Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited is a public limited company based in Uttar Pradesh, India and it was incorporated officially on 12/01/1988. The corporate identification number (CIN) of this company as per the official records is L51396UP1988PLC009275 and the company registration number is 009275. Its email address is and its registered office address is 16/71 ACIVIL LINES, KANPUR, Uttar Pradesh ,INDIA,208001.
Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited is a wholesaler company with the industrial and NIC / SIC code of 51396 as per the official records. The company was registered in the year 1988 and its authorized share capital is INR 16,000,000 and paid up capital is INR 15,300,000. The company's business is based in the city of Uttar Pradesh. The company is duly registered at Registrar of Companies, Kanpur (RoC-Kanpur) and is classified as the Indian Non-Government Company.
The major activities of this company as per the listed official records are Books, magazines & newspapers, wholesale, Paper and other stationery items, wholesale, Wholesale of books, magazines and newspapers, Wholesale of paper and other stationery items.
Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited Outstanding Shares: |
1530000 |
Face Value of Mrigaya Estate And Finance Share: |
Rs. 10 Per Equity Share |
ISIN of Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited Share: |
INE596V01015 |
Lot Size of Mrigaya Estate And Finance Share: |
100 |
Mrigaya Estate And Finance Share Price: |
Best In Industry |
PAN Number of Mrigaya Estate And Finance : |
AADCM4610Q |
GST Number of Mrigaya Estate And Finance : |
-- |
Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited CIN Number |
U15100UP1988PLC009275 |
Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited Registration Date |
12-Jan-88 |
Category / Sub-Category of Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited |
Public Companies having a share capital |
Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited Registered Office Address |
Mrigaya Estate And Finance Limited Registrar & Transfer Agent Address & Contact Details |
D-153/A, I-Area, Okhla Phase I, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110020 |
Director |
Post |
Mr. Yash Pal Rawat |
Managing Director |
Ms. Deepa Bisht |
Non – Executive / Independent Director |
Mr. Deepak Kumar Tibrewal |
Non- Executive Director |
Mr. Pradeep Raghavan Nair |
Non – Executive / Independent Director |
S. No. |
Name and Description of main products/services |
NIC Code of the product/service |
% to total turnover of the Company |
1 |
Financial Services |
649 |
100.00% |
Particulars |
No. Of Shares |
% of Shares Held |
Promoter |
1100160 |
71.91 |
Public Shareholding |
429840 |
28.09 |
Total |
1530000 |
100 |