Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | |||||||
Indosolar Limited |
Particulars |
2019 |
2018 |
1. Non- Current Assets |
a) Property, plant and equipment |
15,430.98 |
42,636.89 |
b) Capital work in progress |
8,298.65 |
25,747.97 |
c) Other intangible assets |
12.79 |
17.26 |
d) Financial assets |
(i) Loans |
157.69 |
403.9 |
(ii) Other financial assets |
91.47 |
87.27 |
e) Other non-current assets |
36.04 |
1051.02 |
Total Non- Current Assets |
23,936.15 |
69,944.31 |
2. Current Assets |
a) Inventories |
537.34 |
2665.61 |
b) Financial Assets |
(i)Trade Receivables |
14.53 |
291.3 |
(ii) Cash and Cash equivalents |
67.07 |
292.46 |
(iii) Bank balances (other than cash & cash equivalents) |
405.11 |
352.4 |
(iv) Loans |
- |
4.77 |
(v) Other financial assets |
55.84 |
- |
c) Other current assets |
894.44 |
821.02 |
Total Current Assets |
1949.28 |
4,427.56 |
Total Assets |
25,885.43 |
74,371.87 |
1. Equity |
a) Equity Share Capital |
37206.71 |
37206.71 |
b) Other Equity |
-1,35,355.20 |
-82,859.67 |
Total Equity |
98,148.49 |
45,652.96 |
2. Liabilities |
a) Non- current liabilities |
(i) Financial liabilities |
Borrowings |
584.32 |
30443.02 |
b) Provisions |
48.79 |
48.79 |
Total Non-Current Liabilities |
633.11 |
30,491.81 |
3. Current Liabilities |
a) Financial liabilities |
(i) Borrowings |
3557.02 |
3546.2 |
(ii) Trade Payables |
8570.75 |
6237.06 |
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities |
110561.1 |
79524.2 |
b) Other current liabilities |
693.7 |
206.68 |
c) Provisions |
18.25 |
18.87 |
Total Current Liabilities |
123400.81 |
89533.02 |
Total Liabilities |
124033.92 |
120024.83 |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
25,885.43 |
74,371.87 |
Particulars |
2019 |
2018 |
Revenue From Operations |
1322.35 |
31412.37 |
Other income |
250.49 |
431.15 |
Total Income |
1612.85 |
31843.52 |
Expenses |
Cost of materials consumed |
1142.02 |
21577.99 |
Purchase of stock in trade |
92.98 |
4401.94 |
Change in inventories of finished goods, stock in trade and work |
515.39 |
1910.30 |
Employees benefit expense |
455.99 |
1457.67 |
Finance cost |
5093.04 |
5351.94 |
Depreciation and amortization expense |
2413.69 |
2810.58 |
Other expenses |
1581.92 |
4203.34 |
Total expenses |
11295.03 |
41713.76 |
Profit/ (Loss) before tax |
-9682.18 |
-9870.24 |
Profit/(Loss) before exceptional items and tax |
-9682.18 |
-9870.24 |
Exceptional items |
42819.12 |
-6410.96 |
Profit/(Loss) before tax |
-52501.30 |
16281.20 |
Tax expense |
Current Tax |
- |
2.32 |
Profit/(loss) after tax (net) |
-52501.30 |
16283.52 |
Other Comprehensive lncome/(loss) |
(i) ltems that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
Re-measurements of net defined benefit plans |
5.77 |
11.55 |
Other Comprehensive lncome/(loss) |
5.77 |
11.55 |
Total Comprehensive lncome /(loss) |
-52495.53 |
-16271.97 |
Earning per Equity share |
Basic |
14.11 |
4.44 |
Diluted |
14.11 |
4.44 |
Particulars |
2019 |
2018 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Loss before taxation |
-52501.30 |
-16281.20 |
Adjustments for: |
Depreciation and amortization expenses |
2413.69 |
2810.58 |
Interest expenses |
5093.04 |
5221.13 |
Interest income |
52.39 |
-179.26 |
Provision for doubtful debts written back |
- |
-13.47 |
Provision for doubtful debts |
795.61 |
- |
Provision for service tax not recoverable written back |
- |
112.80 |
Service tax not recoverable written off |
21.60 |
- |
Exceptional items |
- |
Waiver of interest on loans |
- |
-15211.12 |
Impairment losses of property, plant and equipment |
42819.12 |
30700.00 |
Gain on modification of loan due to fair valuation of 1% OCCRPS |
- |
-9077.92 |
Bad debts written off |
60.18 |
13.21 |
Detention charges |
- |
- |
Unrealized Foreign Exchange Rate Difference (Gain)/ Loss (Net) |
3.66 |
64.07 |
(Gain)/ Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment |
10.39 |
- |
Provisions/ Liabilities no longer required written back |
-248.49 |
- |
Amortised ancilliary cost of arranging the borrowings |
- |
- |
Operating profit before working capital changes |
-1580.89 |
-2033.94 |
Adjustments for: |
(Increase)/ Decrease in Trade Receivables |
-586.68 |
830.12 |
