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Suspended Companies Shares


Trading in equity shares listed on Stock Exchanges like NSE, BSE, or MSEI, can be suspended temporarily or permanently due to Liquidation, Surveillance measures, non-compliance with regulations, Amalgamation, or penal reasons. The suspension of a company from trading, by the exchange, might be revoked if the suspended company complies with all regulations and the shares will start trading again. In case a company gets suspended from trading and then eventually closes, Shareholders must write it off as a loss in the books.

After a trading suspension occurs, Shareholders can't buy or sell such suspended companies' shares, through Stock Exchanges. Investors can buy or sell shares in a company whose stock faces trading suspension through OTC or off-market deals in Private Market (Unlisted Market). To know more about buying and selling suspended companies' shares and securities, call or write us. Details of some suspended company stocks where shares can be traded over the counter are as under:

Reach out to us @0731-4025544, 0731-4025545, +91-9669999444, +91-7999252591.
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