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Pratibha Industries Limited Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

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Pratibha Industries Limited

Pratibha Industries Limited Balance Sheet (Amt In Rs.)


PARTICULARS  31 March 2020  31 March 2019
(1)   Non Current Assets    
(a)  Property, Plant and Equipment 34,766.43 37,984.86
(c) Other Intangible assets - 44.21
(d)  Financial Assets    
(i)  Investments 4,669.36 4,857.87
(ii) Loans 78.16 152.96
(iii) Others 16,287.36 16,287.36
(e) Other Non-Current Assets 34,277.59 31,537.38
(2)   Current Assets    
(a)  Inventories 1,32,301.30 1,32,333.98
(b)  Financial Assets    
(i)  Trade Receivables 9,996.78 8,134.10
(ii) Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,646.85 2,521.08
(iii) Bank Balances 3,568.04 1,168.04
(iv) Loans 43,592.40 42,639.05
(v) Others 13,440.29 13,322.06
(c) Current Tax Asset (Net) 641.05 880.04
(d) Other Current Assets 21,685.48 16,708.51
Total Assets 3,17,951.10 3,08,571.50
(1)   Equity    
(a)  Equity Share Capital 4,771.95 4,771.95
(b) Other Equity -4,44,792.25 -4,38,442.97
(2)   Non Current Liabilities    
(a)  Financial Liabilities    
(i) Borrowings 88.06 135.5
(b) Provisions 159.01 159.01
(c)  Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) - -
(d)  Other Non Current Liabilities - -
(3)   Current Liabilities    
(a)  Financial Liabilities    
(i) Borrowings 3,82,852.94 3,79,377.24
(ii)  Trade Payables    
(A)  Dues of micro and small enterprises - -
(B)  Dues of creditors other than micro and small enterprises 29,313.87 25,767.34
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 3,19,247.11 3,19,233.66
(b) Other Current Liabilities 25,546.38 16,805.75
(c) Provisions 143.95 143.95
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 620.09 620.09
Total Equity and Liabilities 3,17,951.10 3,08,571.50

Pratibha Industries Limited Profit & Loss Statement (Amt In Rs.)

PARTICULARS  31 March 2020  31 March 2019
Revenue From Operations 23,155.17 38,634.33
Other Income 1,504.05 5,397.44
Total Income  24,659.23 44,031.77
Cost of materials consumed 379.63 13,862.95
Construction & Operating Expenses 22,995.95 37,474.33
Changes in inventories of finished goods, Stock-in -Trade and work-in-progress - 7,798.84
Employee benefits expense 1,235.00 2,028.76
Finance costs 223.02 78,839.05
Depreciation and amortization expense 2,829.04 3,810.01
Other expenses 3,220.40 57,211.60
Total expenses  30,883.04 2,01,025.54
Profit/(loss) before exceptional items and tax  -6,223.82 -1,56,993.77
Exceptional Items    
Profit/(loss) before tax -6,223.82 -1,56,993.77
Tax expense:    
(1)  Current tax - -
(2)  Deferred tax - -
Profit (Loss) for the period from continuing operations -6,223.82 -1,56,993.77
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations    
Tax expense of discontinued operations    
Profit/(loss) from Discontinued operations (after tax) (X-XI) - -
Profit/(loss) for the period  -6,223.82 -1,56,993.77
Share in profit/(loss) of joint ventures/ associates (net) -125.73 -4,656.06
Adjustments for non-controlling interest in subsidiaries - -
Net profit after tax, non-controlling interest and share in profit/(loss) of joint ventures/ associates (PAT) -6,349.54 -1,61,649.83
Other Comprehensive Income - -
(i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss    
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 0.27 -2.36
(i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss - -
Total Comprehensive Income for the period (XVI+XVII)    
(Comprising Profit (Loss) and Other Comprehensive Income for the period) -6,349.28 -1,61,652.19
Earnings per equity share (Amount in `)    
For continuing operation    
(1) Basic -2.66 -67.75
(2) Diluted -2.66 -67.75
For discontinued operation    
(1) Basic - -
(2) Diluted - -
For discontinued & continuing operations    
(1) Basic -2.66 -67.75
(2) Diluted -2.66 -67.75

Pratibha Industries Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Amt In Rs.)

