Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Vimal Oil And Foods Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) |
Particulars |
2019 |
2018 |
(1) Non-Current Assets |
(a) Property, Plant & Equipment |
1036.97 |
1483.69 |
(b) Financial Assets : |
(i) Investments |
0.6 |
0.6 |
(ii) Loans |
550.15 |
550.9 |
Sub-Total Non-Current Assets |
1587.72 |
2035.19 |
(2) Current Assets |
(a) Inventories |
18.7 |
19.81 |
(b) Financial Assets : |
(i) Trade receivables |
1132.52 |
918.52 |
(ii) Cash and cash equivalents |
30.93 |
56.44 |
(iii) Bank Balances other than (ii) above |
407.24 |
230.85 |
(iv) Loans |
439.64 |
560.58 |
Sub-Total Current Assets |
2029.03 |
1786.2 |
Total Assets |
3616.75 |
3821.39 |
(1) Equity |
(a) Equity Share capital |
1502 |
1502 |
(b) Other Equity |
-70,857.20 |
-69,637.86 |
Sub-Total Equity |
-69,355.20 |
-68,135.86 |
(a) Financial Liabilities : |
Borrowings |
969.88 |
829.03 |
(b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) |
-22.1 |
76.81 |
Sub-Total Non- Current Liabilities |
947.78 |
905.84 |
(4) Current Liabilities |
(a) Financial Liabilities |
(i) Borrowings |
70100.11 |
69028.8 |
(ii) Trade Payables |
1845.59 |
1844.92 |
(b) Other current liabilities |
22.48 |
98.53 |
(c) Provisions |
55.98 |
79.15 |
Sub-Total Current Liabilities |
72024.16 |
71051.4 |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
3616.75 |
3821.39 |
Particulars |
2019 |
2018 |
Revenue from operations Less: Excise Duty |
2,072.13 |
47,158.36 |
Less: Excise Duty |
0 |
-19.47 |
Net Revenue from operations |
2,072.13 |
47,138.89 |
Other Income |
41.93 |
19.22 |
Total Revenue |
2,114.06 |
47,158.11 |
Cost of Materials Consumed |
33,180.61 |
Purchase of Stock -in-Trade |
4733.85 |
Changes in Inventories of Finished goods, Work-in-Progress and by products |
6,002.65 |
Employee Benefits Expense |
-396.86 |
466.78 |
Finance Costs |
122.85 |
768.21 |
Depreciation and Amortization Expense Other Expenses |
456.93 |
653.39 |
Other Expenses |
1,382.31 |
16,507.62 |
Total Expenses |
2,358.95 |
62,313.10 |
III. Profit Before Exceptional Items & Tax |
-244.89 |
-15,155.00 |
Exceptional Items |
-1,069.80 |
-4,328.03 |
IV. Profit Before Tax |
-1,314.69 |
-19,483.03 |
V. Tax Expenses |
Current tax |
0.36 |
1.08 |
Deferred tax |
-98.91 |
-150.84 |
Income tax for earlier years |
0.15 |
0 |
VI. Profit for the year (before adjustment for Minority Interest) |
-1,216.29 |
-19,333.27 |
Profit for the Year (after adjustment for Minority Interest) |
-1,216.29 |
-19,333.27 |
Earning Per Equity Share of face value of Rs. 10 each |
Basic & Diluted (in Rs.) |
-8.1 |
-128.72 |
Particulars |
2019 |
2018 |
Net Profit before Taxes & Extra-Ordinary Items |
-244.89 |
-15,155.00 |
Adjustments for : |
Depreciation |
456.93 |
653.39 |
Interest & Other Financial Charges |
122.85 |
768.21 |
Dividend Income |
-0.1 |
Profit on Sale of Assets Loss on Sale of Assets |
9.31 |
Short/ Excess Provision of Income Tax & Other adjustments |
-3.11 |
0.21 |
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes |
331.78 |
-13723.98 |
(Increase) / Decrease in Inventory |
1.11 |
8350.35 |
(Increase) / Decrease in Trade Receivables |
-214 |
7177.2 |
(Increase) / Decrease in Short term loans & advances |
120.94 |
3710.55 |
(Increase) / Decrease in Long term loans & advances |
1071.31 |
16.64 |
Increase / (Decrease) in Trade Payables |
0.67 |
-10063.35 |
Increase / (Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities |
-76.05 |
-88.63 |
Increase / (Decrease) in Short Term Provisions |
-22.45 |
-21.87 |
Cash Generated from Operation |
1,213.31 |
-4643.09 |
Direct Taxes Paid |
1.08 |
1.08 |
Net Cash from Operating Activities |
-22.45 |
-21.87 |
1,212.23 |
-4644.17 |
Purchase of Fixed Assets & Capital WIP |
-10.17 |
-18.11 |
Sale of Fixed Assets |
0 |
44 |
Decrease / (Increase) in Bank FDR |
-176.39 |
794.56 |
Dividend Income |
0 |
0.1 |
Net Cash (used in) / from Investing Activities |
-186.56 |
820.55 |
Proceeds from/ (Repayment of) Borrowings |
141.6 |
8035.37 |
Liability on A/c of Preference Shares |
0 |
89.13 |
Interest Paid (Net) |
-1,192.65 |
-5,096.24 |
Net Cash (used in) / from Financing Activities |
-1,051.05 |
3028.26 |
Net Increase /(decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents |
-25.38 |
-795.37 |
Opening Balance of Cash & Cash Equivalents |
56.44 |
851.8 |
Closing Balance of Cash & Cash Equivalents |
30.93 |
56.44 |
Cash & Cash Equivalents comprises of: (Referring note 14) |
Cash on hand |
8.68 |
8.64 |
Balance in Current account |
16.3 |
40.21 |
Balance in Unpaid Dividend account |
5.95 |
7.59 |
Total |
30.93 |
56.44 |
Certainly, here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2019 and 2018:
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
1. Net Profit before Taxes & Extra-Ordinary Items:
Represents the company 's profit or loss before considering taxes and extraordinary items.
