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Hinduja Leyland Finance Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

Last Traded Price 260.00 + 0.00 %

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Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited

Hinduja Leyland Finance Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2024 (INR in Lakh)

Particulars 31 March 2024 31 March 2023
Cash and cash equivalents 2,90,953 1,04,553
Bank balance other than cash and cash equivalents 30,263 22,192
Loans 38,46,319 28,41,560
Investments accounted for using equity method 2,288 1,188
Other investments 1,89,951 1,81,783
Other financial assets 63,655 61,310
Total Financial Assets 44,23,429 32,12,586
Current tax assets (net) 10,366 6,795
Property, plant and equipment 33,156 10,334
Capital work-in-progress 2,706 381
Other intangible assets 95 125
Right of use assets 6,502 4,988
Other non-financial assets 11,478 6,729
Total Non-Financial Assets 64,303 29,352
Total Assets 44,87,732 32,41,938
Derivative financial instruments 165 -
Trade payables - Micro and small enterprises - -
Trade payables - Other creditors 3,019 3,256
Debt securities 43,105 95,917
Borrowings (other than debt securities) 34,59,864 23,93,290
Subordinated liabilities 1,67,263 1,04,329
Other financial liabilities 83,521 62,500
Total Financial Liabilities 37,56,937 26,59,292
Provisions 582 371
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 46,104 21,351
Other non-financial liabilities 3,043 1,073
Total Non-Financial Liabilities 49,729 22,795
Equity share capital 53,516 53,502
Other equity 6,27,550 5,06,349
Total Equity 6,81,066 5,59,851
Total Liabilities and Equity 44,87,732 32,41,938

Hinduja Leyland Finance Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the Year Ended 31 March 2024 (INR in Lakh)

Particulars 31 March 2024  31 March 2023
Revenue from operations    
Interest income 4,01,058 3,11,300
Fees and commission income 8,441 6,374
Net gain on fair value changes 1,977 671
Net gain on derecognition of financial instruments 42,751 26,865
Rental income 3,033 -
Total revenue from operations 4,57,260 3,45,210
Other income 8,730 4,945
Total revenue 4,65,990 3,50,155
Finance costs 2,56,161 1,72,112
Fees and commission expense 9,925 6,435
Net loss on fair value changes 66 -
Impairment on financial instruments 57,285 64,678
Employee benefits expense 34,062 22,093
Depreciation and amortization expense 4,609 1,919
Other expenses 19,331 17,267
Total expenses 3,81,439 2,84,504
Profit before share of profit of equity accounted investee and income tax 84,551 65,651
Share of loss of equity accounted investee (net of income tax) (412) (361)
Profit before tax 84,139 65,290
Tax expense:    
Current tax 15,025 15,152
Deferred tax 5,471 1,139
Total taxes 20,496 16,291
Net profit for the year 63,643 48,999
Other comprehensive income    
(A) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss    
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans (86) 146
Share of other comprehensive income of equity accounted investees 14 65
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 18 (55)
(B) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
Fair value gain/(loss) on financial assets carried at FVTOCI 76,855 12,297
Effective portion of loss on designated portion of hedging instruments in a cashflow hedge (165) -
Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss (19,302) (3,095)
Total other comprehensive income 57,334 9,358
Total comprehensive income 1,20,977 58,357
Earnings per equity share (face value Rs.10 each)    
- Basic (in Rs.) 11.89 9.80
- Diluted (in Rs.) 11.89 9.80

Hinduja Leyland Finance Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow for the Year Ended 31 March 2024 (INR in Lakh)

