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India Exposition Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

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India Exposition Mart Limited

India Exposition Mart Limited
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2023 (` Million)

Particulars 31.03.2023 31.03.2022
Property, plant & equipment 1,549.19 733.59
Right-of-use assets 225.80 229.32
Capital work-in-progress 15.57 446.67
Other Intangible assets 10.08 0.12
Intangible assets under development 4.25 6.96
Other financial assets 57.08 12.41
Deferred tax assets (net) 25.77 80.88
Non-Current tax asset (net) 32.15 44.31
Other Non-Current assets 5.22 15.69
Inventories 19.11 8.03
Trade receivables 242.78 116.82
Cash & cash equivalents 72.03 113.16
Bank balances other than above 869.01 345.99
Other financial assets 7.89 2.22
Other Current assets 81.20 17.83
TOTAL ASSETS 3,217.16 2,174.00
Equity share capital 370.00 370.00
Other equity 1,695.66 974.17
Equity attributable to equity holders 2,065.65 1,344.17
Non-controlling interests 18.46 8.37
Borrowings 244.26 159.06
Lease liabilities 106.72 103.14
Other Non-current liabilities 151.18 160.73
Provisions 3.81 3.72
Borrowings 58.09 44.46
Lease liabilities 7.10 7.10
Trade payables - micro enterprises 7.22 1.70
Trade payables - other creditors 149.65 62.08
Other financial liabilities 179.93 61.02
Other current liabilities 156.83 206.55
Current tax liabilities (net) 60.50
Provisions 7.75 11.89

India Exposition Mart Limited
Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31st March 2023 (` Million)

Particulars 31.03.2023 31.03.2022
Revenue from operations 2,170.75 428.70
Other income 76.74 49.44
Total income 2,247.49 478.14
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade 19.74
Changes in inventories of finished goods, Stock-in-Trade and work-in-progress (8.20)
Food & Beverages Consumed 4.69
Employee benefits expense 144.30 63.86
Finance costs 19.56 12.94
Depreciation and amortisation expense 117.94 112.08
Other expenses 962.18 279.06
Profit / (Loss) before tax and exceptional items 987.28 10.20
Exceptional items 10.28 35.00
Share of Profit/(Loss) of Joint Venture (2.05)
Profit/(Loss) before Tax 974.95 (24.80)
Current tax 223.31
Deferred tax expense/(credit) 55.31 (3.87)
Total tax expense 278.62 (1.56)
Profit/(Loss) for the year 696.33 (23.24)
Re-measurements of the defined benefits plan (0.77) 0.46
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 0.03
Other comprehensive income / (loss) (0.55) 0.34
Total comprehensive income for the year 695.78 (22.90)
Earnings per equity share (Basic) (`) 9.59 (0.24)
Earnings per equity share (Diluted) (`) 9.52 (0.24)

India Exposition Mart Limited
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2023 (` Million)

Particulars 31.03.2023 31.03.2022
Cash flows from operating activities:    
Profit / (loss) before tax and exceptional Items 987.28 10.20
Depreciation and amortisation expense 117.94 112.08
Finance costs 19.56 12.94
Allowance for expected credit loss 7.46 2.72
Interest income (32.95) (13.62)
Share based payment to employees 12.29 6.43
IPO related expenditures (10.28) (35.00)
Liabilities no longer required, written back (2.65)
Rental income (10.99) (6.50)
Bad debts 4.60 9.89
Operating cash flows before changes in working capital 1,089.89 99.40
(Increase)/Decrease in trade receivables (138.02) (17.37)
(Increase)/Decrease in other Financial Assets (48.46) 24.78
(Increase)/Decrease in other Assets (63.37) 9.63
(Increase)/Decrease in inventory (11.08) (4.39)
Increase/(Decrease) in trade payables 95.79 26.31
Increase/(Decrease) in financial liabilities 118.91 17.12
Increase/(Decrease) in Other liabilities (59.29) 74.96
Increase/(Decrease) in provisions (4.82) 4.55
Cash generated from operations 979.55 234.99
Income taxes paid (net) (150.65) (38.31)
Net cash from operating activities 828.90 196.68
Cash flows from investing activities:    
Purchase of property, plant & equipment (472.53) (245.95)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant & equipment 0.46 0.01
Proceeds from / (Additions to) bank deposits (net) (523.02) (52.73)
Rental Income 10.99 6.50
Interest received 31.06 13.80
Net cash used in investing activities (953.07) (278.37)
Cash flows from financing activities:    
Proceeds from term loans 164.96 207.86
Repayment of term loans (68.93) (31.72)
Interest paid (29.37) (8.33)
Lease payments (7.14) (6.75)
Proceeds from issuance of equity shares to non-controlling interest 19.99 14.00
Proceeds from calls of partly paid equity shares to non-controlling interest 3.50
Net cash from financing activities 83.01 175.06
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (41.16) 93.37
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 113.16 19.79
Exchange differences on foreign currency cash & cash equivalents 0.03
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 72.03 113.16

Explanation of India Exposition Mart Limited 's Cash Flow Statement for the Year Ended 31st March 2023 (in millions)

Cash Flows from Operating Activities
The company reported a profit before tax and exceptional items of 987.28 million, reflecting strong business performance. Key adjustments included depreciation and amortization expense of 117.94 million, finance costs of 19.56 million, and share-based payments to employees of 12.29 million, boosting cash inflows. Working capital adjustments such as an increase in trade receivables by 138.02 million and other financial assets by 48.46 million indicate higher business activity. Despite these outflows, increases in trade payables by 95.79 million and financial liabilities by 118.91 million helped maintain positive cash flow. After paying income taxes of 150.65 million, the net cash generated from operating activities was 828.90 million.

Cash Flows from Investing Activities
The company made significant investments in property, plant, and equipment amounting to 472.53 million, showing its commitment to business expansion. Additional cash outflows included net investments in bank deposits of 523.02 million. However, inflows from interest received of 31.06 million and rental income of 10.99 million partially offset these expenditures. The net cash used in investing activities was 953.07 million, reflecting a focus on long-term growth through capital investments.

Cash Flows from Financing Activities
The company secured proceeds from term loans totaling 164.96 million and issued equity shares to non-controlling interests, raising 19.99 million. Partial repayment of term loans (68.93 million), interest payments (29.37 million), and lease payments (7.14 million) reduced net inflows. Calls on partly paid equity shares to non-controlling interests contributed another 3.50 million. The net cash generated from financing activities amounted to 83.01 million, supporting its expansion strategy.

India Exposition Annual Report

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