Unlisted Deals:

Capital Small Finance Bank Share Price

Last Traded Price 450.00 + 2.27 %

Capital Small Finance Company Fundamental

Company Name
Capital Small Finance Bank Limited
Scrip Name
No. of Outstanding Shares
Face Value
PE ratio
P/S Ratio
Market Capitalization
2,026.91 Crore
Book value
52 Week High
52 Week Low
Lifetime High
450.00 (03/02/24)
Lifetime Low
220.00 (03/04/20)
Day High
Day Low
DRHP Filed?
Available on
ROFR Require
Financial Service
Registration Date

Capital Small Finance Share Price Performance

Capital Small Finance Bank Limited Unlisted Shares - Company Overview

Capital Small Finance Bank Limited is formerly known as Capital Local Area Bank Limited. It is the first small finance bank in India. Capital small finance bank limited introduced modern banking facilities in rural areas at low cost. The bank provides Internet banking, mobile banking, locker operations, and all kinds of loans at competitive interest rates. The bank’s Rupay card is accepted across 2.49 Lakhs ATMs, over 50 Lakhs POS Terminals, and on all e-commerce sites. Conversion from Local Area Bank to Small Finance Bank helped the bank to remove geographical barriers for expansion. The Bank has 80% of its business in rural and semi-urban areas.

The Bank is witnessing exponential growth in every segment of business and performance.The branch network has increased from 47 on the day of conversion to small finance bank to150 as on March 31, 2020. The total business of the Bank has increased from 2,963 Crores ason March 31, 2016 to 7,772 Crores as on March 31, 2020.The bank is expecting its business to grow to Rs.24,000 Crores by end of FY 2025 with 350 number of branches.

Products and Services of Capital Small Finance Bank includes Loans, money transfers, deposits, savings and current account, term deposits, insurance and forex services

Incorporation Details of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited

CIN of Capital Small Finance Bank


Registration Date of Capital Small Finance Bank

31 May 1999

Category / Sub-Category of Capital Small Finance Bank

Company Limited by Shares

Capital Small Finance Bank Registered office address and contact details

MIDAS Corporate Park, 3rd Floor,

37 G.T.Road, Jalandhar.

Capital Small Finance Bank Registrar and Transfer Agent address and contact details

Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.

C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg,

Vikhroli (West), Mumbai-400083.

Tel.: 022-4918 6270

Particulars of Subsidiary and Associate Companies of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited

Capital Small Finance Bank Limited does not have any subsidiary or associate company.

Board of Directors of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited

Sarvjit Singh Samra (Managing Director &Chief Executive Officer)

Dinesh Gupta

Srinath Srinivasan

Mohit Verma

Mahesh Parasuraman

Rahul Priyadarshi

Rakesh Soni

Harmesh Khanna

Sham Singh Bains

Gurdeep Singh

Gurpreet Singh Chug

Navin Kumar Maini

Munish Jain (Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer)

Principal Business Activities of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited 

Name and Description of main products/services

NIC Code of the product/service

% to total turnover of the Company

Banking & Financial Services



Shareholding Pattern of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited (As of 31-03-2024)

S. No.

Shareholders’ Name

No. of Shares

% of total Shares of the company













Industry Outlook

Small  Finance  Banks  shall  perform  basic  banking  function  like acceptance  of  alltypes ofdeposits and lending loans to unbanked areas of the country. Small Finance Banks have to followall thenorms and regulationsapplicable  to  commercial banks  like maintenance  of  Cash  Reserve  Ratio andStatutory Liquidity Ratio.

Small Finance Banks are required to give 75% of their loan to priority sector and50% of its loan portfolio constitutes loans and advances of maximum up to Rs. 25 lakhs. Theminimumpaid up equity capital is 100 crores. The promoter’s stakes should be 40% minimum that must be broughtdown to 26% in 12 Years. The basic objectives for the setting up of SFBs are provide credit facilities to smallbusiness units,small  farmers,  micro  and  small  industries  and  unorganized  sectors  and  reform to improve financialinclusion in the country. Small Finance Banks cannot perform non-banking financial services and not allowed to lend tobig  industries.

2020 was a year mainly dominated and impacted by COVID-19. Small Finance Banks are beginning to feel the effect to local and state wise lockdowns. However, Small finance banks are better prepared this year (2021) in second wave of COVID 19 pandemic. Rural customers of Small Finance Banks are less affected by the second wave of COVID 19. There have been delays in collections, but collections have been hit only 1-3% in this second wave of COVID.

According to ICRA, a rating agency, microfinance industry is likely to face asset quality pressure in the short term. However, the majority of microfinance industry will withstand the any stress as their collection capacity is improving. Moreover, their balance sheets mention that they are maintaining sufficient liquidity for tackling emergencies.

The collection capacity of the small finance bank industry improved to around 102%. The Indian microfinance market is expected to grow at CAGR of more than 40% through 2025. South India accounts for more than one third of the market share of Microfinance industry.

The advances and depositsin the SFB industry has increased with the CAGR of 75.3% and 155.3% respectively during the period FY16-FY20. It is expected to grow with the CAGR of 23.0-24.0% during the period FY20-FY23. SFBs’ share in total banking industry has increased from 0.3% in FY19 to 0.5% in FY20 in case of credit, and deposits share has increased from 0.6% in FY19 to 0.9% in FY20 and reporting offices share has increased from 1.5% in FY19 to 2.8% in FY20.     



Q1) Is Capital Small Finance Bank Limited listed or unlisted Share?

Capital Small Finance Bank Limited is an unlisted Share 


Q2) What are the main products and services of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited?

The main products and services provided by Capital Small Finance Bank are loans, money transfers, deposits, savings and current account
term deposits, insurance, and forex services.


Q3) What is the scrip name of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited?

The scrip name of Capital Small Finance Limited is CSFBL.


Q4) What are the prospects of Capital Small Finance Bank Limited?

The Indian microfinance market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 40 % which indicates bright prospects 
for the entire microfinance industry and Capital Small Finance Bank Limited as well.


Q5) What is the capital small finance bank share price today?

To know the capital small finance bank share price today, you can simply log in to wwipl.com or contact us 


Capital Small Finance Annual Report

Capital Small Finance Annual Report 2023-24


Capital Small Finance Annual Report 2022-23


Capital Small Finance Annual Report 2021-22


Capital Small Finance Annual Report 2020-21


Capital Small Finance Research Report





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