Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | |||||||
Metropolitan Stock Exchange Of India Limited |
PARTICULAR | 31-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-22 | 31-Mar-21 |
ASSETS | |||
Non-Current Assets | |||
Property, plant and equpment | 634 | 891 | 865 |
intangble assets | 781 | 1,534 | 1,879 |
intangble assets under development | 39 | 176 | 260 |
Right of use assets | 287 | 744 | 1,015 |
Financial assets | |||
Investments | 437 | 2,823 | 891 |
Other financial assets | 902 | 1,324 | 620 |
Income tax assets (net) | 342 | 418 | 372 |
Deferred tax assets (net) | - | 186 | 186 |
Other non-current assets | 4,904 | 4,896 | 4,601 |
Total Non-Current Assets | 8,326 | 12,992 | 10,689 |
Current Assets | |||
Investments | 6,909 | 5,269 | 6,499 |
Trade receivables | 91 | 421 | 160 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 721 | 1,482 | 189 |
Bank balance other than above | 10,639 | 21,602 | 24,604 |
Other financial assets | 1,365 | 1,818 | 5,363 |
income tax assets (net) | 1,441 | 1,048 | 1,167 |
Other current assets | 454 | 465 | 486 |
Total Current Assets | 21,620 | 32,105 | 38,468 |
Total Assets | 29,946 | 45,097 | 49,157 |
Equity Share capital | 48,052 | 48,052 | 48,052 |
Other eqiuty | -23,897 | -21,984 | -18,877 |
Total Eqiuty | 24,155 | 26,068 | 29,175 |
Non Controllng nterest | 514 | 525 | 553 |
Core Settlement Guarantee Fund | - | 850 | 865 |
Non-Current Liabilities | |||
Lease rental liability | 142 | 569 | 822 |
Other financal liabilites | 2,060 | 11,899 | 11,506 |
Provisons | 23 | 29 | 39 |
Deferred Tax Liability | - | 127 | 96 |
Total Non-Current Labltes | 2,225 | 12,624 | 12,463 |
Current Liabilites | |||
Lease rental liability | 216 | 265 | 249 |
Trade payables | |||
Total outstanding dues of micro, small and medum enterprises | 2 | 0 | 1 |
Total outstanding dues to creditors other than micro, small and medium enterprises | 90 | 58 | 134 |
Other financial liabilites | 1,979 | 3,989 | 4,865 |
Other current liabilites | 742 | 697 | 834 |
Provsions | 23 | 21 | 17 |
Total Current Liabilites | 3,052 | 5,030 | 6,101 |
Total Equity and Liabilities | 29,946 | 45,097 | 49,157 |
METROPOLITAN STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA Limited Profit & Loss Statement (In Rs. Lakhs)
PARTICULAR | 31-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-22 | 31-Mar-21 |
Income | |||
Revenue from operations | 922 | 1,006 | 1,063 |
Other income | 4544 | 1,500 | 2,182 |
Total Income | 5466 | 2,506 | 3,245 |
Operating expenses | 2324 | 1,730 | 1,695 |
Employee benefits expense | 1897 | 1,985 | 2,290 |
Finance costs | 39 | 60 | 83 |
Advertisement and business promotion expenses | 379 | 58 | 59 |
Depreciation and amortisation expense 3 & 4 | 794 | 777 | 723 |
Depreciation On Right to Use Assets | 271 | 271 | 394 |
Other expenses | 1234 | 751 | 1,068 |
Total Expenses | 6938 | 5,632 | 6,312 |
Loss before Exceptional items and tax | -1472 | -3,126 | -3,067 |
Exceptional items | |||
Software written off | 521 | - | - |
Loss before tax | -1993 | -3,126 | -3,067 |
Tax expense | |||
Less : Current tax | - | 14 | - |
Less : Earlier year tax | - | - | - |
Less : Deferred tax | -127 | 27 | 41 |
Loss for the year | -1866 | -3,167 | -3,108 |
Non Controlling Interest | -11 | -33 | -26 |
Other comprehensive income | |||
Items that will not reclassified to profit or (loss) (net of tax) | 27 | 36 | 11 |
Income tax relating to item will not reclassified to profit or ( loss ) | - | -4 | - |
Total other Comprehensive Income for the year, net of tax | 27 | 32 | 11 |
Total Comprehensive Income for the year | -1828 | -3,102 | -3,070 |
Earnings per equity share of face value of Re.1 each | |||
Basic (in Rs.) | -0.04 | -0.06 | 0 |
Diluted (in Rs.) | -0.04 | -0.06 | 0 |
METROPOLITAN STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (In Rs. Lakhs)
PARTICULAR | 31-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-22 | 31-Mar-21 |
A. Cash flow from Operating Activities | |||
Net Profit / (Loss) before tax as per Statement of Profit and Loss | -1,866 | -3,167 | -3,107 |
Adjustments for | |||
Depreciation/Amortisation | 794 | 777 | 723 |
Depreciation On Right to Use Assets | 271 | 271 | 394 |
Assets Written ott | 521 | - | - |
Net fair value gain/loss on financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss | -29 | -36 | -31 |
Exchange Rate fluctuation | -1 | 1 | -1 |
Interest income from financial assets at amortised cost | -2,815 | -1,314 | - |
Discount income on bonds | -4 | - | - |
Interest on IT Refund | -24 | -8 | -67 |
Refund of Core SGF Contribution | -1,546 | - | - |
Finance Costs - ROU Asset (net) & Write ott Income | 39 | 60 | 24 |
Profit on sale of Property, plant and equipment (net) | -2 | -1 | 0 |
Provision for doubtful debts | 10 | 35 | |
Profit on sale of investments (net) | -58 | -47 | -76 |
Property, plant and equipment / CWIP written ott / provided for | 136 | - | |
MAT Credit written ott | 186 | - | |
Sundry balances written back | -20 | -79 | - |
Remeasurement of Employee Benefit | 27 | 32 | 11 |
-2,515 | -309 | -716 | |
Operating profit/ (loss) before working capital changes | -4,381 | -3,476 | -3,824 |
