  65,992 -10,71,197
Trade Payables -4,35,23,729 -96,07,689
Other Current Liabilities  95,01,438 -1,54,20,337
Short Term Provisions  - 16,28,886
Movement in deposits -57,95,411 (2,36,642
  -3,01,76,048 -1,49,43,992
Net Cash generated from / (used) in Operating Activities (before tax)  1,12,06,791 4,52,27,783
Taxes (Paid) / Refund (net) -10,19,878 -9,91,651
Net Cash generated from / (used) in Operating Activities 1,01,86,913 4,42,36,132
Cash Flow from Investing Activities    
Interest Received -70,31,043 -70,31,043
(Purchase)/ Sale of Tangible Assets (Net)  1,22,66,777 -1,39,32,611
Movement in Loans and Advances -98,90,053 -1,36,58,254
Net Cash generated from / (used in) Investing Activities 1,35,96,719 -67,56,686
Cash Flow from Financing Activities    
Interest Paid -2,79,20,346 -2,98,73,613
Repayment/Proceeds of Long Term/Short Term Loans  44,35,010 -7,16,570
Repayment of Unpaid Matured Debentures  -2,46,665 -7,12,175
Movement in Long Term Provisions -18,17,585 -47,41,374
Net Cash generated from / (used in) Financing Activities -2,55,49,586 -3,60,43,732
Net increase / (decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) -17,65,954 14,35,714
Opening Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents  29,29,563 14,93,849
Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents  11,63,609 29,29,563
Net increase / (decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents -17,65,954 14,35,714

Let 's break down the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2019 and 2018, activity-wise:


1. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:

   - Net profit/(loss) before tax for 2019 is Rs. -7,456,897 compared to Rs. 4,780,464 for 2018.

   - Adjustments for various items such as remeasurement of defined benefit plans, depreciation & amortization, provisions for gratuity, leave encashment, unwinding finance costs, miscellaneous balances written off, interest expense, and profit on sale of assets, and interest income result in a total adjustment of Rs. 488,397,736 for 2019 and Rs. 553,913,311 for 2018.

   - Operating profit before working capital changes is adjusted for changes in trade receivables, other financial assets, other bank balances, inventories, other current assets, trade payables, other current liabilities, short-term provisions, and movement in deposits, resulting in a total adjustment of Rs. -301,760,048 for 2019 and Rs. -149,439,992 for 2018.

   - Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities before tax amounts to Rs. 112,067,791 for 2019 and Rs. 452,277,783 for 2018.

   - Taxes paid (net) amount to Rs. -10,198,878 for 2019 and Rs. -9,916,651 for 2018.

   - Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities is Rs. 101,868,913 for 2019 and Rs. 442,361,132 for 2018.


2. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:

   - Interest received amounts to Rs. -7,031,043 for both 2019 and 2018.

   - Net purchases/sales of tangible assets, movement in loans and advances result in a total adjustment of Rs. 135,967,719 for 2019 and Rs. -67,566,686 for 2018.


3. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:

   - Interest paid amounts to Rs. -279,203,46 for both 2019 and 2018.

   - Repayment/proceeds of long-term/short-term loans, repayment of unpaid matured debentures, and movement in long-term provisions result in a total adjustment of Rs. -255,495,86 for 2019 and Rs. -360,437,732 for 2018.


4. Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents:

   - The net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) is Rs. -17,659,54 for 2019 and Rs. 14,357,14 for 2018.

   - The opening balance of cash and cash equivalents is Rs. 29,29,563 for 2019 and Rs. 14,93,849 for 2018.

   - The closing balance of cash and cash equivalents is Rs. 11,63,609 for 2019 and Rs. 29,29,563 for 2018.

Financial Ratios of Girdharilal Sugar And Allied Industries Limited: N/A

Dividend History of Girdharilal Sugar And Allied Industries Limited:



Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.)


Girdharilal Sugar Annual Report

Girdharilal Sugar and Allied Annual Report 2018-19

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