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Vanaz Engineers Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

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Vanaz Engineers Limited

Vanaz Engineers Limited Balance Sheet (Amt. in Lakhs)


Particulars 31/03/2023  31/03/2022 
Equity and Liabilities    
Shareholders ' Funds    
Share Capital 215.38 215.77
Reserves and Surplus 22,978.22 19,863.93
Total Shareholders ' Funds 23,193.60 20,079.70
Non-Current Liabilities    
Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 17.02 20.83
Long-term Provisions 402.04 367.67
Current Liabilities    
Short-term Borrowings 6.02 11.62
Trade Payables 1,624.40 905.28
Other Current Liabilities 1,708.83 1,117.97
Short-term Provisions 772.15 863.08
Total Equity and Liabilities 27,724.06 23,372.17
Non-Current Assets    
Tangible Assets 2,110.63 2,151.82
Intangible Assets 24.39 17.10
Tangible Assets Capital Work-in-Progress 1,098.61 994.12
Other Non-current Assets 91.76 61.60
Current Assets    
Inventories 2,109.73 1,670.94
Trade Receivables 4,300.13 2,712.84
Cash and Bank Balances 17,432.91 15,325.53
Short-term Loans and Advances 8.43 8.06
Other Current Assets 547.22 428.19
Total Assets 27,724.06 23,372.17

Vanaz Engineers Limited Profit and Loss Statement (Amt. in Lakhs)


Particulars 31/03/2023 31/03/2022
Revenue from Operations    
Revenue from Sale of Products 26,585.18 17,242.17
Revenue from Sale of Services 18.65 18.08
Total Revenue from Operations 26,603.83 17,260.25
Other Income 871.97 752.15
Total Revenue 27,475.80 18,012.40
Cost of Materials Consumed 13,505.04 8,171.76
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade 519.98 649.38
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-Progress, and Stock-in-Trade -226.23 96.16
Employee Benefit Expense 3,431.37 3,037.13
Finance Costs 1.26 1.93
Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortisation Expense    
Amortisation Expense 176.18 199.51
Total Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortisation Expense 176.18 199.51
CSR Expenditure 76.65 101.53
Other Expenses 3,668.07 2,774.38
Total Expenses 21,152.32 15,031.78
Profit Before Exceptional Items and Tax 6,323.48 2,980.62
Exceptional Items Before Tax 17.39 40.63
Profit Before Tax 6,340.87 3,021.25
Tax Expense    
Current Tax 1,654.25 800.00
Deferred Tax -3.81 206.55
Total Tax Expense 1,650.44 1,006.55
Profit for the Period from Continuing Operations 4,690.43 2,014.70
Profit for the Period 4,690.43 2,014.70
Earnings per Equity Share    
Basic Earnings per Equity Share (₹/Share) 218.00 93.00
Diluted Earnings per Equity Share (₹/Share) 218.00 93.00

Vanaz Engineers Limited Cash Flow Statement (Amt. in Lakhs)


Particulars 31/03/2023 31/03/2022
Cash Flows from Operating Activities    
Profit Before Extraordinary Items and Tax 6,340.87 3,021.25
Adjustments for Reconcile Profit (Loss)    
Adjustments for Finance Costs 1.26 1.93
Adjustments for Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 176.18 199.51
Adjustments for Dividend Income 0.05 0.05
Other Adjustments to Reconcile Profit (Loss) -17.39 -40.63
Other Adjustments for Non-Cash Items -841.12 -729.90
Total Adjustments to Profit (Loss) -681.12 -569.14
Adjustments for Working Capital    
Adjustments for Decrease (Increase) in Inventories -438.80 88.75
Adjustments for Decrease (Increase) in Trade Receivables -1,761.36 -240.66
Adjustments for Decrease (Increase) in Other Current Assets -1,986.03 -1,765.21
Adjustments for Increase (Decrease) in Trade Payables 1,344.33 701.45
Total Adjustments for Working Capital -2,841.86 -1,215.67
Total Adjustments for Reconcile Profit (Loss) -3,522.98 -1,784.81
Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Operations 2,817.89 1,236.44
Income Taxes Paid (Refund) 1,503.73 799.32
Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Operating Activities 1,314.16 437.12
Cash Flows from Investing Activities    
Proceeds from Sale of Tangible Assets 35.07 78.54
Purchase of Tangible Assets 159.97 58.63
Dividends Received 0.05 0.05
Interest Received 841.12 729.90
Other Inflows (Outflows) of Cash -102.76 -166.69
Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Investing Activities 613.51 583.17
Cash Flows from Financing Activities    
Proceeds from Borrowings -5.60 -17.50
Repayments of Borrowings 6.02 11.62
Dividends Paid 1,723.84 863.08
Other Inflows (Outflows) of Cash -70.89 -1.93
Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Financing Activities -1,806.35 -894.13
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 121.32 126.16
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period 440.73 319.38

Here is the summary of cash flow statement for th FY 2023:

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

This section highlights cash generated or used by the company 's primary business operations. The profit before tax for FY 2023 stood at ₹6,340.87 Lakhs, a significant increase compared to ₹3,021.25 Lakhs in FY 2022, indicating improved operational performance. Adjustments for non-cash and non-operating items such as depreciation and amortization expenses contributed ₹176.18 Lakhs, while finance costs were ₹1.26 Lakhs. Other non-cash items, including unrealized gains and losses, reduced cash flow by ₹841.12 Lakhs in FY 2023.

Working capital adjustments further impacted operating cash flows. Inventory levels increased by ₹438.80 Lakhs, reflecting higher stockholding. Trade receivables rose significantly by ₹1,761.36 Lakhs, suggesting slower customer collections. However, trade payables increased by ₹1,344.33 Lakhs, indicating extended credit terms from suppliers. After accounting for income taxes paid of ₹1,503.73 Lakhs, the net cash flow from operating activities was ₹1,314.16 Lakhs in FY 2023, an improvement from ₹437.12 Lakhs in FY 2022.

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

This section reflects the cash used or generated from investments. Proceeds from the sale of tangible assets totaled ₹35.07 Lakhs in FY 2023, while purchases of tangible assets amounted to ₹159.97 Lakhs, showing increased investment in fixed assets. Interest income contributed a steady inflow of ₹841.12 Lakhs, while other cash outflows totaled ₹102.76 Lakhs. Overall, net cash flows from investing activities remained positive at ₹613.51 Lakhs in FY 2023, indicating that cash inflows exceeded the cash used for investments.

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

This section details the cash used for funding operations through borrowings and equity-related activities. There was a slight reduction in borrowings, with a net repayment of ₹5.60 Lakhs in FY 2023. A significant outflow of ₹1,723.84 Lakhs was attributed to dividend payments, reflecting the company 's commitment to shareholder returns. Other financing-related outflows amounted to ₹70.89 Lakhs. Consequently, net cash flows from financing activities were negative at ₹1,806.35 Lakhs in FY 2023, indicating a considerable cash outflow primarily driven by dividends.

Overall Cash Position

The overall net increase in cash and cash equivalents was ₹121.32 Lakhs in FY 2023, slightly lower than the ₹126.16 Lakhs recorded in FY 2022. This resulted in a closing cash balance of ₹440.73 Lakhs at the end of FY 2023, compared to ₹319.38 Lakhs at the end of FY 2022.


Vanaz Engineers Annual Report

Vanaz Engineers Financials for FY 2022-2023


Vanaz Engineers Financials for FY 2021-22


Vanaz Engineers Financials for FY 2020-21

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