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Arohan Financial Annual Reports, Balance Sheet and Financials

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Arohan Financial Services Limited

Arohan Financial Services Limited Balance Sheet (₹ in lakhs)

Particulars31 March 2024 31 March 2023 
Cash and cash equivalents93,896.0555,656.06
Other bank balances32,865.0737,800.09
Trade receivables225.911,537.64
Other financial assets4,616.352,757.32
Current tax assets (net)1,198.484,268.74
Deferred tax assets (net)5,589.4211,846.91
Property, plant and equipment752.48530.80
Intangible assets under development55.1344.06
Other intangible assets414.31215.05
Right of use asset736.64490.05
Other non-financial assets604.35571.12
Total Assets8,11,544.066,01,816.79
Liabilities and Equity  
Debt securities40,903.8130,084.77
Borrowings (other than debt securities)5,20,796.163,80,936.33
Subordinated liabilities39,884.2942,327.83
Other financial liabilities11,443.119,946.14
Other non-financial liabilities4,353.402,250.92
Equity share capital15,741.2315,038.85
Other equity1,75,734.461,18,763.66
Total Liabilities and Equity8,11,544.066,01,816.79

Arohan Financial Services Limited Profit and Loss Statement (₹ in lakhs)

Particulars31 March 202431 March 2023
Interest income1,38,016.4893,096.90
Fees and commission income16,885.9110,209.69
Net gain on derecognition of financial instruments3,964.503,866.27
Total revenue from operations1,59,117.451,06,945.34
Other income4,346.192,154.14
Total revenue1,63,463.321,09,099.52
Finance costs59,223.2646,864.42
Impairment on financial instruments17,857.0919,316.60
Employee benefits expenses32,471.9524,614.80
Depreciation and amortization564.40568.40
Other expenses12,103.658,332.10
Total expenses1,22,220.201,00,104.32
Profit before tax41,243.308,995.36
Current tax expenses/(credit)3,412.651.96
Deferred tax expenses1,866.502,014.95
Tax expense/(credit) for earlier years66.50-
Net profit after tax31,382.177,071.63
Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligations(494.64)(350.99)
Income tax on items not reclassified124.4988.34
Other comprehensive income(370.15)(262.65)
Total comprehensive income31,012.026,808.98
Basic earnings per equity share (₹)26.626.05
Diluted earnings per equity share (₹)26.575.84

Arohan Financial Services Limitedv Statement of Cash Flows (₹ in lakhs)

Particulars31 March 202431 March 2023
Cash flows from operating activities  
Profit before tax41,243.308,995.36
Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax:  
Depreciation and amortization364.27307.27
Depreciation on right of use assets204.07168.97
Interest on lease liability (net)68.9045.78
Impairment loss allowance on loans13,905.3119,117.55
Impairment loss allowance on security receipts4,118.10-
Impairment loss allowance on trade receivables(147.44)147.44
Net gain on derecognition of financial instruments(4,132.58)(3,586.49)
Interest income on unwinding of assigned portfolio(948.38)(294.45)
Share-based payments to employees515.76282.76
Effective interest rate adjustment11,780.911,475.82
Unwinding impact on security deposit0.210.21
Operating profit before working capital changes66,972.4326,660.22
Working capital adjustments:  
(Increase)/decrease in loans(1,97,257.15)(1,26,319.57)
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables1,459.17(1,484.49)
(Increase)/decrease in other financial assets3,227.541,675.25
(Increase)/decrease in other non-financial assets(39.04)173.19
Increase/(decrease) in other financial liabilities1,238.906,138.36
Increase/(decrease) in provisions(275.33)17.60
Increase/(decrease) in other non-financial liabilities2,102.48178.67
Cash used in operating activities(1,22,571.00)(92,960.77)
Income taxes paid (net of refunds)(408.89)642.79
Net cash used in operating activities (A)(1,22,979.89)(92,317.98)
Cash flows from investing activities  
Purchase of property, plant, and equipment(479.02)(301.69)
Investment in/proceeds from fixed deposits4,935.02(2,427.71)
Purchase of investments(5,257.18)(7,872.00)
Purchase of intangible assets(286.23)(34.41)
Purchase of intangible assets under development(33.27)(46.30)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant, and equipment2.250.44
Net cash used in investing activities (B)(1,118.43)(10,681.67)
Cash flows from financing activities  
Proceeds from issue of equity shares9.815.65
Proceeds from issue of compulsorily convertible preference shares26,621.1924,829.50
Share issue expenses (net)(485.61)(472.47)
Proceeds from debt securities20,538.0211,462.43
Repayment of debt securities(9,870.00)(9,940.00)
Proceeds from borrowings (other than debt securities)9,14,425.526,44,169.00
Repayment of borrowings (other than debt securities)(7,86,139.12)(6,05,544.46)
Repayment of subordinated liabilities(2,500.00)(1,000.00)
Payment of lease liabilities(261.50)(216.86)
Net cash generated from financing activities (C)1,62,338.3163,292.79
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C)38,239.99(39,706.86)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year55,656.0695,362.92
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year93,896.0555,656.06
Components of cash and cash equivalents:  
Cash on hand24.8436.05
Bank balances and deposits with banks93,871.2155,620.01
Cash and cash equivalents considered for cash flow93,896.0555,656.06