Particulars 31 March 2024 31 March 2023
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities    
Net profit before tax and share of profit/loss of equity accounted investee companies 84,139 65,290
Depreciation and amortization expense 4,609 1,919
Profit on disposal of PPE (43) (14)
Net gain on fair value changes of investment (1,911) (671)
Finance costs 2,56,161 1,72,112
Interest income (4,00,870) (3,11,447)
Net gain on derecognition of financial instruments (42,751) (26,865)
Provision for expected credit loss and write-offs 46,753 61,438
Impairment loss on other receivables 10,543 3,240
Share-based payment expense 159 80
CSR expenditure 333 -
Provision for employee benefits 250 76
Operating cash flow before working capital changes (42,628) (34,842)
Adjustments for operating assets and liabilities:    
Loans (9,72,124) (7,13,947)
Other financial assets 36,350 1,688
Other non-financial assets (3,710) (954)
Trade payables (237) (152)
Other financial liabilities 14,881 104
Other non-financial liabilities and provisions 654 (3,580)
Net cash used in operations (9,66,814) (7,51,683)
Finance cost paid (2,42,448) (1,64,543)
Interest income received 3,91,400 3,11,263
Taxes paid (net) (18,595) (12,428)
Net cash used in operating activities (A) (8,36,457) (6,17,391)
B. Cash Flow from Investing Activities    
Investment in pass-through securities, mutual funds, and security receipts (net) 15,587 (48,783)
Investment in redeemable non-convertible debentures (45,799) (18,092)
Redemption of redeemable non-convertible debentures 23,036 3,390
Interest on fixed deposits 240 147
Bank deposits placed (original maturity > 3 months) (net) (8,070) (18,233)
Purchase of PPE, intangibles, and capital advances (26,968) (1,661)
Proceeds from disposal of PPE and intangibles 61 96
Net cash used in investing activities (B) (41,913) (83,136)
C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities    
Proceeds from equity shares issuance including securities premium 80 1,125
Proceeds from long-term borrowings 18,82,088 12,90,689
Repayment of long-term borrowings (9,54,143) (6,96,681)
Proceeds from working capital loans/cash credit and commercial paper (net) 1,38,842 40,380
Payment of lease liabilities (2,097) (1,503)
Net cash generated from financing activities (C) 10,64,770 7,24,010
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 1,86,400 23,483
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1,04,553 81,070
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 2,90,953 1,04,553

Here is the summary of cash flow statement for the FY 2024 and 2023:

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

The cash flow from operating activities in the year ended 31 March 2024 shows a net cash outflow of INR 8,36,457 lakh, compared to an outflow of INR 6,17,391 lakh in the previous year. The net profit before tax, after accounting for the share of profit or loss of equity-accounted investee companies, stood at INR 84,139 lakh, up from INR 65,290 lakh in the previous year. Adjustments for non-cash items like depreciation, impairment loss, and provisions led to a significant impact on the operating cash flow, resulting in a negative cash flow from operations before working capital changes. The company saw a large increase in loans, leading to a reduction in cash flow, as well as an increase in other non-financial assets. Working capital changes further increased the cash outflow, while inflows from interest income and tax refunds helped offset some of the negative impact.

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Investing activities led to a net cash outflow of INR 41,913 lakh in the year ended 31 March 2024, an improvement from INR 83,136 lakh in the previous year. The company made net investments in pass-through securities, mutual funds, and security receipts, along with investments in redeemable non-convertible debentures. There were partial inflows from the redemption of debentures and interest on fixed deposits. Outflows from the purchase of property, plant, and equipment, as well as intangible assets, contributed to the negative cash flow from investing activities. Despite these outflows, the overall cash flow from investing activities showed a positive trend compared to the previous year.

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

In financing activities, the company generated a net cash inflow of INR 10,64,770 lakh for the year ended 31 March 2024, compared to INR 7,24,010 lakh in the previous year. The inflows were mainly driven by long-term borrowings of INR 18,82,088 lakh, partly offset by repayment of borrowings of INR 9,54,143 lakh. Additionally, the company saw proceeds from working capital loans, cash credit, and commercial paper, contributing positively to the cash flow. The outflow from the payment of lease liabilities was relatively small. Overall, the financing activities provided a significant cash inflow, reflecting the company 's reliance on borrowing for its funding needs.

Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents

The net increase in cash and cash equivalents for the year ended 31 March 2024 was INR 1,86,400 lakh, a substantial improvement from INR 23,483 lakh in the previous year. This increase was primarily driven by the positive cash flows from financing activities, along with inflows from interest income, which helped offset the outflows from operating and investing activities. As a result, the company 's cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year stood at INR 2,90,953 lakh, a significant rise from INR 1,04,553 lakh at the beginning of the year.

Dividend and Retained Earnings

Particulars 31 March 2023 (INR in Lakh) 31 March 2024 (INR in Lakh)
Dividend Recommended                        -                        -
Retained Earnings                  1,68,575                   1,95,752

Hinduja Leyland Finance Annual Report

Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited Annual Report 2023-24


Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited Annual Report 2022-23

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