(lncrease)/decrease in lnventories |
2128.27 |
998.07 |
(lncrease)/decrease in Other financial assets and Other assets |
180.94 |
869.19 |
lncrease/(decrease) in Trade pavables |
2333.69 |
3432.99 |
lncrease/(decrease) in Other liabilities and provisions |
769.36 |
-1167.65 |
Cash used from operations |
3244.69 |
22928.78 |
Direct taxes (paid)/refund received |
- |
-6.10 |
Net cash generated from operating activities |
3244.69 |
2922.67 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Capital expenditure on Property, plant and Equipment, including capital work in lmpairment Losses of CWIP |
-2337.86 |
1204.75 |
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and Equipment |
23.33 |
- |
Movement in Fixed Deposits with banks |
-2.71 |
242.00 |
Interest received |
33.82 |
162.28 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
-2283.42 |
800.47 |
Cash flow from financing activities |
Proceeds from/ (repayment of) Long term borrowings |
-197.85 |
-457.3 |
Proceeds from/ (repayment of) Short term borrowings |
10.82 |
-1716.75 |
Interest paid |
-999.68 |
-320.23 |
Net cash used in financing activities |
-1186.71 |
-2494.27 |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |
-225.46 |
-372.07 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year |
292.46 |
664.53 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year |
67.01 |
292.46 |
Certainly, here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2019 and 2018:
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
1. Loss Before Taxation:
In 2019, the company incurred a substantial loss before taxation of -52,501.30, significantly higher than the loss in 2018 (-16,281.20).
2. Adjustments for Depreciation, Interest, and Provisions:
Depreciation and amortization expenses increased slightly from 2018 to 2019. Interest expenses increased, but interest income improved, resulting in a net increase in interest costs. Provisions for doubtful debts and service tax adjustments were made, affecting the overall operating profit.
3. Exceptional Items and Other Adjustments:
Several exceptional items, including impairment losses and gain on loan modification, affected the financials Waiver of interest on loans and bad debts written off impacted the operating profit.
4. Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes:
Operating profit before working capital changes decreased from -2033.94 in 2018 to -1580.89 in 2019.
5. Working Capital Changes:
Changes in trade receivables, inventories, other financial assets, trade payables, and other liabilities influenced cash flow from operations.
6. Cash Used from Operations:
Cash used from operations increased from 22,928.78 in 2018 to 3,244.69 in 2019.
7. Direct Taxes and Net Cash Generated:
Direct taxes paid/refund received is not specified, but net cash generated from operating activities improved slightly from 2018.
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
1. Capital Expenditure and Sales of Assets:
Capital expenditure on property, plant, and equipment (including impairment losses) was significant in 2019. Proceeds from the sale of property, plant, and equipment were minimal.
2. Fixed Deposits and Interest Received:
Movement in fixed deposits and interest received from investments affected the cash flow.
3. Net Cash Used in Investing Activities:
Overall, the company used more cash in investing activities in 2019 than in 2018.
Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
1. Long and Short Term Borrowings:
Changes in long-term and short-term borrowings resulted in a net cash used in financing activities, with a decrease in 2019 compared to 2018.
2. Interest Paid:
Interest paid increased significantly in 2019, contributing to the net cash used in financing activities.
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:
1. Net Increase and Ending Cash:
Despite a decrease in the net increase in cash and cash equivalents, the ending cash and cash equivalents decreased from 292.46 in 2018 to 67.01 in 2019.
2. Beginning Cash:
The cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year decreased from 664.53 in 2018 to 292.46 in 2019.
Particulars |
2019 |
2018 |
Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.) |
- |
- |