2019: -244.89 Rs
2018: -15,155.00 Rs
2. Adjustments for:
Represents the allocation of the cost of assets over time.
2019: 456.93 Rs
2018: 653.39 Rs
Interest & Other Financial Charges:
Represents the interest expenses and other financial charges incurred by the company.
2019: 122.85 Rs
2018: 768.21 Rs
Dividend Income:
Represents income earned from dividends on investments.
2019: Not provided
2018: -0.1 Rs (indicates receipt of dividend income)
Profit on Sale of Assets / Loss on Sale of Assets:
Represents the profit or loss from selling assets.
2019: 9.31 Rs (Profit)
2018: Not provided
Short/Excess Provision of Income Tax & Other Adjustments:
Represents adjustments related to income tax provisions.
2019: -3.11 Rs
2018: 0.21 Rs
3. Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes:
Represents the profit generated from core operations before considering changes in working capital.
2019: 331.78 Rs
2018: -13,723.98 Rs
4. Adjustments for Working Capital Changes:
(Increase) / Decrease in Inventory:
Represents the change in the value of inventory.
2019: 1.11 Rs (increase)
2018: 8350.35 Rs (significant increase)
(Increase) / Decrease in Trade Receivables:
Represents the change in amounts owed to the company by customers.
2019: -214 Rs (decrease)
2018: 7177.2 Rs (significant increase)
(Increase) / Decrease in Short-term loans & advances:
Represents the change in short-term loans and advances.
2019: 120.94 Rs (increase)
2018: 3710.55 Rs (significant increase)
(Increase) / Decrease in Long-term loans & advances:
Represents the change in long-term loans and advances.
2019: 1071.31 Rs (increase)
2018: 16.64 Rs (increase)
Increase / (Decrease) in Trade Payables:
Represents the change in amounts the company owes to its suppliers.
2019: 0.67 Rs (increase)
2018: -10063.35 Rs (significant decrease)
Increase / (Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities:
Represents the change in other current liabilities.
2019: -76.05 Rs (decrease)
2018: -88.63 Rs (decrease)
Increase / (Decrease) in Short-term Provisions:
Represents the change in short-term provisions.
2019: -22.45 Rs (decrease)
2018: -21.87 Rs (decrease)
5. Cash Generated from Operation:
Represents the net cash generated from the company 's core operating activities.
2019: 1,213.31 Rs
2018: -4643.09 Rs
6. Direct Taxes Paid:
Represents the cash paid for direct taxes.
2019: 1.08 Rs
2018: 1.08 Rs
7. Net Cash from Operating Activities:
Represents the overall cash generated or used by the company 's operating activities.
2019: -22.45 Rs
2018: -21.87 Rs
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
1. Purchase of Fixed Assets & Capital WIP:
Represents the cash spent on acquiring fixed assets and work in progress.
2019: -10.17 Rs
2018: -18.11 Rs
2. Sale of Fixed Assets:
Represents cash received from selling fixed assets.
2019: 0 Rs
2018: 44 Rs
3. Decrease / (Increase) in Bank FDR:
Represents the change in fixed deposits with banks.
2019: -176.39 Rs
2018: 794.56 Rs
4. Dividend Income:
Represents income earned from dividends on investments.
2019: 0 Rs
2018: 0.1 Rs
5. Net Cash (used in) / from Investing Activities:
Represents the overall cash generated or used by the company 's investing activities.
2019: -186.56 Rs
2018: 820.55 Rs
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
1. Proceeds from/ (Repayment of) Borrowings:
Represents the cash received from or repaid on borrowings.
2019: 141.6 Rs
2018: 8035.37 Rs
2. Liability on A/c of Preference Shares:
Represents the cash related to liabilities from preference shares.
2019: 0 Rs
2018: 89.13 Rs
3. Interest Paid (Net):
Represents the net cash paid for interest.
2019: -1,192.65 Rs
2018: -5,096.24 Rs
4. Net Cash (used in) / from Financing Activities:
Represents the overall cash generated or used by the company 's financing activities.
2019: -1,051.05 Rs
2018: 3028.26 Rs
Net Increase /(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Represents the overall change in cash during the period, combining operating, investing, and financing activities.
2019: -25.38 Rs
2018: -795.37 Rs
Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Opening Balance of Cash & Cash Equivalents:
Represents the cash position at the start of the period.
2019: 56.44 Rs
2018: 851.8 Rs
Closing Balance of Cash & Cash Equivalents
Represents the final cash position after all cash inflows and outflows.
2019: 30.93 Rs
2018: 56.44 Rs
Composition of Cash & Cash Equivalents:
Cash on hand:
2019: 8.68 Rs
2018: 8.64 Rs
Balance in Current account:
2019: 16.3 Rs
2018: 40.21 Rs
Balance in Unpaid Dividend account:
2019: 5.95 Rs
2018: 7.59 Rs
Total Cash & Cash Equivalents:
2019: 30.93 Rs
2018: 56.44 Rs