Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | |||||||
JDS Finance Company Limited |
Particulars |
2023 |
2022 |
Current assets |
(a) Inventories |
4,821.60 |
(i) Cash & Bank Balances |
8.84 |
641.25 |
(ii) Loans |
214,456.86 |
258,452.34 |
(b) Other Current assets |
828.59 |
12,536.54 |
Total Current Assets |
215,294.29 |
276,451.73 |
Total Assets |
215,294.29 |
276,451.73 |
Equity And Liabilities |
(1) Equity |
(a) Equity Share capital |
573,500 |
573,500 |
(b) Other Equity |
-359,672.33 |
-308,521.62 |
Equity attributable to Owners of the Company |
213,827.67 |
264,978.38 |
Total Equity |
213,827.67 |
264,978.38 |
(3) Current liabilities |
(a) Financial liabilities |
(i) Borrowings |
10,000 |
(a) Other current liabilities |
1,466.62 |
1,473.35 |
Total Current Liabilities |
1,466.62 |
11,473.35 |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
215,294.29 |
276,452.13 |
Particulars |
2023 |
2022 |
(I)Reveues |
Revenue from operations |
26,173.41 |
71.63 |
Other income |
8,487.65 |
5,539.16 |
Total Revenues |
34,661.06 |
5,610.79 |
(II) Expenses: |
Purchases |
66.56 |
18.36 |
Change in Inventories |
4,821.60 |
429.14 |
Employee benefit expense |
4,870.69 |
2,795 |
Other Expenses |
76,052.92 |
326,471.99 |
Total expenses |
85,811.77 |
329,714.49 |
(III) Profit before Exceptional Items, and Tax |
-51,150.71 |
-324,103.70 |
(IV) Profit/ (loss) before tax |
-51,150.71 |
-324,103.70 |
(V) Profit/ (loss) for the year net of tax |
-51,150.71 |
-324,103.70 |
Total Comprehensive Income For the year |
-51,150.71 |
-324,103.70 |
Earnings per equity share |
Earnings per Share (Basic & Diluted) on Net Profit, attributable to owners of Company |
0.01 |
0.06 |
Particulars |
2023 |
2022 |
Net Profit/ (Loss) before tax & Extraordinary items |
-51,150.71 |
-324,103.70 |
Adjustments for Current Assets & Liabilities: |
(Increase) Decrease in Loan & Advances |
43,995.48 |
-7,140.20 |
(Increase) Decrease in Closing Stock |
4,821.60 |
429.1 |
(Increase) Decrease in Trade Receivables |
326,392.10 |
Increase (Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities |
-6.73 |
119 |
(Increase) Decrease in Short Term Borrowings |
-10,000.00 |
5 ,000.00 |
(Increase) Decrease in Other Current Assets |
11,707.95 |
-515.4 |
Cash generated from operations. |
-632.41 |
181 |
Cash Flow before extraordinary items. |
-632.41 |
181 |
Net cash from operating activities. |
-632.41 |
181 |
Net increase/ (Decrease) in cash & cash equivalents |
-632.41 |
181 |
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents |
641.25 |
460.3 |
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents |
8.84 |
641.25 |
In Current Accounts |
8.84 |
641.25 |
8.84 |
641.25 |
Certainly, here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022:
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities - 2023:
Net Profit/ (Loss) before tax & Extraordinary items: Rs. -51,150.71
Adjustments for Current Assets & Liabilities:
(Increase) Decrease in Loan & Advances: Rs. 43,995.48
(Increase) Decrease in Closing Stock: Rs. 4,821.60
(Increase) Decrease in Trade Receivables: Rs. 326,392.10
Increase (Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities: Rs. -6.73
(Increase) Decrease in Short Term Borrowings: Rs. -10,000.00
(Increase) Decrease in Other Current Assets: Rs. 11,707.95
Cash generated from operations: Rs. -632.41
Cash Flow before extraordinary items: Rs. -632.41
Net cash from operating activities: Rs. -632.41
Net increase/ (Decrease) in cash & cash equivalents: Rs. -632.41
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents: Rs. 641.25
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents: Rs. 8.84
B. Cash Flow from Operating Activities - 2022:
Net Profit/ (Loss) before tax & Extraordinary items: Rs. -324,103.70
Adjustments for Current Assets & Liabilities:
(Increase) Decrease in Loan & Advances: Rs. -7,140.20
(Increase) Decrease in Closing Stock: Rs. 429.1
(Increase) Decrease in Trade Receivables: Rs. 326,392.10
Increase (Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities: Rs. 119
(Increase) Decrease in Short Term Borrowings: Rs. 5,000.00
(Increase) Decrease in Other Current Assets: Rs. -515.4
Cash generated from operations: Rs. 181
Cash Flow before extraordinary items: Rs. 181
Net cash from operating activities: Rs. 181
Net increase/ (Decrease) in cash & cash equivalents: Rs. 181
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents: Rs. 460.3
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents: Rs. 641.25