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Purbasha Resources Annual Reports | Balance Sheet | Financials | Cashflow

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Purbasha Resources Limited

Purbasha Resources Limited Balance Sheet (Rs. In '00)


PARTICULARS 2023 2022 2021
(1) Financial Assets      
(a) Cash and Cash equivalent 2,844.80 10,218.22 9,845.98
(b) Bank Balance other than (a) above 10,461.99 1,11,912.69 1,05,754.41
(c) Receivables      
(i) Trade Receivables 25,642.95 1,267.50 6,997.93
(ii) Other Receivables - - -
(d) Loans 1,42,663.01 1,62,663.01 3,15,365.25
(e) Investments in Equity Instruments 15,50,003.45 13,30,750.12 12,05,701.99
(f) Other Financial Assets 187.39 34,187.39 33,687.39
(2) Non-Financial Assets      
(a) Inventories 6,17,560.87 4,15,653.49 2,99,889.83
(b) Current Tax Assets 30,783.76 1,07,398.14 51,136.74
(c) Deferred Tax Assets(net) - 22,570.16 27,198.54
(d) Property, Plant and Equipment 7,456.88 8,779.43 10,101.98
TOTAL ASSETS 23,87,605.10 22,05,400.15 20,65,680.04
(1) Financial Liabilities      
(a) Payables      
(I) Trade Payables      
(i) Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises - - -
(ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises - - -
(II) Other Payables      
(i) Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises - - -
(ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 800.00 700.00 1,848.50
(2) Non-Financial Liabilities      
(a) Current Income Tax liabilities 11,250.00 92,894.00 61,000.00
(b) Provisions 3,542.89 650.65 10,335.66
(c) Deferred tax liability (net) 53,417.28 - -
(d) Other Non-Financial liabilities 302.60 309.31 301.50
(3) Equity      
(a) Equity Share Capital 3,00,100.00 3,00,100.00 3,00,100.00
(b) Other Equity 20,18,192.33 18,10,746.19 16,92,094.38
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 23,87,605.10 22,05,400.15 20,65,680.04

Purbasha Resources Limited Profit & Loss Statement (Rs. In '00)


PARTICULARS 2023 2022 2021
Revenue from Operations      
(a) Interest Income 30,247.35 40,529.41 33,756.82
(b) Dividend Income 27,114.92 33,844.26 35,037.61
(c) Sales of Shares and Securities 2,30,318.02 2,42,647.18 1,11,017.34
(d) Profit from Futures / Derivatives 63,744.35 70,779.32 3,09,855.85
(e) Profit from Sale of Investments - 24,195.10 337.44
Total revenue from operations 3,51,424.64 4,11,995.27 4,90,005.06
Other Income 2,013.56 7,510.10 3,32,573.59
Total Income 3,53,438.20 4,19,505.37 8,22,578.65
(a) Finance Cost - - 1,050.89
(b) Purchase of Stock in Trade 4,62,677.84 3,25,021.89 46,975.19
(c) Changes in Inventories of Shares and Securities -2,01,907.38 -1,15,763.66 70,362.48
(d) Employee Benefits Expenses 12,638.86 11,984.38 9,753.00
(e) Depreciation Expenses 1,322.55 1,322.55 1,404.89
(f) Other Expenses 6,742.78 5,868.41 5,144.55
Total Expenses 2,81,474.65 2,28,433.57 1,34,691.00
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 71,963.55 1,91,071.80 6,87,887.65
Tax Expense      
(a) Current Tax      
(i) Current Tax for Current Period 11,250.00 31,894.00 61,000.00
(ii) Current tax for the Previous Periods 1,147.86 - -
(b) Deferred Tax - - -
(i) Deferred Tax for Current Period 17,781.79 13,961.76 60,563.03
(ii) Deferred Tax relating to Previous Years - - -
Total Tax Expense 30,179.65 45,855.76 1,21,563.03
Profit / (Loss) for the period 41,783.90 1,45,216.04 5,66,324.62
Other Comprehensive Income      
(a)Items that will not be reclassified to the Statement of Profit and Loss      
(i) Gain/(Loss) on fair valuation of investments in Equity instruments 2,23,867.89 -35,897.61 -
(ii) Income Tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to Profit and Loss -58,205.65 -9,333.38 -
(b) Items that will be reclassified to Statement of Profit and Loss - - -
Total Other Comprehensive Income 1,65,662.24 -26,564.23 -
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 2,07,446.14 1,18,651.81 5,66,324.62
Earnings Per Equity Share : (Face value of share of ₹ 10 each)      
(a)Basic (Rs.) 1.39 4.84 18.87
(b)Diluted(Rs.) 1.39 4.84 18.87

Purbasha Resources Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Rs. In '00)


