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Dalmia Bharat Refractories Annual Reports, Balance Sheet & Financials

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Dalmia Bharat Refractories Limited

Dalmia Bharat Refractories Limited Balance Sheet (Rs. in Crore)

Particulars 31-03-2024 31-03-2023
Property, plant and equipment 285.61 329.44
Right of use assets 13.58 15.82
Investment property 0.21 0.21
Capital work - in - progress 90.20 83.05
Goodwill 0.02 97.71
Financial assets - Investments 2,293.40 1,839.38
Financial assets - Other financial assets 3.62 3.55
Non-current tax assets (net) 29.99 36.30
Other non-current assets 2.72 -
Inventories 28.86 66.68
Financial assets - Investments 218.59 425.06
Financial assets - Trade receivables 23.53 148.26
Financial assets - Cash and cash equivalents 231.79 128.21
Financial assets - Bank balances other than above 19.70 92.17
Financial assets - Other financial assets 3.05 124.80
Other current assets 33.95 24.90
Total Assets 3,278.86 3,463.41
Equity and Liabilities    
Equity share capital 44.20 44.20
Other equity 2,561.75 2,713.23
Non-controlling interests 5.78 5.82
Financial liabilities - Borrowings 576.83 58.85
Financial liabilities - Lease liabilities 0.61 1.53
Financial liabilities - Other financial liabilities 4.73 -
Provisions 9.56 9.28
Financial liabilities - Lease liabilities 0.22 0.87
Financial liabilities - Trade payables 31.15 185.42
Financial liabilities - Other financial liabilities 27.56 297.19
Other current liabilities 6.11 27.53
Provisions 10.20 79.14
Total Equity and Liabilities 3,278.86 3,463.41

Dalmia Bharat Refractories Limited Profit & Loss Statement (In Rs. Crore) 

Particulars 31-03-2024 31-03-2023
Continuing Operations    
Revenue from operations 115.96 351.65
Other income 63.08 13.21
Total income 179.04 364.86
Cost of raw materials consumed 46.26 62.38
Purchase of stock-in-trade 16.79 163.57
Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade, and work-in-progress 6.79 (2.23)
Employee benefits expense 18.61 51.31
Finance costs 13.85 4.07
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment expense 24.25 57.00
Other expenses 54.92 57.62
Total expenses 181.47 393.72
(Loss) for the year before tax from continuing operations (2.43) (28.86)
Exceptional items 12.09 1,759.87
Profit before tax from continuing operations 9.66 1,731.01
Tax expense/(benefit)    
Current tax - 5.94
Deferred tax 6.22 390.30
Tax adjustments for earlier years 2.64 -
Total tax expense of continuing operations 8.86 396.24
Net profit for the year after tax from continuing operations 0.80 1,334.77
Discontinued Operations    
Profit/(loss) before tax from discontinued operation 61.88 (52.25)
Exceptional items - 26.39
Tax expense/(credit) on discontinued operation 15.59 2.54
Net profit/(loss) for the year from discontinued operation 46.29 (28.40)
Profit for the year 47.09 1,306.37
Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)    
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss    
Net (loss)/gain on equity instruments through OCI (230.25) 27.15
Income tax effect on above 3.00 (2.77)
Re-measurement of defined benefit plans (0.10) (1.29)
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (227.32) 23.42
Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss    
Net (loss)/gain on debt instruments through OCI (8.25) -
Exchange differences in translating the financial statements of foreign operations (1.50) 11.47
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (237.07) 34.89
Total comprehensive income for the year (189.98) 1,341.26
Owners of the Company (189.73) 1,339.31
Non-controlling interest (0.25) 1.95
Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share (₹) - Continuing operations 0.19 301.98
Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share (₹) - Discontinued operation 10.47 (6.87)
Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share (₹) - Continuing and discontinued operations 10.66 295.11

Dalmia Bharat Refractories Cash Flow Statement for the last two years (Rs. in Crore)

