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Minosha India Reduction of Capital

Last Traded Price 282.00 + 0.71 %

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Minosha India Limited
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Market Capitalization
1,350.97 Crore
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355.00 (18/12/21)
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275.00 (03/12/21)
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Minosha India Limited Delisted Share - Company overview

MINOSHA INDIA LIMITED (Formerly known as Ricoh India Limited) has recently become Ricoh Partner. Minosha India Limited offers services from Printing & Document Solutions Cloud services to Communication Systems. Minosha’s Total Green Office Solution (TGOs) helps customers to achieve their targets by visualizing, analyzing, and minimizing their environmental impact by optimizing their office infrastructure and workflows.

Minosha India Limited is a well-recognized System Integrator for IT services projects that have helped the Indian Government and various state governments of India to bring out digital transformation in the fields of Healthcare, Education, E-Governance, and other Public centric initiatives. Some of the prestigious projects are still under process.

Minosha India Limited offers products including Printers, Projectors, Cameras, and many more. The company offers services including Managed Document Services, IT services, Communication Services, and Sustainability Management Services.

The Equity shares of Ricoh India Limited were listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange till December 23, 2019, after which RID was delisted. The company was making huge losses and its then ultimate parent company ‘Ricoh Company Limited’ withdrew its financial support which was given by it to enable the RID to meet its financial obligations as and when they fall due.

Ricoh India Limited then filed for corporate insolvency resolution process which was passed by the NCLT in November 2019. The Resolution plans cover the merger of the “Bid Co” (Minosha Digital Solutions Private Limited or ‘MDS’) with Ricoh India Limited, which will result in an infusion of Rs. 32 Crores in Ricoh India Limited. Additionally, the Successful Resolution Applicants (Mr. Kalpraj Dharamshi and   Mrs. Rekha Jhunjhunwala) would infuse a further Rs. 21 Crores into the company. The resolution applicants will infuse money against the 2.1 Crores OCD’s of Rs. 10 each for 7 years at a 12% rate.

The plan also proposed delisting the equity shares of Ricoh India Limited from BSE and providing an exit option to public shareholders thereof at an exit price of Rs. 50/- per equity share. Moreover, the resolution applicants (Mr. Kalpraj Dharamshi and   Mrs. Rekha Jhunjhunwala) acquired the entire shareholding of RCL & NRG Group for Rs. 2.49 Crores at Rs. 0.85 per equity share.

The company is fully operational from 1st April 2021. The company is now focusing on increasing sales by promoting its products of high margin. For this, the company will be following the channel marketing. Minosha India Limited will not be manufacturing the products but will purchase them mainly from “Ricoh Company Limited, Japan”.

Minosha India Limited Details as of March 31, 2022

Minosha India Outstanding Shares:


Face Value of Minosha India Unlisted Share:

Rs. 10 Per Equity Shares

ISIN of Minosha India Limited Unlisted Share:


Lot Size of Minosha India Unlisted Share:


Minosha India Limited Share Price:

Best in Industry

PAN Number of Minosha India:


Incorporation Details of Minosha India Limited

Minosha India Limited CIN Number


Minosha India Limited Registration Date


Category / Sub-Category of Minosha India

Company limited by Shares

Minosha India Registered Office Address

1104, Arcadia, CPA Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021

Minosha India Registrar & Transfer Agent Address and Contact Details

MCS Share Transfer Agent Limited, New Delhi, F - 65, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - I, New Delhi - 110020

Principal Business Activities of Minosha India Limited

Name and Description of main products/services

NIC Code of the product/service

% to total turnover of the Company

IT Services



Multifunctional Printers (MFPs)



Board of Directors of Minosha India Limited

Mr. Kalpraj Dharamshi (Chairman) 

Mr. Atul Thakker (Managing Director)

Mr. Aniket Dharamshi (Whole Time Director)

Ms. Arti Sanganeria (Director)

Mr. Deepak Gala (Independent Director)

Mr. Rajesh Dharamshi (Independent Director)

Particulars of Associate Companies of Minosha India Limited

Name of the Company

% of shares held

I.D.C. Electronics Limited


Shareholding Pattern of Minosha India Limited (As of 31-03-2020)

S. No.

Shareholder’s Name

Number of shares

% of total Shares of the company


Mr. Kalpraj Dharamshi




Mrs. Rekha Jhunjhunwala




Public Shareholding







Industry Outlook of Minosha India Limited

The Paper and Print Industry in India is showing large potential. Demand for paper is increasing due to increased demand for packaged products. Paper production in India is increasing, but the resources for the paper market are limited. An increase in demand for paper clearly signals an increase in the Print market of India. As the demand for high qualitative products is increasing, the print market shows a good outlook.

The print machinery production in India is growing steadily and has registered of growth of 20% year on year basis for the last few years. For the Print market, packaging and publishing printing will the main drivers for growth. Printing and writing segment demand is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5%. It is expected to reach 5.8 million tonnes in the FY 2020-21. Demand for Packaging Paper & Board segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.9%. It is expected to reach 11.1 million tonnes in FY 2021.

Moreover, the industry is gradually progressing from heavy machinery to a more software-centric business. UV digital printing and Inkjet technology are on a rise in India. The digital enhancement of print like Coatings, metallics, white inks, spot colors, and gamut extenders are revolutionizing the printing industry. Another prominent change that is happening in the printing industry is the adoption of Intelligent Workplace Services (IWS). Intelligent Workplace Services uses comprehensive security, analytics, digitization, and cloud technologies and software to deliver a more seamless work experience across the paper and digital platforms.

Managed Document Services is a holistic and advanced approach to optimizing document output in the most appropriate way possible. In the global market, the Document management services market is booming with rising adoption across various sectors like medical, corporate, etc. Digital Services like imaging & scanning, document management, archiving, and indexing are the main drivers for the growth of Document Management Services throughout the world.

Faqs on Minosha India Limited

Q1: What is the minosha india limited share price?

A1: Minosha India Limited Share Price used to change on a daily basis. It is not stable. 

Q2: Who owns minosha india limited?

A2: Minosha Digital Solutions Private Limited is the parent organization that owns Minosha India Limited .

Q3:Can I buy minosha-india-limited shares?

A3:  Yes, you can, if you are interested in purchasing Minosha India Limited Shares then contact us

Q4: What factors are affecting minosha india limited share price?

A4: Minosha India limited share price can be affected by various factors such as changes in the company's financial performance, industry trends, regulatory changes, and global economic conditions.




Minosha India Annual Report 2021-22


Minosha India Annual Report 2020-21


Minosha India Annual Report 2019-20


Corporate Actions

Minosha India Reduction of Capital 2022-23


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