Adjustments for | |||
Decrease/ (increase) in trade receivable | 341 | -217 | -82 |
Decrease/ (increase) in financial & other assets | -40 | -245 | -388 |
Total Increase / (decrease) in Current and non current assets | 301 | -462 | -470 |
Increase / (decrease) in trade payables | 34 | -77 | 14 |
Increase / (decrease) in financial & other liabilities | -12,862 | -523 | -17 |
Increase / (decrease) in provision | -8 | -2 | -33 |
Total Increase / (decrease) in Current and non current Liabilities | -12,836 | -602 | -36 |
Cash generated from/(used in) operations | -16,916 | -4,540 | -4,329 |
Less:( Taxes paid) / refund received | -294 | 81 | 538 |
Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities | -17,210 | -4,459 | -3,791 |
B. Cash flow from investing activities | |||
Purchase of Property, plant and equipment (including Capital Work In Progress) | -306 | -454 | -699 |
Proceeds from Property, plant and equipment (net) | 2 | 3 | 2 |
Purchase of current investments | -5,197 | -4,956 | -33,454 |
Proceeds from sale of current investments | 6,087 | 5,823 | 36,817 |
Fixed deposit placed with banks | -13,326 | -24,893 | -28,163 |
Corporate Deposits ( net ) | 1,395 | -1,568 | -1,278 |
Refund of Core SGF Contribution | 1,546 | - | |
Fixed deposit matured | 25,316 | 30,777 | 28,022 |
Investment in Corporate Bonds (Including premium) | -1,539 | - | |
Profit on sale of investments (net) | 87 | 84 | 108 |
Interest received (net of accrued interest) | 2,711 | 1,234 | 1,768 |
Net cash generated from/(used in) Investing Activities | 16,776 | 6,050 | 3,122 |
C. Cash flow from financing activities | |||
Lease Liability Payment | -328 | -298 | -438 |
Net cash generated from/(used in) Financing Activities | -328 | -298 | -438 |
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents | -762 | 1,293 | -1,107 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of the Year | 1,482 | 189 | 1,297 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of the Year | 720 | 1,482 | 189 |
Add : Fixed Deposits held for more than three months | 10,639 | 21,602 | 24,604 |
Closing Cash and Bank Balance | 11,359 | 23,084 | 24,793 |
Component of cash & bank balance | |||
In current account | |||
Owned | 241 | 727 | 135 |
Earmarked | 479 | 755 | 54 |
Cash on hand | - | - | - |
Stamps in hand | - | - | - |
Balances as per statement of cash flows | 720 | 1,482 | 189 |
Let 's break down the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023, 2022, and 2021, activity-wise:
For the Year Ended 31-Mar-23:
Operating Activities: The company reported a net cash outflow from operating activities at -17,210 million rupees. This negative cash flow primarily resulted from adjustments like depreciation, exchange rate fluctuations, interest income, and various provisions. The operating profit before working capital changes was -4,381 million rupees.
Investing Activities: The net cash generated from investing activities was positive at 16,776 million rupees. Key contributors were proceeds from the sale of current investments, fixed deposit maturity, and interest received. This reflects a strategic and positive investment stance during the year.
Financing Activities: In financing activities, there was a net cash outflow of -328 million rupees, mainly due to lease liability payments. This indicates the company 's commitment to meeting its financial obligations.
Overall: The company experienced a decrease in cash and cash equivalents by -762 million rupees during the year, ending with a closing balance of 11,359 million rupees.
For the Year Ended 31-Mar-22:
Operating Activities: The net cash outflow from operating activities was -4,459 million rupees. Despite a negative cash flow, this represents an improvement compared to the previous year. Operating profit before working capital changes stood at -3,476 million rupees.
Investing Activities: The net cash generated from investing activities was positive at 6,050 million rupees. This positive trend was driven by proceeds from the sale of current investments and fixed deposit maturity.
Financing Activities: In financing activities, there was a net cash outflow of -298 million rupees, reflecting lease liability payments.
Overall: The company ended the year with a net increase in cash and cash equivalents of 1,293 million rupees, resulting in a closing balance of 23,084 million rupees.
For the Year Ended 31-Mar-21:
Operating Activities: The net cash outflow from operating activities was -3,791 million rupees. This was primarily influenced by various adjustments such as depreciation, exchange rate fluctuations, and interest income.
Investing Activities: The net cash generated from investing activities was positive at 3,122 million rupees. Key contributors were proceeds from the sale of current investments, fixed deposit maturity, and interest received.
Financing Activities: In financing activities, there was a net cash outflow of -438 million rupees, mainly due to lease liability payments.
Overall: The company experienced a decrease in cash and cash equivalents by -1,107 million rupees during the year, ending with a closing balance of 24,793 million rupees.