Unlisted Deals:

Nayara Energy Share Price Today (Essar Oil)

Last Traded Price 1,500.00 + 3.45 %

Nayara Energy Company fundamentals

Company Name
Nayara Energy Limited
Scrip Name
Nayara Energy
No. of Outstanding Shares
Face Value
PE ratio
P/S Ratio
Market Capitalization
223,584.17 Crore
Book value
52 Week High
1,850.00 (17/01/25)
52 Week Low
410.00 (30/03/24)
Lifetime High
1,850.00 (17/01/25)
Lifetime Low
100.00 (19/03/20)
Day High
Day Low
DRHP Filed?
Available on
ROFR Require
Energy, Oil & Gas
Registration Date

Nayara Energy Share Price Performance

Nayara Energy Limited (Essar Oil) Delisted Share - Company Overview

Nayara Energy Limited (formerly Essar Oil Limited) is a globally integrated oil refining company that covers the entire hydrocarbon value chain from refining to production and marketing, across segments, including retail. The company has positioned itself to fulfill about 10% of India’s petro products demand. In 2016, Rosneft along with an investment consortium comprising global commodity trading companies Trafigura & UCP Investment Group acquired Essar Oil Limited.

Nayara Energy Limited owns the Vadinar refinery of Gujarat, which is India’s second-largest single site, a state-of-the-art refinery. It constitutes approximately 8% of India’s refining capacity. The Vadinar refinery is one of the most modern and complex refineries in the world having a Nelson Complexity index of 11.8. The refinery has an annual capacity of 20 million metric tonnes (MMT) or 405,000 barrels per day (BPD). It is capable of processing some of the toughest crudes and yet produces high-quality Euro IV and Euro VI grade products. They are now producing high-quality Bharat Stage (BS-VI) compliant fuels that meet international standards.

The company is known for business across the entire hydrocarbon value chain from refining to retail and is working with a vision to deliver crude to chemicals. Nayara Energy Limited has a well-developed Process Safety Management (PSM) system, which covers the monitoring of multiple vital aspects of the Refinery functions, including Chemical Safety Management, Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis, Management of Change, and Asset Reliability.

Nayara Energy Limited is planning to invest Rs. 1.3 Lakh Crore to expand its capacity from 20 million metric tonnes (MMT) per annum to an additional 26 million metric tonnes (MMT) and a 10.75 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) petrochemical complex. The expansion project is estimated to be completed by 2022 to 2024.

Nayara Energy Delisted Share Details as of March 31, 2024

Nayara Energy Outstanding Shares:


Face Value of Nayara Energy Unlisted Share:

Rs. 10 Per Equity Share

ISIN of Nayara Energy Unlisted Share:


Lot Size of Nayara Energy Unlisted Share:


Nayara Energy Current Share Price:

Best in Industry

PAN Number of Nayara Energy:


GST Number of Nayara Energy:


Date of Delisting of Nayara Energy


Rate of Delisting of Nayara Energy

Rs. 258.10

Reason of Delisitng of Nayara Energy

SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations 2009 and SEBI (Delisting of equity shares) (Amendments) Regulations 2015. 

Nayara Energy Incorporation Details

Nayara Energy Limited CIN Number


Nayara Energy Limited Registration Date


Category / Sub-Category of Nayara Energy

Public Limited Company

Nayara Energy Registered Office Address

Khambhalia Post, Dist. Jamnagar, Gujarat - 361305

Nayara Energy Registrar & Transfer Agent Address and Contact Details

Link Intime India Private Limited, C-101, 247 Park, 1 st Floor L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai - 400083
Tel: 022 - 49186270

Nayara Energy Principal Business Activities

Name and Description of main products/services 

NIC Code of the Product/ service

% to the total turnover of the company

Refining and Marketing



Particulars of Subsidiary Companies of Nayara Energy


Name of the Company

% of shares held

Nayara Energy Singapore Pte. Limited


Coviva Energy Terminals Limited


Shareholding Pattern of Nayara Energy (As of 31-03-2024)

S. No.

Shareholder's Name

No. of Shares

% of total Shares of the company


Promoters group




Public Shareholding







Board of Directors of Nayara Energy

Charles Anthony Fountain (Executive Chairman)

Chin Hwee Tan (Non-Executive Director)

Victoria Cunningham (Non-Executive Director)

Avril Conroy (Non-Executive Director)

Alexander Romanov (Non-Executive Director)

Deepak Kapoor (Independent Director)

Naina Lal Kidwai (Independent Director)

Alexey Lizunov (Non-Executive Director)

Prasad K Panicker (Director & Head of Refinery)

Sachin Gupta (Non-Executive Director)

Andrey Bogatenkov (Non-Executive Director)

Energy Industry Outlook

The Indian oil and gas market is expected to register a CAGR of more than 3% during the forecast period (2022-2027). The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the market. The revenue of oil and gas companies declined due to the unexpected lockdown. The demand for diesel, the most used fuel in the country, has fallen due to a significant reduction in traffic volumes on the roads. Factors such as the increasing natural gas pipeline capacity and the increasing demand for petroleum products are expected to drive the Indian oil and gas market during the forecast period. However, a huge dependence on imports of crude oil and natural gas for satisfying domestic demand and high volatility of crude oil prices are expected to hinder the growth of the Indian oil and gas market.

The refining capacity has been growing considerably over the recent past, owing to the expansion of several refinery projects. Therefore, the downstream sector is expected to witness growth during the forecast period.

There have been significant gas hydrate discoveries in the KG Basin. Economically feasible extraction of the gas hydrates may create immense opportunities for the companies, which may become a boom in natural gas production.

Owing to the increase in gas imports, the Indian government is increasing its investments in oil and gas pipelines and LNG terminals across the country. Therefore, the increasing investments in the midstream oil and gas sector are expected to drive the market.

The Indian energy demand is anticipated to grow by 50% in the next two decades. This growth in demand can be attributed to the growing world population and an improvement in living standards in developing countries. Even though new and renewable energy sources are gaining popularity around the world, petroleum fuel remains a major energy source globally. This trend is expected to continue for the next few decades and favors the growth of the oil and gas downstream market.


FAQs on Nayara Energy Limited

Q1. Is Nayara Energy a wise financial decision?

No, Nayara Energy is not a wise financial decision.

Q2: What is the Nayara Energy share price?

Nayara Energy Share Price used to fluctuate on a daily basis. To know more Contact us.

Q3.What was Nayara's previous name?

Nayara Energy Limited's old name is Essar oil limited.

Q4. Is Nayara Energy listed in BSE?

Nayara Energy, formerly known as Essar Oil, is not listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) or any other Indian stock exchange. The company went private after it was acquired by Rosneft and a consortium led by Trafigura and UCP Investment Group. 

Q5. Can I sell Nayara Energy shares?

Yes, Selling Nayara Energys shares online can be done through wwipl.com, or you can call and transact.

Q6. Why is Nayara Energy delisted?

Essar Oil, now known as Nayara Energy, was delisted from the Indian stock exchanges in 2015. This was part of a process to take the company private, which paved the way for its acquisition by a consortium led by Russia's Rosneft along with Trafigura and UCP Investment Group. The delisting allowed these entities to gain full control of the company.

Q7. Is Nayara Energy a good investment?

We don't provide personal investment advice. Whether Nayara Energy is a good investment depends on a variety of factors. These include your personal financial goals and risk tolerance, the company's financial health, and market conditions. It's also important to note that investing in private companies like Nayara Energy involves different considerations and risks compared to investing in publicly traded companies. Therefore, it's always advisable to consult with a qualified financial advisor who understands your individual circumstances before making investment decisions.



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