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Aurum Capital Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

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Aurum Capital Projects Limited

Aurum Capital Projects Limited Balance Sheet (Amt In Thousands)

PARTICULARS  31 March 2023  31 March 2022
Financial Assets    
(a) Cash and Cash Equivalents 9824.16 5038.18
(b) Bank Balance other than included in Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,290.38 2199.56
(c)   Receivables    
i) Trade receivables 100.23 100.23
ii) Other receivables 0.5 -
(d) Loans 13,483.03 16,759.90
(e) Investments 9130.14 7,072.82
Total Financial Assets (I) 34,828.45 31,170.69
Non- Financial Assets    
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 16.09 16.89
(b) Other Non-Financial Assets 2,116.25 3,661.06
Total Non- Financial Assets (II) 2,132.34 3,677.95
Total Assets (I+II) 36,960.79 34,848.64
Financial Liabilities    
(a) Trade Payables 0 0
(b) Other Financial Liabilities 269.87 189.88
Total Financial Liabilities (I) 269.87 189.88
Non- Financial Liabilities    
(a) Provisions 82.07 146.83
(b) Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 1060.57 522.06
(c) Other Non-Financial Liabilities 2.5 -
Total Non- Financial Liabilities (II) 1,145.14 668.89
Total Liabilities (I+II) 1,415.01 858.77
(a) Equity Share Capital 32,105.00 32,105.00
(b) Other Equity 3,440.78 1,884.87
Total Equity (III) 35,545.78 33,989.87
Total Liabilities and Equity (I+II+III) 36,960.79 34,848.64

Aurum Capital Projects Limited Profit & Loss Statement (Amt In Thousands)

PARTICULARS  31 March 2023  31 March 2022
Revenue from Operations    
(i) Interest Income 2,252.53 2218.38
(ii) Fees and Commission Income 50 50
Total Revenue from Operations 2,302.53 2,268.38
Other Income 0 0
Total Income (I+II) 2,302.53 2,268.38
Expenses - -
(i) Finance Costs 1.69 1.51
(ii) Impairment on Financial Instruments 12.03 -638.91
(iii) Employee Benefits Expenses 1,268.47 1,204.17
(iv) Depreciation and Amortisation 0.81 16.91
(v) Other Expenses 922 656.22
Total Expenses 2,205.00 1,239.89
Profit/(Loss) Before Exceptional Items and Tax (III-IV) 97.54 1028.49
Exceptional Items - -
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax (V-VI) 97.54 1,028.49
Tax Expense:    
(1) Current Tax    
Current Year 28.03 104.93
Earlier Years 32.81 13.77
(2) Deferred Tax 538.51 64.21
Total Tax Expense 599.35 182.91
Profit/(Loss) for the year from Continuing Operations (VII-VIII) -501.81 845.57
Profit/(Loss) From Discontinued Operations (After Tax)   -
Profit/(Loss) for the year (for continuing and discontinued operations) (IX+X) -501.81 845.57
Other Comprehensive Income    
(i) Items that will not be reclassified to Profit or Loss    
-  Re-measurement of Defined Benefit Plans 2057.72 -375.76
-  Net Gain / (Loss) on Fair Value of Equity Instruments - -
(ii) Income Tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to Profit or Loss    
- Re-measurement of Defined Benefit Plans - -
(iii) Items that will be reclassified to Profit or Lo    
- Effective Portion of Gains and (Loss) on Hedging Instruments in Cash Flow - -
(iv) Income Tax relating to items that will be reclassified to Profit or Loss    
Other Comprehensive Income 2057.72 -375.76
Total Comprehensive Income for the year (XI+XII) 1,555.91 469.82
Earnings Per Equity Share (Face Value ` 10/- each) (for continuing and discontinued operations) :    
(1) Basic EPS (Rs) -0.16 0.26
(2) Diluted EPS (Rs -0.16 0.26

Aurum Capital Projects Limited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Amt In Thousands)

Particulars  31 March 2023  31 March 2022
A. Cash flow from operating activities    
Net Profit/(Loss) before extraordinary items and tax 97.54 1,028.49
Add/(Less) : Adjustment for    
Depreciation 0.81 16.91
Net Changes in Fair Value    
Impairment on Financial Instruments - -
Operating profit/(loss) before working capital changes 12.03 -638.91
  12.84 -622
Change in working capital 110.38 406.48
Adjustments for (increase)/decrease in operating assets:    
Decrease /(Increase) in Trade Receivables -0.5 75
Decrease/(Increase) in Loans (Net) 3,276.87 3,317.77
Decrease/(Increase) in Other Non Financial Assets 1500 -1,710.00
  4,776.37 1682.77
Adjustments for increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities:    
Increase/(decrease) in financial Liabilities 79.99 28.7
Increase/(decrease) in Non - financial Liabilities 2.5 -15
Decrease in Trade Payable 0 -91.63
Cash Used in Operations 82.49 -77.93
Net Income Tax (paid)/refunds 4,969.24 2,011.32
Net cash flow from/(used in) operating activities (A) -92.93 -110.6
B. Cash flow from investing activities 4,876.31 1900.73
Investment in Term Deposit  (90.83 -479.1
Proceed from sale of Investment 0.5 -
Net cash flow from/(used in) investing activities (B) -90.33 -479.1
C. Cash flow from financing activities    
Net cash flow from/(used in) financing activities (C)    
Cash & cash equivalent at the beginning of the year 5,038.18 3,616.56
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash & cash equivalent during year (A+B+C) 4,785.98 1,421.62
Cash & cash equivalent at the end of the year  9,824.16 5,038.18

Let 's break down the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022, activity-wise:

1. Cash Flow from Operating Activities (A):

   - In 2023, the net cash flow from operating activities was negative, amounting to -₹92.93 thousand, indicating that the company used more cash in its core business operations than it generated.

   - Similarly, in 2022, the net cash flow from operating activities was also negative, standing at -₹110.6 thousand. This suggests that in the previous year, the company also expended more cash in its operating activities than it received.

2. Cash Flow from Investing Activities (B):

   - The net cash flow from investing activities in 2023 was negative, at -₹90.33 thousand. This implies that the company invested more cash in assets like term deposits and investments than it received from those investments.

   - In 2022, the net cash flow from investing activities was substantially negative, amounting to -₹479.1 thousand. This indicates a significant outflow of cash from investments during that year.

3. Cash Flow from Financing Activities (C):

   - Unfortunately, the specific details regarding net cash flow from financing activities (C) are not provided in the summary, making it challenging to assess the company 's activities related to financing, such as issuing or repaying debt, raising equity, or paying dividends.

4. Cash & Cash Equivalent Analysis:

   - The cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of each year reflect the financial position of the company at the start of the respective years.

   - In 2023, the company began with ₹5,038.18 thousand in cash and cash equivalents, while in 2022, it had ₹3,616.56 thousand.

   - The net increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalents during the year provides insight into the company 's overall cash performance.

   - In 2023, there was a significant increase of ₹4,785.98 thousand, indicating a substantial positive cash flow generation during the year. In contrast, in 2022, the increase was comparatively lower at ₹1,421.62 thousand.

   - The cash and cash equivalents at the end of each year reflect the company 's closing cash position. In 2023, it stood at ₹9,824.16 thousand, demonstrating a healthy accumulation of cash over the year. Similarly, in 2022, it was ₹5,038.18 thousand.

Financial Ratios of Aurum Capital Projects Limited: N/A

Dividend History of Aurum Capital Projects Limited:



Dividend (final + interim) (In Rs.)




Aurum Capital Annual Report

Aurum Capital Projects Limited Annual Report-2023

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