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Essel Mining & Industries Annual Report and Financials

Last Traded Price 2.90 + 0.00 %

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Essel Mining and Industries Limited

Essel Mining & Industries Balance Sheet (In Rs. Lakhs)

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment1,13,468.531,06,190.35
Capital work-in-progress27,374.1625,998.90
Other intangible assets132.58112.84
Intangible assets under development26,957.7717,181.24
Non-current investments40,08,154.8429,45,428.56
Loans, non-current311.81311.81
Other non-current financial assets14,020.5717,939.32
Deferred tax assets (net)11,462.4318,314.80
Other non-current assets19,673.7617,079.47
Current assets
Current investments1,09,688.9481,384.58
Trade receivables, current19,266.1418,148.40
Cash and cash equivalents2,665.588,309.81
Bank balance other than cash equivalents2,757.915,254.97
Loans, current2,65,926.351,15,119.03
Other current financial assets29,582.7032,315.88
Current tax assets19,559.5216,560.10
Other current assets21,527.2215,236.61
Total assets47,37,371.3834,66,552.06
Equity and liabilities
Equity share capital1,95,821.091,95,821.05
Other equity36,66,108.2627,13,360.29
Total equity attributable to owners38,61,929.3529,09,181.34
Non controlling interest44,160.3127,184.59
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings, non-current3,11,662.691,69,465.94
Other non-current financial liabilities4,801.08861.69
Provisions, non-current8,547.468,445.70
Deferred tax liabilities (net)1,84,312.9192,431.48
Current liabilities
Borrowings, current2,52,925.182,00,678.17
Trade payables, current30,037.3325,833.15
Other current financial liabilities8,753.883,450.83
Other current liabilities25,796.9825,685.86
Provisions, current2,277.341,353.21
Current tax liabilities2,166.871,980.01
Total equity and liabilities47,37,371.3834,66,552.06

Essel Mining & Industries Profit and loss statement (In Rs. Lakhs)

Revenue from operations2,29,268.502,08,188.05
Other income35,019.4620,769.71
Cost of materials consumed69,692.8050,263.73
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress, and stock-in-trade-7,323.94-10,117.18
Employee benefit expense17,768.7414,222.38
Finance costs39,192.8333,469.95
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense12,762.7514,103.43
Expenditure on production, transportation and other activities26,745.3522,562.61
Other expenses91,130.1289,135.22
Profit before exceptional items and tax14,319.3115,317.62
Total profit before tax14,319.3115,317.62
Tax expense
Current tax7,013.228,623.84
Deferred tax9,539.196,028.74
Total profit (loss) for period from continuing operations-2,233.10665.04
Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures1,445.452,753.11
Total profit (loss) for period-787.653,418.15
Profit or loss, attributable to owners of parent-4,272.68365.05
Profit or loss, attributable to non-controlling interests3,485.033,053.10
Other comprehensive income (OCI)
Components of OCI that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Gains (losses) on revaluation5,820.960
Gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans-376.52-68.77
Gains (losses) from investments in equity instruments8,43,637.41-5,92,513.60
Share of OCI of associates and joint ventures26.15-45.65
Total other comprehensive income8,49,108.00-5,92,628.02
Total comprehensive income8,48,320.35-5,89,209.87
Earnings per share
Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations [INR/share]-0.220.02
Total basic earnings (loss) per share [INR/share]-0.220.02
Diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations [INR/share]-0.220.02
Total diluted earnings (loss) per share [INR/share]-0.220.02

Essel Mining & Industries Cash Flow Statement (In Rs. Lakhs)

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities
Profit before tax14,319.3115,317.62
Adjustments for reconcile profit (loss)
Adjustments for finance costs39,192.8333,469.95
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories-18,339.64-7,713.77
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade receivables, current-11,004.21-5,809.09
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade payables, current9,395.114,398.94
Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense12,762.7514,103.43
Adjustments for fair value losses (gains)-752.772,467.34
Other adjustments to reconcile profit (loss)-14,528.464,347.90
Other adjustments for non-cash items412.05-2,857.45
Total adjustments for reconcile profit (loss)17,137.6633,711.45
Net cash flows from (used in) operations31,456.9749,029.07
Dividends received-15,303.79-18,762.95
Interest received-25,279.07-22,214.32
Income taxes paid (refund)9,905.338,601.82
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities-19,031.22-550.02
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment4,230.39599.39
Purchase of property, plant and equipment21,614.4329,665.63
Dividends received24,778.0818,730.55
Interest received23,446.8723,070.86
Other inflows (outflows) of cash-2,58,279.511,00,934.92
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities-2,57,438.601,00,934.92
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities
Proceeds from issuing shares12,648.000
Proceeds from issuing debentures, notes, bonds, etc.1,28,700.000
Proceeds from borrowings1,28,998.538,931.63
Repayments of borrowings53,659.0990,533.72
Payments of lease liabilities155.2264.57
Interest paid33,689.2430,660.01
Other inflows (outflows) of cash87,982.6114,743.98
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities2,70,825.59-97,582.69
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of exchange rate changes-5,644.232,802.21
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents-5,644.232,802.21
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period2,665.588,309.81

 Here is the summary of cash flow statement for FY 2024 and 2023:

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities
The cash flows from operating activities primarily reflect the company 's ability to generate cash from its core operations. For the year ended 31-03-2024, the profit before tax stood at ₹14,319.31 lakhs. Several adjustments were made to reconcile this profit, including finance costs of ₹39,192.83 lakhs and depreciation and amortization expenses of ₹12,762.75 lakhs. Adjustments for working capital changes, such as a decrease in inventories and trade receivables and an increase in trade payables, were also factored in. Other non-cash adjustments amounted to ₹412.05 lakhs. The total adjustments led to net cash flows from operations of ₹31,456.97 lakhs. After accounting for dividends received, interest received, and income taxes paid, the net cash used in operating activities was ₹19,031.22 lakhs for the year.

Cash flows from (used in) investing activities
Investing activities primarily involve the purchase and sale of long-term assets. During the year, the company received proceeds of ₹4,230.39 lakhs from the sale of property, plant, and equipment. However, significant expenditures were incurred on the purchase of property, plant, and equipment, totaling ₹21,614.43 lakhs. Additionally, cash inflows included dividends received amounting to ₹24,778.08 lakhs and interest income of ₹23,446.87 lakhs. Other outflows, which included investments and related expenses, amounted to ₹2,58,279.51 lakhs. As a result, the company reported a net cash outflow of ₹2,57,438.60 lakhs from investing activities.

Cash flows from (used in) financing activities
Financing activities highlight how the company raises funds through debt and equity and repays its financial obligations. The company raised ₹12,648 lakhs through the issuance of shares and ₹1,28,700 lakhs from the issuance of debentures, notes, and bonds. Borrowings during the year amounted to ₹1,28,998.53 lakhs, while repayments totaled ₹53,659.09 lakhs. Interest payments accounted for ₹33,689.24 lakhs, and lease liability payments were ₹155.22 lakhs. Other inflows from financing activities contributed ₹87,982.61 lakhs. Consequently, the company reported a net cash inflow of ₹2,70,825.59 lakhs from financing activities.

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
The overall net cash outflows and inflows from operating, investing, and financing activities resulted in a net decrease in cash and cash equivalents of ₹5,644.23 lakhs. The cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period amounted to ₹2,665.58 lakhs as of 31-03-2024.

Essel Mining Annual Report

Essel Mining and Industries Financials 2023-24


Essel Mining and Industries Financials 2022-23


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Essel Mining and Industries Annual Report 2019-20

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