Particulars 31-03-2024 31-03-2023
A. Cash flow from operating activities    
Profit/(loss) before tax from ordinary activities before exceptional items    
- Continuing operations (2.43) (28.86)
- Discontinuing operations 61.88 (25.86)
Profit/(loss) before taxation and before exceptional items 59.45 (54.72)
Exceptional items 12.09 1,759.87
Profit before taxation 71.54 1,705.15
Adjustments for:    
Depreciation and amortisation expense 24.31 67.93
Provision no longer required written back (71.95) (0.09)
Gain on sale of subsidiary (12.09) -
Gain on slump sale of business - (1,759.87)
Provision for warranty 0.80 15.63
Finance cost 14.02 9.58
Interest income (27.88) (8.86)
Dividend income (7.38) (0.57)
Profit on termination of lease (0.02) -
Gain on investments carried at fair value through statement of profit and loss (2.48) (1.23)
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment 0.15 (0.26)
Operating profit/(loss) before working capital changes (25.87) 125.23
Adjustments for working capital:    
Decrease/(Increase) in inventories 13.51 (48.65)
Decrease/(Increase) in trade receivables 93.59 (127.14)
Decrease in loans 0.49 0.02
Decrease/(Increase) in other financial assets 21.82 (33.48)
(Increase) in other assets (16.58) (18.18)
(Decrease)/Increase in trade payables (112.08) 284.12
(Decrease)/Increase in other financial liabilities (277.38) 7.11
(Decrease) in provisions (5.16) (31.58)
(Decrease)/Increase in other liabilities (8.75) 0.25
Cash (used in)/generated from operations (290.54) 32.47
Income taxes paid (net) (6.14) (14.58)
Net cash flow (used in)/generated from operating activities (322.55) 143.12
B. Cash flow from investing activities    
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 0.02 3.53
Interest income 27.52 8.86
Dividend income 7.38 0.57
Purchase of non-current investments (692.52) -
Purchase of current investments (70.00) -
Proceeds from sale of mutual funds 821.93 647.26
Purchase of mutual funds (528.09) (1,075.00)
Proceed from sale of investment in shares of subsidiary 114.28 -
Other bank balances 58.99 (90.83)
Proceeds on slump sale of business 90.80 393.29
Net cash flow (used in) investing activities (175.54) (131.68)
C. Cash flow from financing activities    
Dividend paid (6.56) (2.21)
Proceeds/(Repayment) of current borrowings (net) - 110.47
Proceeds of non-current borrowings (net of transaction costs) 725.79 -
(Repayment) of non-current borrowings (113.00) -
Repayment of lease liability (0.77) (24.33)
Interest paid (3.79) (18.38)
Net cash flow generated from financing activities 601.67 66.55
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 103.58 77.99
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 128.21 50.11
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 231.79 128.21

Summary of Cash Flow Statement for the years ending on March 31, 2024, and March 31, 2023, for Dalmia Bharat Refractories:

Cash Flow from Operating Activities
The company reported a profit before tax of ₹71.54 crore for the year ended 31-03-2024, including exceptional items. Adjustments were made for non-cash and non-operating items such as depreciation and amortisation expenses of ₹24.31 crore, finance costs of ₹14.02 crore, and gains from various investments and asset disposals. Working capital adjustments included a significant decrease in trade receivables of ₹93.59 crore and inventories of ₹13.51 crore, offset by a substantial decrease in trade payables of ₹112.08 crore and other financial liabilities of ₹277.38 crore. After accounting for income taxes paid of ₹6.14 crore, the net cash used in operating activities amounted to ₹322.55 crore for the year.

Cash Flow from Investing Activities
During the year, the company incurred a net cash outflow of ₹175.54 crore in investing activities. Key cash inflows included ₹821.93 crore from the sale of mutual funds, ₹114.28 crore from the sale of investments in shares of a subsidiary, and ₹90.80 crore from a slump sale of business. Major outflows included ₹692.52 crore for the purchase of non-current investments and ₹528.09 crore for mutual fund acquisitions. Additionally, the company received interest income of ₹27.52 crore and dividend income of ₹7.38 crore, contributing positively to the investing cash flow.

Cash Flow from Financing Activities
The company generated net cash inflows of ₹601.67 crore from financing activities during the year. Proceeds from non-current borrowings, net of transaction costs, amounted to ₹725.79 crore, while repayments of non-current borrowings totaled ₹113.00 crore. Dividend payments during the year amounted to ₹6.56 crore. Lease liabilities were repaid amounting to ₹0.77 crore, and interest payments of ₹3.79 crore were made during the period.

Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents
The combined effect of cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities resulted in a net increase in cash and cash equivalents of ₹103.58 crore. The opening balance of cash and cash equivalents was ₹128.21 crore, leading to a closing balance of ₹231.79 crore as of 31-03-2024.

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