Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Camac Commercial Company Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 14000.00 (43.75%) | 14040.00 (43.93%) | 9000.00 (24.32%) |
Particulars | 31-03-2024 | 31-03-2023 |
Assets |
Cash and cash equivalents | 4.74 | 628.27 |
Bank balances other than above | 310.25 | 82.04 |
Investments | 374624.08 | 380767.45 |
Other financials assets | 37.44 | 54.91 |
Non-financial assets |
Current tax assets (net) | 25.09 | 10.78 |
Deferred tax assets (net) | 3.06 | 1.96 |
Property, plant and equipment’s | 0.12 | 0.35 |
Other non-financial assets | 314.93 | 2.54 |
Total assets | 375319.71 | 381548.3 |
Liabilities and equity |
Liabilities |
Total outstanding dues of creditor other than micro and small enterprises | 1.45 | 4.9 |
Non-financial liabilities |
Provisions | 11.97 | 7.39 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 47657.16 | 43631.59 |
Other non-financial liabilites | 3.39 | 3 |
Equity |
Equity share capital | 88.28 | 88.28 |
Other equity | 327557.46 | 337813.14 |
Total equity and liabilities | 375319.71 | 381548.3 |
Particulars | 31-03-2024 | 31-03-2023 |
Income |
Interest income | 142.13 | 143.06 |
Net gain on fair value change | 153.98 | 200.35 |
Others | 0.21 | - |
Total income | 296.32 | 343.41 |
Expenses |
Employee benefits expenses | 43.22 | 29.42 |
Finance cost | 1.66 |
Depreciation and amortization expense | 0.23 | 0.42 |
Other expenses | 158.32 | 172.92 |
Total expenses | 203.43 | 202.76 |
Profit/ loss before exceptional items and tax | 92.89 | 140.65 |
Exceptional items (expense) |
| 470.10 |
Profit/ loss before share of profit/ loss of the associates | 92.89 | -329.45 |
Share in profit / loss of associates(net) | -1020.51 | -140.43 |
Profit/ loss before tax | -927.62 | -469.88 |
Tax expense: |
Deferred tax charge/ (-)credit | -0.59 | -0.20 |
Total tax expenses | -0.59 | -0.20 |
Profit/ loss after tax for the year | -927.03 | -469.68 |
Profit for the year attributable to : |
Owners of the company | -927.03 | -469.68 |
Non-controlling interest |
Other comprehensive income | -889.85 | 15830.98 |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss | -4032.58 | -460.62 |
fair value changes in equity instruments through OCI | 28.80 |
Less: income tax (deferred tax) effect on above |
Profit on sale of equity instruments through OCI | -1.99 | -0.45 |
Less: income tax (deferred tax) effect on above | 0.50 | 0.12 |
Remeasurement of the defined benefit plans | -4415.78 | 13765.70 |
Less: income tax (deferred tax) effect on above | -9310.90 | 29135.73 |
Share in OCI of associates that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss | 105.80 | 114.44 |
Fair value changes in debt instruments through OCI | -153.98 | -200.35 |
Less: Reclassified to profit or loss from OCI on sale | 7.01 | 21.93 |
Less: income tax (deferred tax) effect on above | 19.81 | -83.37 |
Share in OCI of associates that will not be reclassified to profit or loss | -21.36 | -147.35 |
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax | -9332.26 | 28988.38 |
Other comprehensive income for the year attributable to: |
Owner of the company | -9332.26 | 28988.38 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | -10259.29 | 28518.70 |
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to: |
Owners of the company | -10259.29 | 28518.70 |
Non-controlling interest | - |
Earnings per equity share (EPS) |
(Face value of Rs.10/- each) |
Basic EPS (in Rs.) | -105.01 | -53.20 |
Diluted EPS (in Rs.) | -105.01 | -53.20 |
Particulars | 31-03-2024 | 31-03-2023 |
Cash flow from operating activities |
Profit/ loss before share of profit / loss of the associates | 92.89 | -329.45 |
Adjustment for: |
Gain/ loss on sale of investment in debt mutual funds | -153.98 | -200.35 |
Interest on investments in bonds, debentures & deposit | -115.95 | -139 |
Premium (net of discount) on bonds amortised | -0.34 | 0.34 |
interest on fixed deposits with bank | -25.84 | -4.4 |
Interest expenses on loan (short term) | 1.66 |
Non cash item: |