Here is the summary of cash flow statement for the FY 2024 and 2023:

Cash Flows from Operating Activities
The cash flow from operating activities reflects the company’s core business performance. During the year ended 31 March 2024, the company generated an operating profit before working capital changes of ₹66,972.43 lakhs, a significant increase compared to ₹26,660.22 lakhs in the previous year. This improvement is primarily attributed to higher profitability before tax and adjustments such as impairment loss allowance, depreciation, and effective interest rate adjustments. However, working capital changes, including a substantial increase in loans disbursed (₹1,97,257.15 lakhs), partially offset the operating profit. Other working capital adjustments, such as trade receivables and other financial assets, contributed to cash inflows. The net cash used in operating activities amounted to ₹1,22,979.89 lakhs for the year ended 31 March 2024, compared to ₹92,317.98 lakhs in the previous year. The outflow highlights the company 's focus on expanding its loan portfolio and business operations.

Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Investing activities during the year primarily consisted of movements in investments, purchases of property, plant, and equipment, and changes in fixed deposits. The company invested ₹5,257.18 lakhs in new investments, while proceeds from fixed deposits contributed ₹4,935.02 lakhs. Additionally, the company spent ₹479.02 lakhs on the purchase of property, plant, and equipment and ₹286.23 lakhs on intangible assets. As a result, net cash used in investing activities for the year stood at ₹1,118.43 lakhs compared to ₹10,681.67 lakhs in the previous year, indicating reduced capital outflows.

Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Financing activities highlight the company’s funding strategy to support its business growth. The company raised substantial proceeds from borrowings (₹9,14,425.52 lakhs) and from the issuance of compulsorily convertible preference shares (₹26,621.19 lakhs), which contributed significantly to cash inflows. Debt repayments, including repayments of borrowings (₹7,86,139.12 lakhs) and subordinated liabilities (₹2,500.00 lakhs), partially offset the cash inflow. Proceeds from debt securities amounted to ₹20,538.02 lakhs, while repayments stood at ₹9,870.00 lakhs. Net cash generated from financing activities for the year ended 31 March 2024 amounted to ₹1,62,338.31 lakhs, a significant increase compared to ₹63,292.79 lakhs in the previous year.

Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents
The combined effect of operating, investing, and financing activities resulted in a net increase in cash and cash equivalents of ₹38,239.99 lakhs for the year ended 31 March 2024, compared to a net decrease of ₹39,706.86 lakhs in the previous year. This improvement reflects robust financing inflows that successfully offset operating and investing cash outflows.

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning and End of the Year
The cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year were ₹55,656.06 lakhs, which increased to ₹93,896.05 lakhs by the end of 31 March 2024. This includes cash on hand and balances held with banks and deposits.

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