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PHF Leasing Annual Report, Balance Sheet & Financials

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PHF Leasing Limited

PHF Leasing Limited Balance Sheet (Amt. In Lakhs)




PARTICULARS  31 March 2023  31 March 2022
Financial Assets    
Cash and Cash Equivalents 2240.06 869.39
Bank Balance other than cash and cash equivalent 7 -
Loans 7,888.38 4654.06
Investments 756.87 55.08
Other Financial Assets 658.9 294
Non- Financial Assets    
Current tax assets (Net) 9.85 3.9
Deferred tax assets (Net) - 5.73
Property, Plant and Equipment 161.63 95.56
Right of Use assets 233.45 107.96
Other non-financial assets 70.29 23
Total Assets 12,026.44 6,108.68
Financial Liabilities    
(I) Trade Payables    
(i) total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises - -
(ii) total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 134.58 31.97
(II) Other Payables    
(i) total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small    
enterprises 8.01 -
(ii) total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 100.39 44.23
Debt Securities 1678.53 1380.74
Borrowings (Other than Debt Securities) 3870.01 1990.23
Subordinated Liabilites 675.01 581.13
Deposits 2112.87 863.67
Lease Liabilities 253.2 115.9
Other financial liabilities 390.43 8.86
Non- Financial Liabilities    
Provisions 3.36 1.11
Deferred tax liablities (Net) 39.85 -
Other non-financial liabilities 36.47 15.78
Equity Share capital 1238.68 550
Other Equity 1485.05 525.07
Total Liabilites and Equity 12,026.44 6108.68

PHF Leasing Limited Profit & Loss Statement (Amt. In Lakhs)




PARTICULARS  31 March 2023  31 March 2022
Revenue from Operations    
Interest Income 1773.58 855.2
Dividend Income 0.1 0.07
Total Revenue from Operations 1773.68 855.27
Other Income 1.06 8.17
Total Income 1774.74 863.44
Finance Costs 773.43 424.3
Impairment on financial instruments 39.53 -22.51
Employee Benefits Expenses 414.38 271.1
Depreciation, amortization and impairment 41.67 21.33
Others expenses 361.16 152.75
Total Expenses 1630.18 846.97
Profit/ (Loss) before exceptional and extraordinary items and tax 144.57 16.47
Exceptional items - 75
Profit/ (Loss) before tax 144.57 91.47
Tax Expense:    
(1) Current Tax - -12.2
(2) Deferred Tax credit/(Charge) -39.45 -8.37
(3) Earlier year tax adjusments 10.53 -
Profit/ (Loss) for the period 115.65 70.9
Other Comprehensive Income    
(A) (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss   -
Net gain on equity instrument designated at FVTOCI. (Shares in Capital Small Finance Bank) 16.84 5.2
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss -3.37 0.24
  13.48 5.44
(B) (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
Re-measurement losses on defined benefit plans 10.94 -0.54
Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss -2.75 0
  8.18 -0.54
Total Other Comprehensive Income 21.66 4.9
Total Comprehensive Income / (Loss) for the period(Comprising Profit (Loss) and other Comprehensive Income for the period) 137.31 75.8
Earnings per equity share    
Basic (Rs.) 2.08 2.04
Diluted (Rs.) 2.08 2.04

PHF Leasing Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Amt. In Lakhs)




Particulars  31 March 2023  31 March 2022
Cash flow from operating activities    
Profit/(Loss) before tax 144.57 16.47
Adjustments for:    
Depreciation and amortization expenses 41.67 21.33
Impairment on financial instruments Loss/ (Profit) on sale of assets 39.53 -22.51
Finance cost -773.43 -424.3
Dividend income -0.1 -0.07
Gain/(Loss) on Lease Modification - -2.46
Interest income -1773.58 -855.2
  -774.48 -418.13
Operating Loss before working capital changes and adjustments for interest received, interest paid and dividend received    
Changes in working capital    
Increase/(Decrease) in trade payables 123.31 20.07
Increase/(Decrease) in other payables 64.17 16.44
Increase in other financial liabilities 381.57 5.25
Increase in loans -3,234.32 -2,015.40
Increase in other non-financial assets -47.29 -2.96
(Increase)/ Decrease in other financial assets -364.89 -176.32
Cash used in operations before adjustments for interest received, interest paid and dividend received -3,851.94 -2,571.06
Interest paid -794.24 -396.71
Interest received 1795.92 855.2
Dividend received 0.1 0.07
Cash used in operations -2,850.15 -2,112.50
Income tax paid -9.85 -16.11
Net cash flows (used in)/ from operating activities (A) -2,860.00 -2,128.61
Extraordinary Item - 75
Net cash flows (used in)/ from operating activities (A) -2,860.00 -2,053.61
Cash flow from Investing activities    
Payment for property, plant and equipment -79.76 -87.36
Investment in government securities/FDR -701.8 -5
Deletion of ROU - -
Net proceeds from fixed assets - -
Interest received - -
Net cash flow used in investing activities (B) -781.56 -92.36
Cash flow from Financing activities    
Proceeds from Issue of Equity 1515.1 497.32
Proceeds/(repayment) from issue of debt securities 297.79 372.06
Proceeds/(repayment) from Borrowings other than debt securities issued   1028.85
Proceeds from Subordinated Liabilites 93.87 581.13
Proceeds from issue of deposits 1249.2 328.67
Payment of lease liabilities -16.52 -10.03
Net cash flow from financing activities (C) 5,019.23 2,798.01
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 1377.66 652.04
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 869.39 217.34
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 2247.06 869.39
Cash and cash equivalents comprise (Refer note 3)    
Cash on hand 20.44 18.01
Balances with banks 948.25 52.12
Deposits with original maturity of less than three months 1271.37 799.26
Bank Balance other than cash and cash equivalent 7 -
Total cash and bank balances at end of the year 2247.06 869.39

Let 's break down the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022, activity-wise:

Cash Flow from Operating Activities (A):

   - In 2023, there was a net cash outflow from operating activities amounting to -₹2,860.00. This indicates that the company 's core business operations required more cash outflow than inflow during the period.

   - Similarly, in 2022, the net cash outflow from operating activities was -₹2,053.61. This suggests a similar trend of negative cash flow from operations compared to the previous year.


Cash Flow from Investing Activities (B):

   - In 2023, there was a net cash outflow of -₹781.56 from investing activities, which includes payments for property, plant, equipment, and investments in government securities/FDR.

   - In 2022, the net cash outflow from investing activities was -₹92.36. This indicates higher investment outflow compared to the previous year.


Cash Flow from Financing Activities (C):

   - In 2023, there was a net cash inflow from financing activities of ₹5,019.23. This inflow primarily resulted from proceeds from the issue of equity, debt securities, borrowings, subordinated liabilities, and deposits.

   - In 2022, the net cash inflow from financing activities amounted to ₹2,798.01. This indicates a similar trend of cash inflow from financing activities compared to the previous year.



   - The net increase in cash and cash equivalents for 2023 was ₹1,377.66, indicating an overall positive cash flow for the year.

   - For 2022, the net increase in cash and cash equivalents was ₹652.04, showing a lower increase compared to 2023.


Cash and Cash Equivalents:

   - The cash and cash equivalents at the end of 2023 were ₹2,247.06, reflecting the total amount of cash on hand, balances with banks, and deposits with original maturity of less than three months.

   - In comparison, the cash and cash equivalents at the end of 2022 were ₹869.39, indicating a significant increase in cash holdings over the year.

Dividend History of PHF Leasing Limited:




Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.)


PHF Leasing Annual Report

PHF Leasing Limited Annual Report 2022-2023

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