Periods | 1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 3 Years | All Time |
Primex-40 | -15.70 (-0.43%) | -58.84 (-1.59%) | 200.37 (5.83%) | 590.52 (19.40%) | 1204.06 (49.53%) | 1425.26 (18.05%) | |
Skybox Industries Limited | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) | 0.00 (0.00%) |
Particulars |
2021 |
2020 |
Non- current assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
510.33 |
293.23 |
Financial assets |
(i) Investments |
- |
11.75 |
Deferred tax assets (Net) |
3.39 |
40.16 |
Other non-current assets |
- |
105 |
513.72 |
450.14 |
Current Assets |
Inventories |
50,059.17 |
114,038.03 |
Financial Assets |
(i) Trade Receivables |
16,862.28 |
13,845.34 |
(ii) Cash and cash equivalents |
5,529.72 |
993.33 |
(iii) Loans |
139,638.18 |
184,188.87 |
(iv) Other financial assets |
9,636.21 |
19,811.24 |
Current Tax Assets (Net) |
199.65 |
112.64 |
Other current assets |
10,144.16 |
20,626.71 |
232,069.37 |
353,616.16 |
Total Assets |
232,583.09 |
354,066.30 |
Equity |
Equity Share Capital |
45,011.70 |
45,011.70 |
Other Equity |
-38,742.90 |
-36,684.08 |
Non-current Liabilities |
Financial Liabilities |
(i) Borrowings |
166,600.00 |
253,715.73 |
172,868.80 |
262,043.35 |
Current Liabilities |
(a) Financial Liabilities |
(ii) Trade Payables |
(B) total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises |
16,852.57 |
34,828.48 |
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities |
42,711.40 |
56,264.89 |
(b) Other current liabilities |
150.3 |
929.57 |
59,714.27 |
92,022.94 |
Total Equity and Liabilities |
232,583.09 |
354,066.30 |
Particulars |
2021 |
2020 |
Revenue from operations |
116,659.58 |
332,166.47 |
Other income |
5,974.67 |
19,814.17 |
Total Income |
122,634.25 |
351,980.64 |
Expenses |
Cost of materials consumed |
113,018.09 |
327,188.02 |
Employee benefits expense |
2504.46 |
3123.8 |
Finance costs |
3,917.08 |
14,234.74 |
Depreciation |
396.5 |
298.29 |
Other expenses |
4,824.59 |
7,294.57 |
Total Expenses |
124,660.72 |
352,139.42 |
Profit/(Loss) before exceptional items and tax |
-2,026.46 |
-158.78 |
Profit/(Loss) before tax |
-2,026.46 |
-158.78 |
Tax expense: |
(1) Current tax |
13.13 |
(2) Deferred tax |
-35.62 |
-49.01 |
35.62 |
-35.88 |
Profit/(Loss) for the period from continuing operations |
-2,062.09 |
-122.9 |
Profit/(Loss) for the period |
-2,062.09 |
-122.9 |
Other Comprehensive income |
(A)(i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
4.41 |
-2.6 |
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
-1.15 |
0.68 |
Sub-Total (A) |
3.27 |
-1.92 |
Other Comprehensive income (A+B) |
3.27 |
-1.92 |
Total Comprehensive Income for the period (XIII-(XIV) (Comprising Profit/(Loss) and other Comprehensive Income for the period) |
-2,058.82 |
-124.82 |
Earnings per equity share(for continuing operation) |
Basic (₹) |
-0.46 |
-0.03 |
Diluted (₹) |
-0.46 |
-0.03 |
Earnings per equity share( for discontinued & continuing operations) |
Basic (₹) |
-0.46 |
-0.03 |
Diluted (₹) |
-0.46 |
-0.03 |
Particulars |
2021 |
2020 |
Cash flow from Operating Activities |
Profit/(Loss) before tax as per statement of Profit & Loss |
-2,026.46 |
-158.78 |
Adjusted for: |
Gain on sale of investments |
-2.13 |
- |
Depreciation |
396.5 |
298.29 |
Interest paid |
3,917.08 |
14,234.74 |
Dividend received |
-0.02 |
Interest received |
-5,716.71 |
-19,170.41 |
Bad debt written off |
2,496.71 |
183.48 |
Operating profit/ (Loss) before working capital changes |
-935.03 |
-4,612.68 |
Adjusted for: |
(Increase)/Decrease in trade receivables |
-5,513.65 |
-4,293.12 |
(Increase)/Decrease in inventories |
63,978.86 |
-114,038.03 |
(Increase)/Decrease in other financial assets |
10,175.03 |
-16,562.95 |
(Increase)/Decrease in other non-current assets |
105 |
- |
(Increase)/Decrease in other current assets |
10,482.55 |
23,871.45 |
(Increase)/Decrease in current tax assets |
-87.01 |
- |
Increase /(Decrease) in trade payable |
-17,975.91 |
-189,419.59 |