PARTICULARS 2023 2022 2021
A. Cash Flows from Operating Activities      
Profit for the Period 71,963.55 1,91,071.80 6,87,887.65
Adjustment for :      
Provision for Contingency -80.00 -610.81 454.31
Depreciation Expense 1,322.55 1,322.55 1,404.89
Interest Income on Deposits -1,564.07 -6,842.55 -6,220.98
Dividend Income on Investment -23,209.71 -30,810.15 -32,093.78
Finance Cost - - 1,050.89
Assets scrapped/written off - - 14.12
(Profit)/loss on revaluation of investment in Equity Instruments - - -3,26,352.61
(Profit)/loss on sale of investment in Equity instruments - -24,195.10 -337.44
Operating profit before working capital changes 48,432.32 1,29,935.74 3,25,807.05
Adjustments for (increase)/decrease in operating assets      
Inventories -2,01,907.38 -1,15,763.66 70,362.48
Trade Receivables 24,375.45 5,730.43 61,124.36
Non-Current Financial Assets 34,000.00 -500.00 -33,500.00
Loans 20,000.00 1,52,702.24 -1,84,105.46
Adjustments for increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities      
Other Payables 100.00 -1,148.50 -1,489.11
Other Non-Financial Liabilities -6.71 7.81 -300.00
Provisions 2,972.24 -9,074.20 9,074.20
Cash generated from operations -1,20,784.98 1,61,889.86 2,46,973.52
Direct Taxes Paid -17,427.49 -56,261.40 -44,884.18
Net Cash generated from Operating Activities -1,38,212.47 1,05,628.46 2,02,089.34
B. Cash flows from Investing Activities      
Sale/(Purchase) of investment in Equity Instrument (net) 4,614.57 -1,36,750.64 -40,362.80
Dividend Income on investment 23,209.71 30,810.15 32,093.78
Interest Income 1,564.07 6,842.55 6,220.98
Net Cash from / (used in) Investing Activities 29,388.35 -99,097.94 -2,048.04
C. Cash Flows from Financing Activities      
Proceeds from Unsecured loans  - - 1,92,000.00
Repayment of Unsecured loans - - -2,77,018.63
Interest Paid - - -1,050.89
Net Cash from / (used in) Financing Activities - - -86,069.52
Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents -1,08,824.12 6,530.52 1,13,971.78
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1,22,130.91 1,15,600.39 1,628.61
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 13,306.79 1,22,130.91 1,15,600.39


Let 's break down the Cash Flow Statement of Purbasha Resources Limited for the years 2023, 2022, and 2021, activity-wise:


1. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

   - The company reported a substantial profit for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023.

   - Adjustments to the profit included provisions, depreciation, interest income, and dividends, impacting the final operating profit.

   - Operating cash flow, calculated before working capital changes, saw a significant decrease in 2023 compared to the previous years.

   - The decrease was influenced by a substantial negative impact from changes in operating assets and liabilities, particularly a drastic increase in inventories.


2. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:

   - The net cash from investing activities turned positive in 2023, indicating a shift towards increased investments.

   - The company made net purchases of equity instruments, while consistently earning dividends and interest income from its investments.

   - Despite a negative trend in 2022, the overall positive net cash in 2023 suggests a strategic focus on investment activities.


3. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

   - The financing activities depict a decrease in cash for all three years, mainly due to loan repayments and interest payments.

   - Unsecured loans were procured in 2021, contributing to a positive cash flow, but subsequent repayments led to a negative impact on cash in the following years.

   - The overall financing activities resulted in a net decrease in cash, emphasizing the impact of loan transactions on the company 's liquidity.


4. Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents:

   - The net cash position at the end of each year reflects the overall change in cash and cash equivalents.

   - While 2021 and 2022 witnessed positive increases, 2023 saw a significant decrease primarily due to operational and financing activities.

Purbasha Resources Limited Financial Ratios for the year 2023 and 2022:


Ratios 2022-23 2021-22
Current Ratio 43.23:1 6.84:1
Debtors Turnover 2.41:1 85.70:1
Inventory Turnover 0.25:1 0.58:1
Return on Net worth (%) 1.9 6.88
Operating Profit Margin (%) 0.2 0.46
Net Profit Margin (%) 0.12 0.35

Let’s break down and analyze each of these financial indicators of Purbasha Resources Limited for the year 2023 and 2022:

1. Current Ratio:

   - 2022-23: 43.23:1

   - 2021-22: 6.84:1

   - The current ratio indicates the company 's ability to cover its short-term liabilities with its short-term assets. A higher current ratio is generally considered favorable, as it suggests a better ability to meet short-term obligations. In this case, the current ratio has significantly improved from 2021-22 to 2022-23, indicating a stronger financial position in terms of liquidity.


2. Debtors Turnover:

   - 2022-23: 2.41:1

   - 2021-22: 85.70:1

   - The debtors turnover ratio measures how quickly a company collects its receivables. A higher ratio is generally better, as it implies a shorter time to collect outstanding payments. In this case, there has been a substantial decrease in the ratio from 2021-22 to 2022-23, indicating an improvement in the efficiency of receivables collection.


3. Inventory Turnover:

   - 2022-23: 0.25:1

   - 2021-22: 0.58:1

   - The inventory turnover ratio reflects how efficiently a company manages its inventory. A higher ratio suggests better inventory management. In this case, the ratio has decreased, indicating a longer time to sell or higher levels of inventory relative to sales. It 's important to understand the industry norms when assessing this ratio.


4. Return on Net Worth (%):

   - 2022-23: 1.9%

   - 2021-22: 6.88%

   - Return on Net-Worth (RONW) measures the profitability of the company in relation to its net worth. A higher percentage is generally preferred, as it indicates better profitability. The decrease in RONW from 2021-22 to 2022-23 may suggest a decline in the company 's profitability relative to its net worth.


5. Operating Profit Margin (%):

   - 2022-23: 0.2%

   - 2021-22: 0.46%

   - Operating profit margin is the percentage of sales that turn into operating profit. A higher margin is generally better. The decrease in the operating profit margin suggests a lower percentage of sales translating into operating profit in 2022-23 compared to 2021-22.


6. Net Profit Margin (%):

   - 2022-23: 0.12%

   - 2021-22: 0.35%

   - Net profit margin measures the percentage of sales that turn into net profit. Similar to operating profit margin, a higher net profit margin is preferred. The decrease in net profit margin from 2021-22 to 2022-23 indicates a lower percentage of sales translating into net profit.


Dividend History of Purbasha Resources Limited:





Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.)






Purbasha Resources Annual Report

Purbasha Resources Annual Report 2022-23


Purbasha Resources Annual Report 2021-22


Purbasha Resources Annual Report 2020-21


Purbasha Resources Annual Report 2019-20

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