Provision for leave encashment and gratuity | 2.59 | 1.13 |
Depreciation | 0.23 | 0.42 |
Operating profit before working capital changes | -198.74 | -671.31 |
Adjustments for changes in working capital: |
Increase / decrease in other non-financial assets | -312.39 | -2.05 |
Increase/ decrease in other payables | 3.45 | 3.77 |
Increase/ decrease in other non-financial liabilities | 0.39 | -3.02 |
Cash generated from / used in operations | -514.19 | -672.61 |
Less: income tax paid (net of refund) | -14.32 | -5.13 |
Net cash from/ used in operating activities | -528.51 | -677.74 |
Cash flow from investing activities |
Purchase (net of sale) of property, plant and equipment | - | -0.71 |
Interest received (with TDS) on deposits and bonds | 159.26 | 265.77 |
Investments in bonds and deposits (includes accrued intt.) | - | -298.98 |
Proceeds from maturity of investments in bonds & deposits | 1000 | 660 |
Proceeds on maturity of fixed deposits from bank | 82.04 | 78.49 |
Fixed deposits made with bank | -310.25 | -82.04 |
Investments in equity and debt mutual funds | -1283 | -2073 |
Investments in equity shares | 920.03 | - |
Proceeds from sale of equity shares (net of expenses) | 66.16 | - |
Proceeds from sale/ redemption of debt mutual funds | 1112.46 | 2752.78 |
Net cash from/ used in investing activities | -93.36 | 1302.31 |
Cash flow from Financing activities |
Receipt of short-term loan | 319 | - |
Repayment of short-term loan | -319 | - |
Interest (with TDS) paid on short term loan | -1.66 | - |
Net cash from/ used in financing activities | -1.66 | - |
Net increase/ decrease in cash and cash equivalents | -623.53 | 624.57 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year | 628.27 | 3.7 |
Total cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year | 4.74 | 628.27 |
Here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2024 and 2023:
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Profit/Loss Before Share of Profit/Loss of Associates
31-03-2024: 92.89 / 31-03-2023: -329.45 A profit before associates ' share in 2024 compared to a loss in 2023.
Adjustments for Non-Cash and Other Items
These adjustments reconcile net income to the cash generated or used in operations, accounting for items that affect reported profits but not cash.
Gain/Loss on Sale of Investment in Debt Mutual Funds
31-03-2024: -153.98 / 31-03-2023: -200.35 Gain subtracted from net income.
Interest on Investments in Bonds, Debentures & Deposit
31-03-2024: -115.95 / 31-03-2023: -139 Interest income subtracted.
Premium (Net of Discount) on Bonds Amortised
31-03-2024: -0.34 / 31-03-2023: 0.34 Premium amortisation adjusted.
Interest on Fixed Deposits with Bank
31-03-2024: -25.84 / 31-03-2023: -4.4 Interest income subtracted.
Interest Expenses on Loan (Short Term)
31-03-2024: 1.66 / 31-03-2023: - Interest expense added back.
Non-Cash Items
Non-cash expenses added back to net income.
Provision for Leave Encashment and Gratuity
31-03-2024: 2.59 / 31-03-2023: 1.13 Non-cash provision added back.
31-03-2024: 0.23 / 31-03-2023: 0.42 Non-cash depreciation added back.
Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes
31-03-2024: -198.74 / 31-03-2023: -671.31 Adjusted operating profit before changes in working capital.
Changes in Working Capital
Changes in working capital reflect the movement in current assets and liabilities affecting cash flow.
Increase/Decrease in Other Non-Financial Assets
31-03-2024: -312.39 / 31-03-2023: -2.05 Increase in non-financial assets reduces cash flow.
Increase/Decrease in Other Payables
31-03-2024: 3.45 / 31-03-2023: 3.77 Increase in payables improves cash flow.
Increase/Decrease in Other Non-Financial Liabilities
31-03-2024: 0.39 / 31-03-2023: -3.02 Increase in non-financial liabilities improves cash flow.
Cash Generated from/Used in Operations
31-03-2024: -514.19 / 31-03-2023: -672.61 Net cash used in operations in both years, slightly less in 2024.
Income Tax Paid (Net of Refund)
31-03-2024: -14.32 / 31-03-2023: -5.13 Tax paid reduces cash flow.
