Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Medi Assist Healthcare Services Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) |
Particulars |
31-03-2024 |
31-03-2023 |
Non-current assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
306.00 |
273.99 |
Right-of-use assets |
240.74 |
268.90 |
Goodwill |
1,291.78 |
754.31 |
Other intangible assets |
626.27 |
417.70 |
Intangible assets under development |
30.05 |
- |
Investments |
78.72 |
12.66 |
Other financial assets |
166.32 |
116.56 |
Income tax assets (net) |
812.17 |
661.79 |
Deferred tax assets (net) |
140.87 |
91.30 |
Other non-current assets |
36.15 |
38.60 |
Current assets |
Investments |
689.59 |
427.31 |
Trade receivables |
1,786.25 |
1,271.57 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
509.27 |
539.44 |
Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents above |
1,129.80 |
1,575.72 |
Other financial assets |
336.57 |
281.94 |
Other current assets |
325.29 |
325.37 |
Total assets |
8,505.84 |
7,057.16 |
Equity share capital |
351.05 |
344.30 |
Other equity |
4,366.37 |
3,421.81 |
Equity attributable to owners of the Company |
4,717.42 |
3,766.11 |
Non-controlling interests |
95.92 |
70.61 |
Non-current liabilities |
Lease liabilities |
152.66 |
186.90 |
Other financial liabilities |
79.71 |
73.36 |
Provisions |
179.81 |
142.34 |
Deferred tax liabilities (net) |
85.75 |
32.48 |
Current liabilities |
Borrowings |
- |
0.77 |
Lease liabilities |
110.65 |
119.12 |
Trade payables |
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises |
30.28 |
68.62 |
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises |
395.75 |
295.66 |
Other financial liabilities |
186.67 |
350.68 |
Contract liabilities |
2,200.96 |
1,713.40 |
Other current liabilities |
135.30 |
115.74 |
Provisions |
119.00 |
120.94 |
Current tax liabilities (net) |
15.96 |
0.43 |
Total equity and liabilities |
8,505.84 |
7,057.16 |
Particulars |
31-03-2024 |
31-03-2023 |
Income |
Revenue from contracts with customers |
6,347.25 |
5,049.34 |
Other income |
183.23 |
140.21 |
Total income |
6,530.48 |
5,189.55 |
Expenses |
Employee benefits expense |
2,543.64 |
1,976.93 |
Finance costs |
31.64 |
29.89 |
Depreciation and amortisation expenses |
430.77 |
267.69 |
Other expenses |
2,470.56 |
1,878.95 |
Total expenses |
5,476.61 |
4,153.46 |
Profit before exceptional item and tax |
1,053.87 |
1,036.09 |
Exceptional item |
210.00 |
- |
Profit before tax for the year from continuing operations |
843.87 |
1,036.09 |
Current tax |
253.70 |
279.41 |
Adjustment for current tax relating to earlier years |
(48.76) |
- |
Deferred tax |
(74.02) |
3.60 |
Profit for the year from continuing operations |
712.95 |
753.08 |
(Loss) before tax for the year from discontinued operations |
(27.49) |
(16.92) |
Tax credit of discontinued operations for the year |
6.36 |
4.26 |
(Loss) for the year from discontinued operations |
(21.13) |
(12.66) |
Profit for the year |
691.82 |
740.42 |
Other comprehensive income |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss in subsequent periods |
Re-measurement of defined benefit plans |
(8.94) |
(4.73) |
Fair value changes in equity instruments through other comprehensive income |
15.60 |
(56.72) |
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss |
0.13 |
(3.59) |
Item that will be reclassified to profit and loss in subsequent periods |
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations |
7.19 |
6.74 |
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax |
13.98 |
(58.30) |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
705.80 |
682.12 |
Profit for the year attributable to |
Owners of the Company |
669.39 |
740.59 |
Non-controlling interests |
22.43 |
(0.17) |
Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the year attributable to: |
Owners of the Company |
11.10 |
(60.98) |
Non-controlling interests |
2.88 |
2.68 |
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to: |
Owners of the Company |
680.49 |
679.61 |
Non-controlling interests |
25.31 |
2.51 |
Earnings per share for continuing operations |
Basic |
10.02 |
10.94 |
Diluted |
9.84 |
10.83 |
Earnings/(loss) per share for discontinued operations |
Basic |
(0.31) |
(0.18) |
Diluted |
(0.31) |
(0.18) |
Earnings per share for continuing and discontinued operations |
