Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Alirox Abrasives Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | -9.90 (-99.00%) |
Particulars |
31-03-2024 |
31-03-2023 |
Non - current assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
41.16 |
42.33 |
Investment |
8,324.00 |
8,085.10 |
Deferred tax assets (net) |
0.53 |
- |
Non current tax assets (net) |
0.44 |
- |
Other Non Current Asset |
0.26 |
0.69 |
Current assets |
Investments |
38.79 |
35.92 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
47.74 |
42.69 |
Other Financial Assets |
2.22 |
2.22 |
Current Tax Asset |
10.15 |
9.16 |
Other current assets |
1,885.86 |
1,899.19 |
Total assets |
10,351.15 |
10,117.29 |
Equity |
Equity share capital |
24.00 |
24 |
Other equity |
10,306.53 |
10,068.02 |
Minority Interest |
- |
0.18 |
Non - current liabilities |
Deferred tax liabilities (net) |
8.70 |
10.38 |
Current liabilities |
Trade Payables |
Total Outstanding dues of other than MSME |
- |
0.3 |
Other current liabilities |
3.36 |
8.25 |
Provisions |
8.56 |
6.16 |
Total Equity & Liabilities |
10,351.15 |
10,117.29 |
Particulars |
31-03-2024 |
31-03-2023 |
Income |
Income from Operations |
45.60 |
45.60 |
Other income |
64.73 |
41.74 |
Total income |
110.33 |
87.34 |
Expenses |
Employee benefits expense |
58.64 |
45.20 |
Depreciation and amortization expense |
9.11 |
11.15 |
Electricity charges |
4.42 |
4.76 |
Other expenditure |
31.76 |
24.36 |
Total expenses |
103.93 |
85.47 |
Profit / (loss)for the year before tax |
6.41 |
1.88 |
Tax expense |
Current tax |
8.56 |
6.16 |
Deferred tax |
-2.20 |
-2.85 |
Income tax for earlier years |
0.07 |
0.03 |
Net Profit/(Loss) for the year after tax |
-0.02 |
-1.46 |
Other comprehensive income |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: |
Re-measurement gains/(losses) on Investment |
238.97 |
2,144.06 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
238.97 |
2,142.60 |
Net Profit attribute to: |
Owners of the parent |
-0.02 |
-1.46 |
Other comprehensive income attribute to: |
Owners of the parent |
238.97 |
2,144.06 |
Total Comprehensive income attribute to: |
Owners of the parent |
238.96 |
2,142.60 |
Paid up equty share capital (face value per share Rs. 10/-) |
24.00 |
24.00 |
Earnings per equity share |
Basic |
-0.01 |
-0.06 |
Diluted |
-0.01 |
-0.06 |
Particulars |
31-03-2024 |
31-03-2023 |
Cash Flow from Operating Activities: |
Net Profit before tax |
6.41 |
1.86 |
Adjustments |
Depreciation / Amortization |
9.11 |
11.15 |
Net Gain on Value of Mutual Fund |
-2.88 |
-1.76 |
Amount Written Back |
-0.34 |
- |
Amount Written Off |
- |
-0.44 |
Dividend Income |
-56.01 |
-36.12 |
Interest Income |
-4.61 |
-3.85 |
(Profit)/Loss on sale of Investments |
-0.90 |
- |
Operating Profit before working Capital Changes |
-49.22 |
-28.29 |
Adjustments for working Capital changes : |
Trade and Other Payables |
-3.19 |
3.19 |
Trade and Other Receivables |
3.66 |
-3.55 |
Cash Generated from Operations |
-48.75 |
-28.67 |
Net Direct Taxes Paid/Refund |
0.15 |
-5.62 |
Net Cash from Operating activities |
-48.60 |
-34.27 |
Cash Flow from Investing Activities |
Purchase of fixed assets |
-7.95 |
- |
BuyBack of Equity Shares |
- |
-230.17 |
Purchase of Investments |
-0.02 |
-39.34 |
Sale of Investments |
1.00 |
- |
Interest Received |
4.61 |
-3.85 |
Dividend Received |
56.01 |
36.12 |
Net Cash used in Investing Activities |
53.65 |
-229.54 |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |
5.05 |
-263.81 |
Cash and cash equivalents ( Opening Balance) |
42.69 |
306.50 |
Cash and cash equivalents ( Closing Balance)* |
47.74 |
42.69 |
Change in Cash & Cash Equivalents |
5.05 |
-263.81 |
Here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2024 and 2023:
Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
In 2023-24, the company reported a net cash outflow of ₹48.60 lakhs from operating activities, compared to an outflow of ₹34.27 lakhs in 2022-23. The net profit before tax was modest, at ₹6.41 lakhs in 2024, slightly higher than ₹1.86 lakhs in the prior year.
However, significant adjustments reduced the operating cash flow, including:
Depreciation and amortization of ₹9.11 lakhs in 2024, down from ₹11.15 lakhs in 2023.
Large non-operating income items, such as a dividend income of ₹56.01 lakhs (₹36.12 lakhs in 2023), which reduced operating cash flow, and interest income of ₹4.61 lakhs.
A net gain on the value of mutual funds of ₹2.88 lakhs in 2024 further reduced cash flow, along with other small adjustments such as the amount written back and profit on the sale of investments.
After working capital adjustments, which included a slight increase in trade and other receivables (₹3.66 lakhs) and a decrease in trade payables (₹3.19 lakhs), the company generated negative cash flow from operations.
Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
Investing activities showed a net inflow of ₹53.65 lakhs in 2023-24, a stark contrast to the net outflow of ₹229.54 lakhs in 2022-23. The main inflows came from dividend income of ₹56.01 lakhs and interest received of ₹4.61 lakhs. The company also realized ₹1 lakh from the sale of investments, though the purchase of investments was minimal at ₹0.02 lakhs.
In contrast, in 2022-23, there were significant outflows due to the buyback of equity shares amounting to ₹230.17 lakhs and the purchase of investments for ₹39.34 lakhs. This major reduction in outflows helped improve cash flow from investing activities in 2023-24.
Net Increase/Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents:
The company saw a net increase of ₹5.05 lakhs in cash and cash equivalents during 2023-24, compared to a decrease of ₹263.81 lakhs in the previous year. This was driven primarily by the positive cash flow from investing activities, despite continued negative cash flow from operations.
As a result, the company 's cash and cash equivalents at the end of 2023-24 stood at ₹47.74 lakhs, up from ₹42.69 lakhs at the beginning of the year. In contrast, in 2022-23, the company had started with a higher opening balance of ₹306.50 lakhs but ended with only ₹42.69 lakhs, due to significant outflows in that year.