Particulars  31 March 2020  31 March 2019
Profit before tax -6,349.54 -1,61,649.83
Adjustment for :     
Depreciation & Amortization 2,829.04 3,810.01
(Profit)/Loss on Sale of Assets -607.4 9,805.28
Finance Charges 223.02 78,839.43
Sundry Balance write Off/(back) -80.28 513.47
Unrealised Foreign Exchange Gain - -0.38
Liquidated Damages 945.49 -
Loss on Impairment of Assets - 29.16
Provision for Doubtful Debts 48.01 14,742.59
BG Encashment Balance Written Off - 18,515.24
Fixed Asset Written Off - 6,910.79
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation - 572.77
Impairment of Goodwill - 150
Share in profit/(loss) of joint ventures/ associates (net) 125.73 4,656.06
Diminution in value of investment on consolidation   -
Operating Profit before working Capital Changes -3,629.34 -23,194.86
Adjustment for:     
Inventories 32.67 13,014.89
Trade Receivables -2,824.32 5,032.16
Other Assets -9,039.98 -8,456.75
Trade Payables 3,546.47 -10,081.41
Other Liabilities 10,266.55 -25,021.78
Minority Interest - -
  -1,647.95 -48,707.75
Less: Direct Taxes Paid / (Refund Received) -624.21 -
Net cash used in Operating Activities (a) -1,023.75 -48,707.75
Sale of/ (Additions to) Fixed Assets (net) including Capital Advances 1,040.17 17,684.95
Sale of/ (Additions to) Investments (net) 62.79 6,158.16
Term Deposits -2,400.00 6,153.27
Interest Income 621.22 1,230.52
Net cash used in investing activities (b) -675.83 31,226.91
Dividend Paid    
Proceeds from Short Term Borrowings (Net) 3,475.70 53,822.60
Finance Charges paid (Net) -223.02 -78,839.43
Interest due - 57,327.72
Public Deposits and interest accrued thereon - 134.94
Net cash from Financing Activities (c ) 1,825.35 16,772.30
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,516.09 3,224.63
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,641.86 2,516.09

Let 's break down the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2020 and 2019, activity-wise:


1. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:

   - In 2020, the company reported a net cash outflow from operating activities of -1,023.75 Lakhs. Despite a negative profit before tax, adjustments for items such as Depreciation & Amortization, Finance Charges, and Provision for Doubtful Debts contributed to reducing the cash outflow.

   - Conversely, in 2019, the company experienced a significant cash outflow from operating activities, amounting to -48,707.75 Lakhs. This was primarily due to a much larger negative profit before tax and significant adjustments, including losses on the sale of assets and impairment charges.


2. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:

   - In 2020, the company utilized cash in investing activities, with a net cash outflow of -675.83 Lakhs. This included proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and investments, offset by term deposits and interest income.

   - Contrastingly, in 2019, the company had a significant cash outflow in investing activities, amounting to 31,226.91 Lakhs, indicating higher capital expenditures or investment activities during that year.


3. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:

   - In 2020, the company generated cash from financing activities, with a net inflow of 1,825.35 Lakhs. This was primarily driven by proceeds from short-term borrowings and finance charges paid.

   - Similarly, in 2019, the company had a net cash inflow from financing activities, totaling 16,772.30 Lakhs, likely due to increased borrowings or capital raised.


4. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:

   - Despite challenges, the company managed to increase its cash and cash equivalents by 125.77 Lakhs in 2020, indicating a positive trend in liquidity.

   - However, in 2019, the company experienced a decrease in cash and cash equivalents by -708.54 Lakhs, highlighting liquidity challenges faced during that year.


5. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the Year:

   - At the end of 2020, the company had cash and cash equivalents totaling 2,641.86 Lakhs, showing a modest improvement compared to the previous year.

   - Similarly, at the end of 2019, the company had cash and cash equivalents amounting to 2,516.09 Lakhs, indicating a stable but slightly reduced liquidity position.

Financial Ratios of Pratibha Industries Limited: N/A

Dividend History of Pratibha Industries Limited:



Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.)


Pratibha Industries Annual Report

Pratibha Industries Annual Report 2019-20

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