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Orissa Sponge Iron And Steel Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

Last Traded Price 219.00 + 0.00 %

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Orissa Sponge Iron And Steel Limited

Balance Sheet of Orissa Sponge Iron and Steel Limited (Amounts in Lakhs Rupees)

Particulars 31 March 2024 31 March 2023
Non-Current Assets    
Property, Plant and Equipment 33,299.17 13,762.38
Capital Work-in-Progress 16,118.32 28,669.12
Investments 2.83 2.83
Loans & Deposits 888.28 941.59
Others 127.21 50.42
Current Assets    
Inventories 5,224.28 5,467.54
Trade Receivables 738.60 813.99
Cash and Cash Equivalents 49.25 49.27
Current Tax Assets (Net) 41.37 12.81
Other Current Assets 3,915.04 5,063.39
Total Assets 60,404.35 54,833.34
Share Capital 4,979.00 4,979.00
Other Equity -9,705.05 -5,684.76
Non-Current Liabilities    
Borrowings 41,412.71 37,172.70
Other Financial Liabilities 776.00 136.36
Lease Liabilities 44.11 34.64
Provisions 113.51 128.44
Other Non-Current Liabilities 93.27 -
Current Liabilities    
Borrowings 297.13 297.13
Lease Liabilities 18.00 8.80
Trade Payables - Others 6,718.02 4,021.58
Other Financial Liabilities 3,898.28 3,011.92
Provisions 34.13 43.63
Other Current Liabilities 11,725.24 10,683.90
Total Equity and Liabilities 60,404.35 54,833.34

Statement of Profit and Loss of Orissa Sponge Iron and Steel Limited (Amounts in Lakhs Rupees)

Particulars 31 March 2024 31 March 2023
Revenue from Operations 14,200.44 1,114.77
Other Income 52.00 1,001.16
Total Income 14,252.44 2,115.93
Cost of Materials Consumed 12,291.33 1,564.55
Employee Benefits Expenses 781.63 518.57
Finance Costs 1,133.22 6.52
Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 655.69 304.22
Other Expenses 3,133.24 584.02
Increase/Decrease in Stock 313.21 -2,220.26
Total Expenses 18,308.32 757.62
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax -4,055.88 1,358.31
Tax Expense - -
Profit/(Loss) for the Year -4,055.88 1,358.31
Other Comprehensive Income 35.60 192.89
Total Comprehensive Income for the Year (Comprising Profit (Loss) and Other Comprehensive Income for the Year) -4,020.29 1,551.20
Earnings per Equity Share for Continuing Operations    
(1) Basic -13.61 4.56
(2) Diluted -13.61 4.56

Statement of Cash Flows of Orissa Sponge Iron and Steel Limited

(Amounts in Lakhs Rupees)

Particulars 31 March 2024 31 March 2023
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    
Profit Before Tax -4,020.29 1,358.31
Depreciation of Property, Plant, and Equipment 655.69 304.22
Finance Costs 1,133.21 6.52
Changes in Working Capital    
Trade Receivables 75.38 -801.54
Inventories 243.26 -4,288.70
Other Assets 1,073.33 -1,479.52
Loans & Deposits 53.32 -473.81
Provisions -24.44 -145.14
Trade Payables 2,696.45 3,887.77
Other Liabilities 1,134.61 3,628.18
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 4,493.14 1,605.50
Cash Flow from Investing Activities    
Purchase of Property, Plant, and Equipment -87.64 -142.72
Expenditure for Plant Redevelopment (CWIP) -7,525.90 -16,301.34
Interest Received 21.66 15.26
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities -7,591.89 -16,428.80
Cash Flow from Financing Activities    
Proceeds from Long-Term Borrowings 4,240.01 14,821.79
Lease Payments -12.00 -8.80
Finance Costs Paid -1,129.27 -3.09
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities 3,098.74 14,809.90
Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents -0.02 -13.41
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 49.27 62.68
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 49.25 49.27

Cash Flow from Operating Activities
The operating activities during the year ended 31 March 2024, generated a net cash inflow of ₹4,493.14 lakhs compared to ₹1,605.50 lakhs in the previous year. This increase is primarily due to changes in working capital, including improvements in trade payables, other financial liabilities, and other liabilities, which offset the operational loss incurred during the year.

Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Investing activities resulted in a net cash outflow of ₹7,591.89 lakhs in the current year, compared to ₹16,428.80 lakhs in the previous year. The outflow was primarily due to significant expenditure on plant redevelopment and acquisition of property, plant, and equipment.

Cash Flow from Financing Activities
Financing activities generated a net cash inflow of ₹3,098.74 lakhs, lower than the ₹14,809.90 lakhs inflow in the previous year. The current year inflow was driven by proceeds from long-term borrowings, which were partially offset by interest payments and lease obligations.

Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents
The overall net cash movement resulted in a negligible change in cash and cash equivalents, with a decrease of ₹0.02 lakhs during the year, reflecting stability in cash management. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year stood at ₹49.25 lakhs, almost unchanged from the ₹49.27 lakhs at the beginning of the year.

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Orissa Sponge Annual Report

Orissa Sponge Iron And Steel Limited AR 2023-24


Orissa Sponge Iron And Steel Limited AR 2022-23

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