Unlisted Deals:

NSE Unlisted Shares Price Today

Last Traded Price 1,700.00 -2.86 %

NSE Company Fundamentals

Company Name
National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Scrip Name
NSE India
No. of Outstanding Shares
Face Value
PE ratio
P/S Ratio
Market Capitalization
420,750.00 Crore
Book value
52 Week High
1,900.00 (10/11/24)
52 Week Low
910.00 (23/04/24)
Lifetime High
1,900.00 (10/11/24)
Lifetime Low
162.00 (31/05/19)
Day High
Day Low
DRHP Filed?
Available on
ROFR Require
Financial Service
Registration Date

NSE Share Price Performance

About NSE India Unlisted Share - Company Overview

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is the leading stock exchange in India and the fourth largest in the world by equity trading volume in 2015, according to the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE). India's first demutualized electronic exchange is the National Stock Exchange of India Limited, which was founded in 1992. NSE was the first exchange in the country to provide a modern, fully automated screen-based electronic trading system that offered easy trading facilities to investors spread across the country. NSE offers to trade in equity, equity derivatives, debt, currency derivatives, and commodity derivatives segments. It was recognized as a stock exchange by SEBI in April 1993 and commenced operations in 1994 with the launch of the wholesale debt market, followed shortly by the launch of the cash market segment.

NSE Share Price, Unlisted Share Details as of March 31, 2024

NSE Outstanding Shares:


Face Value of NSE Unlisted Share: 

Rs. 1 Per Equity Share

ISIN of NSE Unlisted Share: 


Lot Size of NSE Unlisted Share:


NSE Share Price: 

Rs. 1700

PAN Number of NSE: 


GST Number of NSE:


NSE Incorporation Details

National Stock Exchange of India Limited CIN Number


National Stock Exchange of India Limited Registration Date

27 November 1992

Category / Sub-Category of National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Limited by Shares/ Non-govt company

National Stock Exchange of India Limited Registered Office Address

National Stock Exchange of India Limited,

“Exchange Plaza”

Plot No. C-1, Block ‘G’, Bandra-Kurla Complex

Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

National Stock Exchange of India Limited Registrar & Transfer Agent Address & Contact Details

Link lntime lndia Private Limited

C-1O1, 247 Park,

LBS Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai – 400083

NSE Board of Directors

Mr. Girish Chandra Chaturvedi, Chairman, and Public Interest Director

Mr. Vikram Limaye, Managing Director and CEO

Ms. Anuradha Rao, Public Interest Director

Mr. K. Narasimha Murthy, Public Interest Director

Prof. S Sudarshan, Public Interest Director

Ms. Mona Bhide, Public Interest Director

Ms. Sunita Sharma, Shareholder Director

Mr. Veneet Nayar, Shareholder Director

NSE Principal Business Activities

Name and Description of main products/services

NIC Code of the product/service*

% to the total turnover of the Company

Stock Exchange



NSE Shareholding Pattern (As of 31-03-2024)

S. No.

Shareholder’s Name

No. of Shares

% of total Shares of the company






Public Shareholding







Stock Exchange Industry Outlook

The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) is positioned favorably in the industry outlook. With its strong market presence, the NSE continues to play a vital role in India's financial landscape. The exchange is poised for growth due to factors such as increasing investor participation, technological advancements, and the overall development of the Indian economy. NSE's diverse range of products and services, including equities, derivatives, mutual funds, and debt instruments, cater to a wide range of investor needs. Furthermore, the focus on digitization and government initiatives promoting financial inclusion is expected to drive retail investor participation. The exchange is also likely to benefit from increasing institutional participation and foreign investments in the Indian markets.

FAQs on NSE Unlisted Shares

Q1. What is the lot size for NSE Unlisted Shares?

The minimum lot size for buying NSE unlisted shares is 100 shares.

Q2. How to check the NSE Shares Price performance?

To check NSE Shares Price Performance, visit our website by clicking on this link:


Q3. How do you analyse the price of NSE shares?

NSE Unlisted Share prices are determined by the company's financial performance, market sentiments, potential future growth, as well as market demand and supply.

 Q4.  How long does it take to complete the process of buying NSE Unlisted Shares?

Buying NSE shares requires a set of paperwork and approval from NSE. It takes 3 to 4 months to complete the entire documentation process after which shares are credited to Buyers Demat account.

Q5Is Investing in NSE Unlisted Shares a Good Idea

Since NSE is one of the best-performing shares in the unlisted market, Please Consult your Financial Advisor or CA before taking any investment decision.

Q6.  How Do I Buy NSE Unlisted Shares?

You can buy NSE shares using our online platform (www.wwipl.com) or offline with the assistance of our customer support team, we are available to assist you around-the-clock.

Q7. Which initial documents are required to buy NSE unlisted shares? 

 You need to provide your KYC documents at the initial stage, which includes copy of Aadhar card, PAN card, Cancelled Cheque, and Client Master (CML) copy.

Q8. Is there any additional charges for buying the NSE shares through WWIPL?

There is no extra charges associated with buying NSE shares through WWIPL.

Q9. What are the bonus shares of NSE Unlisted Shares?

The NSE announced, a 4:1 bonus issue for NSE Unlisted Shares, which means that Shareholders will receive 4 shares for every share they held as of the record date.

Q10. What is the face value of NSE?

The Face value of NSE Unlisted Shares is Rupees 1 per Equity Shares.

Q11. Where can I find the NSE annual reports?

The NSE annual report is available on our website (wwipl.com) as well as on NSE’s website.

Q12.  Who are the major Shareholders in NSE?

The major shareholders of NSE include Life Insurance Corporation, State Bank of India, India Infoline Limited, and Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited.

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