Basic |
9.71 |
10.76 |
Diluted |
9.53 |
10.65 |
Particulars |
31-03-2024 |
31-03-2023 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit before tax for the year from continuing operations |
843.87 |
1,036.09 |
(Loss) before tax for the year from discontinued operations |
(27.49) |
(16.92) |
Adjustments: |
Depreciation and amortisation expenses |
430.77 |
267.69 |
Allowance for expected credit losses on trade receivables |
18.91 |
17.04 |
Provision for doubtful advances and other receivables |
7.69 |
15.30 |
Provisions no longer required written back |
(37.02) |
(12.44) |
Gain on modification of lease contract |
(3.56) |
(10.33) |
Employee stock option compensation expense |
38.44 |
32.79 |
Finance costs |
31.64 |
29.89 |
Profit on sale of investments in mutual funds |
(14.27) |
(60.20) |
Interest income |
(108.28) |
(40.68) |
Advances written off |
- |
1.26 |
Net gain on financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss |
(8.12) |
(12.56) |
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (net) |
- |
4.76 |
Employee incentive plan |
210.00 |
- |
Net foreign exchange differences (unrealised) |
0.90 |
1.97 |
Operating profit before working capital changes |
1,383.48 |
1,253.66 |
Working capital adjustments: |
Increase/(decrease) in trade payables |
88.24 |
(52.61) |
(Decrease)/increase in other liabilities |
(62.72) |
47.53 |
(Decrease)/increase in provisions |
(42.59) |
18.70 |
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables |
(411.17) |
36.66 |
(Increase) in other assets |
(19.49) |
(101.75) |
Cash generated from operations |
935.75 |
1,202.20 |
Income taxes paid |
(271.94) |
(391.40) |
Net cash inflows from operating activities |
663.81 |
810.79 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment, other intangible assets |
(184.24) |
(276.69) |
Payment for acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired |
(1,087.25) |
(275.69) |
Payment for business transfer of assets, net of cash acquired |
(5.58) |
- |
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and other |
6.41 |
- |
(Purchase)/sale of investments in mutual funds (net) |
(239.89) |
1,540.49 |
Redemption/(Investments) of bank deposits |
860.64 |
(1,128.40) |
Interest received |
101.27 |
35.41 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(548.64) |
(104.88) |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Repayment of short term borrowings |
(0.77) |
(42.83) |
Proceeds from issue of shares (including share premium) |
152.53 |
- |
Payment of lease liabilities |
(162.13) |
(140.18) |
Dividend paid |
(130.14) |
(130.14) |
Finance costs paid |
(7.04) |
(2.10) |
Net cash used in financing activities |
(147.55) |
(315.25) |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) |
(32.38) |
390.66 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
539.44 |
145.95 |
Effects of movements in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents |
2.21 |
2.83 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
509.27 |
539.44 |
Component of cash and cash equivalents |
Balances with banks |
- In current accounts |
488.78 |
506.48 |
- in Deposits with original maturity of less than three months |
20.01 |
26.00 |
Cash on hand |
0.48 |
6.96 |
Total cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
509.27 |
539.44 |
Here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2024 and 2023:
Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
Net Profit Before Tax: The company reported a loss of ₹27.49 million from discontinued operations but a profit of ₹843.87 million from continuing operations. After various adjustments, including depreciation (₹430.77 million), finance costs (₹31.64 million), and allowances for expected credit losses, the operating profit before working capital changes amounted to ₹1,383.48 million in 2024, compared to ₹1,253.66 million in 2023.
Working Capital Adjustments: Notable changes include a decrease in trade receivables (₹411.17 million), which negatively impacted cash generation. However, increases in trade payables and adjustments in provisions helped improve the working capital.
Cash Generated from Operations: After these adjustments, the company generated ₹935.75 million from operations, down from ₹1,202.20 million in 2023.