Net Cash from/Used in Operating Activities
31-03-2024: -528.51 / 31-03-2023: -677.74 Net cash outflow from operating activities in both years, slightly lower in 2024.
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchase (Net of Sale) of Property, Plant and Equipment
31-03-2024: - / 31-03-2023: -0.71 Small cash outflow for property, plant, and equipment in 2023.
Interest Received (with TDS) on Deposits and Bonds
31-03-2024: 159.26 / 31-03-2023: 265.77 Interest income received, higher in 2023.
Investments in Bonds and Deposits (Includes Accrued Interest)
31-03-2024: - / 31-03-2023: -298.98 Cash outflow for investments in bonds and deposits in 2023.
Proceeds from Maturity of Investments in Bonds & Deposits
31-03-2024: 1000 / 31-03-2023: 660 Cash inflow from maturity of investments, higher in 2024.
Proceeds from Maturity of Fixed Deposits from Bank
31-03-2024: 82.04 / 31-03-2023: 78.49 Cash inflow from matured fixed deposits.
Fixed Deposits Made with Bank
31-03-2024: -310.25 / 31-03-2023: -82.04 Cash outflow for new fixed deposits, higher in 2024.
Investments in Equity and Debt Mutual Funds
31-03-2024: -1283 / 31-03-2023: -2073 Cash outflow for investments, higher in 2023.
Investments in Equity Shares
31-03-2024: 920.03 / 31-03-2023: - Cash inflow from investments in equity shares in 2024.
Proceeds from Sale of Equity Shares (Net of Expenses)
31-03-2024: 66.16 / 31-03-2023: - Cash inflow from the sale of equity shares in 2024.
Proceeds from Sale/Redemption of Debt Mutual Funds
31-03-2024: 1112.46 / 31-03-2023: 2752.78 Cash inflow from redemption of mutual funds, higher in 2023.
Net Cash from/Used in Investing Activities
31-03-2024: -93.36 / 31-03-2023: 1302.31 Net cash outflow in 2024 compared to a significant inflow in 2023.
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Receipt of Short-Term Loan
31-03-2024: 319 / 31-03-2023: - Cash inflow from short-term loan in 2024.
Repayment of Short-Term Loan
31-03-2024: -319 / 31-03-2023: - Cash outflow for repayment of short-term loan in 2024.
Interest (with TDS) Paid on Short-Term Loan
31-03-2024: -1.66 / 31-03-2023: - Interest paid on short-term loan.
Net Cash from/Used in Financing Activities
31-03-2024: -1.66 / 31-03-2023: - Net cash outflow from financing activities in 2024.
Net Increase/Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents
31-03-2024: -623.53 / 31-03-2023: 624.57 Overall decrease in cash and cash equivalents in 2024 compared to an increase in 2023.
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning and End of the Year
Beginning of the Year
31-03-2024: 628.27 / 31-03-2023: 3.7
End of the Year
31-03-2024: 4.74 / 31-03-2023: 628.27
Particulars | 2024 | 2023 |
Current Ratio (in times) | 127.2 | 221.86 |
Return on net worth (%) | 1.31% | -4.70% |
Here is a summary of the financial and operational metrics for Camac Commercial Company Limited for the year 2024 & 2023:
Current Ratio (in times)
2024: 127.2
2023: 221.86
Insight: The current ratio has significantly decreased from 221.86 in 2023 to 127.2 in 2024. Despite this decline, a current ratio over 100 indicates an exceptionally high level of liquidity, meaning the company has substantial current assets relative to its current liabilities. This could suggest an overly conservative approach to liquidity management, which might imply that the company is not effectively utilizing its assets to generate revenue.
Return on Net Worth (RONW)
2024: 1.31%
2023: -4.70%
Insight: The Return on Net Worth has improved from -4.70% in 2023 to 1.31% in 2024. This positive shift indicates that the company has moved from a state of negative returns (where it was destroying shareholder value) to generating a modest positive return on shareholders ' equity. While the return is still relatively low, the improvement suggests better financial performance and potentially effective strategic changes or operational improvements.
Particulars | 2024 | 2023 |
Dividend Per Share (Rs) | - | - |
Retained Earnings (In lakhs) | 10,226.13 | 11,146.69 |