Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
The Patna Electric Supply Co Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) |
Particulars |
2023 |
2022 |
Non Current Asset |
Property , Plant & Equipment |
Financial Assets |
62,282.83 |
4800 |
(i) Investments |
21,059.58 |
39762.81 |
(ii) Loans |
2999.91 |
Other Non Current Assets |
4,370.96 |
4,370.96 |
Total Non Current Asset |
87,713.37 |
51,933.68 |
Current Asset |
Inventories |
25,141.89 |
10,105.76 |
Financial Asset |
1.Trade Receivables |
17291.82 |
2.Cash and Cash Equivalents |
18,302.72 |
20,525.70 |
3. Loans |
362.48 |
300.19 |
4. Other Current Assets |
2,770.92 |
1,397.24 |
Total Current Asset |
46,578.01 |
49,620.71 |
134,291.38 |
101,554.39 |
Equity and Liability |
Equity |
1.Equity Share Capital |
46765 |
46765 |
Other Equity |
-44,306.54 |
-44,431.15 |
Total Equity |
2,458.46 |
2,333.85 |
Non Current Liability |
(a) Financial Liability |
1.Borrowings |
2,034.52 |
Total Non Current Liability |
2,034.52 |
Current Liability |
(a) Financial Liability |
(1) Trade Payable |
6,903.72 |
8,448.44 |
Other Financial Liability |
124,777.41 |
54,000.00 |
Other Current Liability |
115.00 |
34,667.87 |
Provisions |
36.80 |
69.71 |
Total Current Liability |
131,832.93 |
97,186.02 |
Total Equity and Liability |
134,291.39 |
101,554.39 |
2023 |
2022 |
Revenue from operations |
73420.4 |
27744.91 |
Other Income |
1320 |
6132.26 |
Total income |
74740.4 |
33877.2 |
Expenses |
Purchase of Stock in trade |
81053.2 |
35795.5 |
Change in inventories |
-15036.13 |
-10105.76 |
Employee Benefits Expenses |
3252.65 |
456 |
Finance Cost |
19.71 |
10.3 |
Adminstrative &Other Expenses |
5339.32 |
7634 |
Total expenses |
74628.8 |
33790 |
Profit before exceptional items and Tax |
111.65 |
87.13 |
Profit before tax |
111.65 |
87.13 |
Tax Expense |
Current Tax |
36.8 |
22.65 |
Profit For the year |
74.85 |
64.48 |
Total Comprehensive Income |
74.85 |
64.48 |
Earning Per Share:- Basic and Diluted |
0.02 |
0.01 |
Particulars |
2023 |
2022 |
A. Cash flow from operating activities |
Net Profit before tax & Extraordinary Items |
111.65 |
87.13 |
Adjustments for: |
Income Tax |
-36.8 |
-22.65 |
Operating profit before working capital changes |
74.85 |
64.48 |
Adjustment for: |
Increase /Decrease in trade payable &Borrowings |
74885 |
31001.31 |
Increase / Decrease in receivables &Loans / advances |
13202.12 |
-890.29 |
increase / Decrease in Inventories |
-54001.16 |
-10105.76 |
34085.96 |
20005.26 |
Cash Generated From Operations |
34160.81 |
20069.74 |
Cash Flow From Operating Activity |
34160.81 |
20069.74 |
B. Cash flow from investing activities |
Net cash used in investing activities |
C. Cash flow from financing activities |
Net Decrease /Increase in cash and cash Equivalents |
34160.81 |
20069.74 |
Opening Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents |
20525.7 |
1909.55 |
Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents |
18302.72 |
20525.7 |
Certainly, here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022:
1. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
The company experienced a net cash inflow of 34,160.81 Rs from its operating activities in 2023.
The net profit before tax and extraordinary items was 111.65 Rs.
Adjustments for income tax amounted to -36.8 Rs.
Operating profit before changes in working capital was 74.85 Rs.
There were adjustments for changes in working capital, including a substantial increase in trade payables and borrowings (74,885 Rs), an increase in receivables and loans/advances (13,202.12 Rs), and a significant decrease in inventories (-54,001.16 Rs).
The net result was a positive cash flow of 34,160.81 Rs generated from operations.
2. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
There is no information provided regarding cash flow from investing activities, indicating that there were no significant investing activities reported.
3. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
There is no information provided regarding cash flow from financing activities, indicating that there were no significant financing activities reported.
4. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:
The overall net increase in cash and cash equivalents for the year was 34,160.81 Rs.
The year began with 20,525.7 Rs in cash and cash equivalents and ended with 18,302.72 Rs, indicating an increase in cash reserves.
1. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
The company experienced a net cash inflow of 20,069.74 Rs from its operating activities in 2022.
The net profit before tax and extraordinary items was 87.13 Rs.
Adjustments for income tax amounted to -22.65 Rs.
Operating profit before changes in working capital was 64.48 Rs.
There were adjustments for changes in working capital, including a substantial increase in trade payables and borrowings (31,001.31 Rs), a decrease in receivables and loans/advances (-890.29 Rs), and a significant decrease in inventories (-10,105.76 Rs).
The net result was a positive cash flow of 20,069.74 Rs generated from operations.
2. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
There is no information provided regarding cash flow from investing activities, indicating that there were no significant investing activities reported.
3. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
There is no information provided regarding cash flow from financing activities, indicating that there were no significant financing activities reported.
4. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:
The overall net increase in cash and cash equivalents for the year was 20,069.74 Rs.
The year began with 1,909.55 Rs in cash and cash equivalents and ended with 20,525.7 Rs, indicating a significant increase in cash reserves.