Unlisted Deals:

Maxvalue Credits Unlisted Share price

Last Traded Price 5.10 + 2.00 %

Maxvalue Credits Company Fundamentals

Company Name
Maxvalue Credits And Investments Limited
Scrip Name
Maxvalue Credits
No. of Outstanding Shares
Face Value
PE ratio
P/S Ratio
Market Capitalization
182.33 Crore
Book value
52 Week High
52 Week Low
Lifetime High
15.00 (22/09/21)
Lifetime Low
0.05 (17/01/23)
Day High
Day Low
DRHP Filed?
Available on
ROFR Require
Financial Service
Registration Date

Maxvalue Credits Share Price Performance

Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited Unlisted Shares - Company Overview

Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited is a non-banking financial company (NBFC) based in India. It was incorporated in 1994 and is headquartered in Thrissur, Kerala. The company is primarily engaged in the business of providing loans and advances, investments, and trading in shares and securities.

Maxvalue Credits offers various loan products, including personal loans, vehicle loans, business loans, home loans, and gold loans. The company also provides non-fund based facilities like letters of credit and bank guarantees. Its investment portfolio includes equity shares, mutual funds, and debt instruments.

Maxvalue Credits operates through a network of branches across Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. The company has a customer base of individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and corporates.

The company's vision is to become a leading NBFC in India by providing a range of financial products and services to its customers with a focus on customer satisfaction, ethical practices, and continuous improvement. Maxvalue Credits has a strong management team with extensive experience in the financial services industry, which has helped the company in maintaining a consistent growth trajectory over the years.

Maxvalue Credits Unlisted Share Details as of March 31, 2024

Maxvalue Credits Outstanding Shares: 35,75,19,507
Face Value of Maxvalue Credits Unlisted Share: Rs. 5 Per Equity Share
ISIN of Maxvalue Credits Unlisted Share: INE040401023
Lot Size of Maxvalue Credits Unlisted Share: 100 Shares
Maxvalue Credits Share Price: Best in Industry
PAN Number of Maxvalue Credits: AAACT8550D
GST Number of Maxvalue Credits: 32AAACT8550D2ZM

Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited Incorporation Details

Maxvalue Credits Limited CIN Number



Maxvalue Credits Limited Registration Date

02 November 1995


Category / Sub-Category of Maxvalue Credits

Company limited by shares/ Non-govt Company


Maxvalue Credits Registered Office Address & Contact Details

1st Floor, Ceekay Plaza, Opp Metropolitan Hospital

Koorkkenchery, Thrissur, kerela, 680 007

Ph : 04872422799


Maxvalue Credits Registrar & Transfer Agent Address & Contact Details

M/s.SKDC Consultants Limited

“Surya” 35, Mayflower Avenue, Behind Senthil Nagar, Sowripalayam,

Coimbatore- 641 028.

Ph: 0422 4958995


Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited Board of Directors

Sri. Paulson CV, Chairman

Sri. Parameswaran PN, Independent Director

Sri. Saraladevi M, Independent Director

Sri. Roy Johnson V, Non-Executive Director

Sri. Christo George, Whole-Time Director

Sri. Manoj VR, Whole-Time Director

Sri. Prathapan KR, Non-Executive Director

Sri. Gireesh K, Non-Executive Director

Sri. V K Gopinathan, Non-Executive Director

Sri. Nandakumar Kottarath, Non-Executive Director

Maxvalue Credits Principal Business Activities

Name and Description of main products/services

NIC Code of the product/service*

% to the total turnover of the Company

Other financial intermediation



Maxvalue Credits's Particulars of Joint venture or Associate or Subsidiary Companies

Maxvalue Credits And Investments Limited does not have any Joint venture or Associate Company or Subsidiary Company.

Maxvalue credits and Investments Limited Shareholding Pattern (As on 31 March 2024)


Total no. of shares

% of shares held

Promoter's shareholding









The Company does not have promoters as on 31st March 2023 & 31st March 2024.

FAQ Related to Maxvalue credits and Investments Limited

Q.1) Is Maxvalue credits and Investments Limited is a private or public company?

Maxvalue Credits And Investments Limited is a Public incorporated on 02 November 1995. 

Q.2) Do Maxvalue credits and Investments Limited listed or not?

Maxvalue Credits And Investments Limited is an unlisted public company.

Q.3) in which field the work of Maxvalue credits and Investments Limited is?

Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited operates in the financial services and investment management sector.

Bottom of Form

Q.4) how is Maxvalue credits and Investments Limited is in liquid category?

Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited is not in a strong liquidity position as of 31st March 2023. Key indicators show a decline in liquidity ratios, a heavy reliance on short-term debt, and challenges in meeting short-term financial obligations. The current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio reflect tight liquidity conditions, and the debt service coverage ratio indicates insufficient cash flow to cover debt payments. Additionally, a higher proportion of short-term liabilities compared to total assets and long-term assets further strains liquidity. Despite some improvements in efficiency and a reduction in losses, these issues highlight significant liquidity challenges for the company.

NBFC Industry Outlook

The non-banking financial company (NBFC) sector in India, in which Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited operates, has seen significant growth over the past few years. The NBFCs have been able to serve as an important source of credit for segments of the population that have been underserved by traditional banks.

However, the sector has also faced challenges in recent years, such as the liquidity crisis in 2018, which affected the ability of NBFCs to raise funds from the market, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a decline in economic activity and increased stress on the financial system.

Despite these challenges, the outlook for the NBFC sector in India remains positive, with the government and regulators taking steps to address the issues faced by the sector. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced various measures to improve the liquidity and funding situation of NBFCs and has also provided regulatory support for the sector.

Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited has a strong presence in the southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka, and has been able to grow its business by focusing on customer satisfaction, ethical practices, and continuous improvement. The company's diversified loan portfolio, which includes personal loans, vehicle loans, business loans, home loans, and gold loans, has helped it to manage risks and capitalize on opportunities in different segments of the market.

Overall, the outlook for Maxvalue Credits and Investments Limited appears positive, with the company well-positioned to benefit from the growth opportunities in the NBFC sector in India. However, the company will need to continue to focus on maintaining a strong balance sheet, managing risks effectively, and adapting to changing market conditions in order to sustain its growth trajectory over the long term.



Maxvalue Credits Annual Reports

Maxvalue Credits Annual Report 2023-24


Maxvalue Credits Annual Report 2022-23


Maxvalue Credits Annual Report 2021-22


Maxvalue Credits Annual Report 2020-21


Maxvalue Credits Annual Report 2019-20

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