Taxes Paid: The company paid ₹271.94 million in income taxes, leaving a net cash inflow from operating activities of ₹663.81 million, lower than the ₹810.79 million from the previous year.
Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
Capital Expenditures: The company spent ₹184.24 million on property, plant, and equipment and ₹1,087.25 million on acquiring subsidiaries in 2024, which significantly impacted cash outflow.
Investments: There was a net outflow of ₹239.89 million due to mutual fund transactions. However, bank deposit redemptions contributed ₹860.64 million in inflows.
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities: The overall cash used in investing activities was ₹548.64 million, which is higher compared to the smaller outflow of ₹104.88 million in 2023. This increased outflow was primarily due to the acquisition of subsidiaries.
Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
Repayment of Borrowings and Lease Payments: The company repaid ₹0.77 million in short-term borrowings and paid ₹162.13 million in lease liabilities in 2024.
Dividends and Finance Costs: A dividend of ₹130.14 million was paid, similar to the previous year, and ₹7.04 million was paid in finance costs.
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities: The company had a net cash outflow of ₹147.55 million in 2024, which was less than the ₹315.25 million outflow in 2023, due to lower repayments and financing costs.
Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents:
The company experienced a net decrease in cash and cash equivalents by ₹32.38 million in 2024, compared to an increase of ₹390.66 million in 2023.
Cash at the End of the Year: The closing balance of cash and cash equivalents stood at ₹509.27 million, down from ₹539.44 million in the previous year.
Particulars |
2024 |
2023 |
Current Ratio |
3.8 |
2.88 |
Debt-Equity Ratio |
0 |
0.02 |
Return on Equity Ratio |
0.1 |
0.1 |
Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio |
7.67 |
2.63 |
Trade Payable Turnover Ratio |
5.27 |
5.97 |
Net Capital Turnover Ratio |
1.11 |
1.21 |
Net Profit ratio |
0.18 |
0.26 |
Return on Capital Employed Ratio |
0.13 |
0.11 |
Return on Investment |
0.04 |
0.04 |
Here is a summary of the financial and operational metrics for Medi Assist Healthcare Services Limited for the year 2024 and 2023:
Current Ratio:
2024: 3.8 | 2023: 2.88
The current ratio shows the company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations using its current assets. The increase from 2.88 to 3.8 indicates better liquidity and improved capability to cover short-term liabilities.
Debt-Equity Ratio:
2024: 0 | 2023: 0.02
A ratio of zero in 2024 means the company has no debt, which reflects a stronger financial position with reliance solely on equity for financing. In 2023, the minimal ratio of 0.02 shows the company had negligible debt.
Return on Equity (ROE):
2024: 0.1 | 2023: 0.1
This measures the profitability relative to shareholder equity. With both years showing a return of 0.1, the company’s efficiency in generating profits from its equity base remained consistent.
Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio:
2024: 7.67 | 2023: 2.63
This ratio reflects how efficiently the company collects its receivables. A significant increase from 2.63 to 7.67 suggests the company improved its ability to collect payments from customers in 2024.
Trade Payable Turnover Ratio:
2024: 5.27 | 2023: 5.97
This indicates how often the company pays off its suppliers. The slight decline from 5.97 to 5.27 means the company took a little more time to settle its payables in 2024 compared to 2023.
Net Capital Turnover Ratio:
2024: 1.11 | 2023: 1.21
This ratio measures how effectively the company utilizes its working capital to generate revenue. A small decline in 2024 from 1.21 to 1.11 suggests slightly less efficient capital usage compared to the prior year.
Net Profit Ratio:
2024: 0.18 | 2023: 0.26
The net profit ratio reflects the percentage of revenue that turns into profit. A decrease from 0.26 to 0.18 indicates that the company’s profitability declined slightly in 2024.
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE):
2024: 0.13 | 2023: 0.11
This ratio measures the company’s efficiency in using its capital to generate profits. The slight increase to 0.13 in 2024 shows improved capital utilization compared to 2023.
Return on Investment (ROI):
2024: 0.04 | 2023: 0.04
This measures the profitability of investments. The consistent ROI of 0.04 across both years indicates steady performance in investment returns.