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ESDS Software Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

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ESDS Software Solution Limited

Esds Software Solution Limited Balance Sheet (In Rs. Millions)

Non-current assets    
Property, plant and equipment 1,967.48 2,043.32
Right-of-use of assets 830.73 850.9
Capital work-in-progress  - 0.7
Intangible assets  109.73 164.53
Financial Assets    
Non-current financial assets 146.61 206.03
Other non-current assets 2.18 2.13
Total non-current assets 3,056.73 3,267.61
Current assets    
Current financial assets    
Trade receivables  571.34 638.53
Unbilled Receivable 314.07 339.05
Cash and cash equivalents  168.86 350.6
Other bank balances 409.69 146.39
Other current financial assets  52.7 78.01
Income-tax assets 234.93 163.7
Other current assets 184.33 241.43
Total current assets 1,935.92 1,957.72
Total assets 4,992.65 5,225.34
Equity share capital 92.89 91.57
Other equity    
Equity component of compound financial instrument - -
Reserves and surplus 1,963.07 1,897.04
Other reserves 49.96 68.44
Equity attributable to owners of ESDS Software Solution Limited 2,105.92 2,057.05
Non-controlling interest -4.38 -4.31
Total equity 2,101.54 2,052.74
Non-current liabilities    
Non current financial liabilities    
Non-current borrowings 929.8 655.88
Lease liabilities 558.7 608.31
Other non-current financial liabilities - -
Employee benefit obligations 91.06 83.97
Deferred tax liabilities (net) -16.49 36.14
Total non-current liabilities 1,563.07 1,384.30
Current liabilities    
Current financial liabilities    
Current borrowings 718.49 678.66
Lease liabilities 145.2 205
Trade payables    
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 59.78 10.71
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 219.52 253.94
Other current financial liabilities 57.38 537.31
Employee benefit obligations 3.08 3.09
Income-tax liabilities - 0.26
Other current liabilities 124.59 99.33
Total current liabilities 1,328.05 1,788.30
Total liabilities 2,891.11 3,172.59
Total equity and liabilities 4,992.65 5,225.34

Esds Software Solution Limited Profit & Loss Statement (In Rs. Millions)

Revenue from operations 2,075.66 1,953.58
Other income 46.76 33.34
Total income 2,122.42 1,986.92
Employee benefit expense 770.07 708.82
 Finance costs 259.27 177.19
Depreciation and amortisation expense 491.48 429.47
Other expenses 830.8 657.91
Total expenses 2,351.63 1,973.39
Profit before exceptional items -229.22 13.53
Exceptional Items    
Rates and Taxes  47.78 35
Profit before tax -276.99 -21.47
Income tax expense    
Current tax (MAT) - 4.46
Less: MAT credit entitlement  - -4.46
Deferred tax -52.39 5.16
Total tax expense -52.39 5.16
Profit for the year [A] -224.6 -26.63
Other comprehensive income    
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss    
Changes in the fair value of equity instruments at FVOCI    
Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations -0.26 3.24
Income tax relating to these items 0.07 -0.9
  -0.19 2.34
Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
Foreign exchange differences on transalation of foreign operations -22.79 -1.42
Total other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax [B] -22.98 0.91
Total comprehensive income for the year [A+B] -247.58 -25.71
Profit is attributable to:    
Owners of ESDS Software Solution Limited -224.53 -27.24
Non-controlling interest -0.07 0.61
  -224.6 -26.63
Other comprehensive income is attributable to:    
Owners of ESDS Software Solution Limited -22.98 0.91
Non-controlling interest - -
  -22.98 0.91
Total comprehensive income is attributable to:    
Owners of ESDS Software Solution Limited -247.51 -26.32
Non-controlling interest -0.07 0.61
  -247.58 -25.71
Earnings per equity share for profit attributable to owners of    
ESDS Software Solution Limited    
Basic (face value of equity shares : INR 1 per share) -2.42 -0.42
Diluted (face value of equity shares : INR 1 per share) -2.42 -0.42

Esds Software Solution Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (In Rs. Millions)

