Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Naraingarh Sugar Mills Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) |
Particulars |
2020 |
2019 |
Non-Current Assets |
Property,Plant & Equipment |
1,739,824,231.00 |
1,865,893,040.00 |
Financial Assets |
Investments |
- |
201,262.00 |
Deferred Tax Assets(net) |
378,083,020.00 |
197,705,100.00 |
Other Non-Current Assets |
67,608,668.00 |
67,488,668.00 |
Total Non-CurrentAssets |
2,185,515,919.00 |
2,131,288,070.00 |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
289,475,670.00 |
173,004,290.00 |
Financial Assets |
Trade Receivables |
813,363,376.00 |
739,294,006.00 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
64,823,600.00 |
307,761,512.00 |
Bank Balance other than Cash and cash equivalents |
1,534,489.00 |
1,019,672.00 |
Other Financial Assets |
1,720,292.00 |
1,036,120.00 |
Other Current Assets |
632,731,936.00 |
631,192,231.00 |
Total Current Assets |
1,803,649,363.00 |
1,853,307,831.00 |
Total Assets |
3,989,165,282.00 |
3,984,595,901.00 |
Equity |
(a)Equity Share Capital |
211,953,510.00 |
211,953,510.00 |
(b)Other Equity |
(740,781,233.40) |
(539,662,953.40) |
Total Equity |
(528,827,723.40) |
(327,709,443.40) |
Non-CurrentLiabilities |
Financial Liabilities |
Borrowings |
1,255,828,776.00 |
1,430,220,492.00 |
Other Financial Liabilities |
9,454,411.00 |
9,429,411.00 |
Provisions |
17,847,781.00 |
13,645,845.00 |
Other Non-Current Liabilities |
719,714,634.00 |
719,714,634.00 |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
2,002,845,602.00 |
2,173,010,382.00 |
Current Liabilities |
Financial Liabilities |
Trade Payables |
Total outstanding dues of Micro Enterprises and Small Enterprises |
61,222,494.00 |
30,021,563.00 |
Total outstanding dues of Creditors other than Micro Enterprises & Small Enterprises |
741,940,425.00 |
1,253,979,926.00 |
Other Financial Liabilities |
1,365,031,939.00 |
504,313,669.00 |
Other Current Liabilities |
345,245,558.50 |
349,205,081.00 |
Provisions |
1,706,987.00 |
1,774,723.00 |
Total Current Liabilities |
2,515,147,403.00 |
2,139,294,962.00 |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
3,989,165,282.00 |
3,984,595,901.00 |
Particulars |
2020 |
2019 |
Revenue |
Revenue from Operations |
2,153,308,171.00 |
3,307,979,655.00 |
Other Operating Revenues |
1,353,612.00 |
10,889,026.00 |
Other Income |
95,977.00 |
438,443.00 |
2,154,757,760.00 |
3,319,307,124.00 |
Expenditure |
Cost of Materials Consumed |
1,930,151,622.00 |
2,207,248,163.00 |
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods and Work-in-Progress |
(71,590,360.00) |
560,093,450.00 |
Employee Benefits Expense |
89,068,348.00 |
83,548,815.00 |
Finance Costs |
255,772,330.00 |
236,091,881.00 |
Depreciation & Amortisation Expense |
126,693,686.00 |
143,447,515.50 |
Other Expenses |
205,149,092.00 |
282,803,018.90 |
2,535,244,718.00 |
3,513,232,844.00 |
Loss before tax |
(380,486,958.00) |
(193,925,720.40) |
Tax Expense |
(79,218,887.00) |
Deferred tax |
(180,377,920.00) |
Loss for the year |
(200,109,038.00) |
(114,706,833.40) |
OtherComprehensiveIncome/(Loss) |
ItemsthatwillnotbereclassifiedtoStatementofProfit&Loss |
(i)Measurementofpostemploymentbenefitobligation |
(1,007,980.00) |
(80,078.00) |
(ii)Measurementofinvestments |
(1,262.00) |
(1,738.00) |
OtherComprehensiveIncome/(Loss)fortheyear |
(1,009,242.00) |
(81,816.00) |
TotalComprehensiveProfit/(Loss)fortheyear |
(201,118,280.00) |
(114,788,649.40) |
Earnings per equity share |
Basic & Diluted |
10paid-up |
(10.52) |
(6.03) |
5paid-up |
(5.26) |
(3.02) |