A) Cash flows from operating activities    
Profit before tax -276.99 -21.47
Adjustments for    
Depreciation and amortisation expense 491.48 429.47
(Gain)/Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 0.03  
Expected Credit loss allowance 43.65 70.22
Interest income classified as investing activities -15.63 -16.51
Finance costs 259.27 177.19
Unrealised exchange (gain)/loss -1.54 2.51
Employee stock option expenses 5.44  
Operating profit before working capital changes 505.71 641.41
Changes in working capital    
(Increase) / Decrease in trade receivables 50.05 -257.27
(Increase) / Decrease in other current and non current financial assets 15.45 -17.59
(Increase) / Decrease in other current and non current assets 57.05 -104.28
Increase / (Decrease) in trade payables 14.65 -4.82
Increase / (Decrease) in employee benefit obligations 6.82 10.41
Increase/ (Decrease) in other current and non current financial liabilities -55.81 -8.91
Increase/ (Decrease) in other current and non current liabilities 28.74 2.01
Cash generated from operations 622.67 260.95
Income taxes paid (net of refunds received) -71.23 -96.57
Net cash inflow/ (outflow) from operating activities 551.44 164.39
B) Cash flows from investing activities    
Payments for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -361.75 -605.58
Bank balances not considered as cash and cash equivalents -194.02 -106.41
Interest/ income on investment received 15.63 16.51
Net cash flows from investing activities -540.14 -695.48
C) Cash flows from financing activities    
Proceeds from issue of preference shares - 199.99
Proceeds from Rights issue - 7
Proceeds from issue of Non-convertible debtentures 450 300
Increase/ (decrease) of non-current borrowings -176.08 -83.67
Increase/ (decrease) of current borrowings 16.33 412.54
Principal elements of lease payments -281.48 -277.5
Proceeds from issue of equity share capital (including securities premium and net of    
refund of share application money) -9.05 300
Interest paid on borrowings -194.44 -121.67
Net cash inflows/ (outflow) from financing activities -194.72 736.68
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents -183.42 205.6
Foreign currency translation impact on cash and cash equivalents 1.69 1.18
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 350.6 143.82
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 168.86 350.6

Let 's break down the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022, activity-wise:

 A) Cash flows from operating activities:

1. Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes: In 2023, the company reported an operating profit before working capital changes of 505.71 million rupees, which decreased from 641.41 million rupees in 2022.

2. Changes in Working Capital: The company experienced various changes in its working capital components. Trade receivables increased by 50.05 million rupees in 2023, whereas they decreased significantly by 257.27 million rupees in 2022. Other current and non-current financial assets increased by 15.45 million rupees in 2023, contrasting with a decrease of 17.59 million rupees in 2022. Similarly, other current and non-current assets increased by 57.05 million rupees in 2023, in contrast to a decrease of 104.28 million rupees in 2022. Trade payables increased by 14.65 million rupees in 2023 but decreased by 4.82 million rupees in 2022. Employee benefit obligations increased by 6.82 million rupees in 2023 and 10.41 million rupees in 2022. There was a significant decrease in other current and non-current financial liabilities by 55.81 million rupees in 2023 compared to a decrease of 8.91 million rupees in 2022. Other current and non-current liabilities increased by 28.74 million rupees in 2023 and 2.01 million rupees in 2022.

3. Cash Generated from Operations: The cash generated from operations was 622.67 million rupees in 2023, significantly higher than the 260.95 million rupees generated in 2022.

4. Income Taxes Paid (Net of Refunds Received): The company paid net income taxes of -71.23 million rupees in 2023, compared to -96.57 million rupees in 2022.

5. Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating Activities: The net cash inflow from operating activities was 551.44 million rupees in 2023, representing a substantial increase from the 164.39 million rupees reported in 2022.

 B) Cash flows from investing activities:

1. Payments for Property, Plant, and Equipment and Intangible Assets: The company made payments of -361.75 million rupees for property, plant, and equipment, and intangible assets in 2023, compared to -605.58 million rupees in 2022.

2. Bank Balances Not Considered as Cash and Cash Equivalents: The company had outflows of -194.02 million rupees in 2023 and -106.41 million rupees in 2022, which were not considered as cash and cash equivalents.

3. Interest/Income on Investment Received: Interest or income on investments received was 15.63 million rupees in both 2023 and 2022.

4. Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities: The net cash outflow from investing activities was -540.14 million rupees in 2023, compared to -695.48 million rupees in 2022.

 C) Cash flows from financing activities:

1. Proceeds from Issue of Preference Shares and Rights Issue: There were no proceeds from the issue of preference shares or rights issue in both 2023 and 2022.

2. Proceeds from Issue of Non-Convertible Debentures: The company raised 450 million rupees from the issue of non-convertible debentures in 2023, compared to 300 million rupees in 2022.

3. Increase/(Decrease) of Borrowings: Non-current borrowings decreased by -176.08 million rupees in 2023 and -83.67 million rupees in 2022. Current borrowings increased by 16.33 million rupees in 2023 and 412.54 million rupees in 2022.

4. Principal Elements of Lease Payments: The company made lease payments of -281.48 million rupees in 2023 and -277.5 million rupees in 2022.

5. Proceeds from Issue of Equity Share Capital: The company raised -9.05 million rupees from the issue of equity share capital in 2023, compared to 300 million rupees in 2022.

6. Interest Paid on Borrowings: Interest paid on borrowings amounted to -194.44 million rupees in 2023 and -121.67 million rupees in 2022.

7. Net Cash Inflows/(Outflow) from Financing Activities: The net cash outflow from financing activities was -194.72 million rupees in 2023, compared to 736.68 million rupees in 2022.

Financial Ratios of Esds Software Solution Limited:

Particulars 2023
EBITDA  -21.01 %
Networth  6.62 %
Debt/Equity Ratio 0.58
Return on Equity -0.0639
Total Assets  -4.03 %
Fixed Assets  -4.78 %
Current Assets  -1.32 %
Current Liabilities  -33.99 %
Trade Receivables  37.99 %
Trade Payables  6.60 %
Current Ratio 1.89

Insights into the financial health and performance of the company in 2023:

1. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization): EBITDA stands at -21.01%. This indicates that the company 's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization represent a negative percentage of its revenue. This might suggest that the company 's operating expenses are high relative to its revenue.

2. Net Worth: The net worth of the company is 6.62%. This represents the percentage of total assets that the company owns outright after deducting its total liabilities. A positive net worth percentage indicates that the company 's assets exceed its liabilities.

3. Debt/Equity Ratio: The debt/equity ratio is 0.58. This ratio indicates the proportion of debt and equity used to finance the company 's assets. A ratio of less than 1 indicates that the company relies more on equity financing than debt financing.

4. Return on Equity (ROE): The return on equity is -0.0639, indicating a negative return on shareholders ' equity. This suggests that the company 's net income is negative relative to its shareholder equity, which could be a concerning sign for investors.

5. Total Assets: Total assets have decreased by -4.03% compared to the previous period. This indicates a decrease in the company 's overall asset base, which could be due to various reasons such as asset write-offs, divestitures, or decreases in asset value.

6. Fixed Assets: Fixed assets have decreased by -4.78%. This suggests a decrease in the value of long-term assets like property, plant, and equipment. It could indicate asset impairment or a reduction in capital expenditure.

7. Current Assets: Current assets have decreased by -1.32%. This includes assets like cash, accounts receivable, and inventory. A decrease in current assets could indicate a reduction in liquidity or efficient management of working capital.

8. Current Liabilities: Current liabilities have decreased significantly by -33.99%. This indicates a decrease in the company 's short-term obligations such as accounts payable and accrued expenses. It could suggest improved liquidity or efficient management of liabilities.

9. Trade Receivables: Trade receivables have increased by 37.99%. This indicates an increase in the amount of credit extended to customers, which could potentially lead to liquidity issues if not managed properly.

10. Trade Payables: Trade payables have increased by 6.60%. This indicates an increase in the amount owed to suppliers, which could suggest favorable payment terms or increased purchasing activity.

11. Current Ratio: The current ratio is 1.89, which suggests that the company has more than enough current assets to cover its current liabilities. This indicates good short-term liquidity and the ability to meet short-term obligations.

Dividend History of Esds Software Solution Limited: N/A




ESDS Software Annual Report

ESDS Software Annual Report 2022-23


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