Increase /(Decrease) in other financial liabilities |
-13,553.49 |
483.2 |
Increase /(Decrease) in other current liabilities |
-779.27 |
11,208.82 |
Less: Income tax paid |
- |
-208.07 |
Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities (A) |
45,897.08 |
-293,570.97 |
Cash flow from Investing Activities |
Sale/ purchase of property, plant & equipment |
-613.6 |
-198.87 |
Sale/ purchase of investments |
18.3 |
-14.34 |
Net proceeds from loans advanced |
44,550.69 |
78,711.13 |
Interest received |
5,716.71 |
19,170.41 |
Dividend received |
0.02 |
- |
Net cash generated from/ (used in) investing activities (B) |
49,672.12 |
97,668.33 |
Cash flow from Financing Activities |
Interest paid |
-3,917.08 |
-14,234.74 |
Net proceeds from borrowings |
-87,115.73 |
208,761.70 |
Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities (C) |
-91,032.81 |
194,526.96 |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash/cash equivalents (A+B+C) |
4,536.39 |
-1,375.68 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
993.33 |
2,369.01 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
5,529.72 |
993.33 |
Component of Cash and Cash Equivalents |
Cash on hand |
777.97 |
845.74 |
Balances with banks in current accounts |
4,751.75 |
147.59 |
Total cash and cash equivalents |
5,529.72 |
993.33 |
Certainly, here is a summary of the Cash Flow Statement for the years 2023 and 2022:
1. Profit/(Loss) before tax: In 2021, the company reported a loss of Rs -2,026.46 million, a significant increase from the previous year 's loss of Rs -158.78 million.
2. Adjustments:
Gain on sale of investments: A gain of Rs -2.13 million was realized in 2021, while there was no similar gain in 2020.
Depreciation: The company experienced an increase in depreciation from Rs 298.29 million in 2020 to Rs 396.5 million in 2021.
Interest paid: The interest paid decreased substantially from Rs 14,234.74 million in 2020 to Rs 3,917.08 million in 2021.
Dividend received: A minor dividend of Rs -0.02 million was received in 2021.
3. Operating Profit/Loss before working capital changes: The operating loss before working capital changes was Rs -935.03 million in 2021, compared to Rs -4,612.68 million in 2020.
4. Working Capital Changes:
Trade Receivables: There was a significant decrease in trade receivables in 2021 (Rs -5,513.65 million) compared to 2020 (Rs -4,293.12 million).
Inventories: The company experienced a notable increase in inventories from a negative value of Rs -114,038.03 million in 2020 to Rs 63,978.86 million in 2021.
Other Financial Assets: There was a positive change in other financial assets from Rs -16,562.95 million in 2020 to Rs 10,175.03 million in 2021.
Other Current Assets: An increase of Rs 10,482.55 million was observed in other current assets in 2021.
Trade Payable: There was a decrease in trade payables from Rs -189,419.59 million in 2020 to Rs -17,975.91 million in 2021.
5. Cash Flow from Operating Activities (Net):
The net cash generated from operating activities improved significantly, amounting to Rs 45,897.08 million in 2021 compared to a negative value of Rs -293,570.97 million in 2020.
6. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
Sale/Purchase of Property, Plant & Equipment: The company made net sales of property, plant & equipment, resulting in a cash flow of Rs -613.6 million in 2021.
Sale/Purchase of Investments:** There was a net purchase of investments in 2021, resulting in a cash flow of Rs 18.3 million.
Net Proceeds from Loans Advanced:** The company received Rs 44,550.69 million as net proceeds from loans advanced.
Interest and Dividend Received:** The company received interest and dividends, contributing to a net cash flow of Rs 5,716.71 million in 2021.
7. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
Interest Paid: The company paid Rs -3,917.08 million in interest in 2021, a decrease from Rs -14,234.74 million in 2020.
Net Proceeds from Borrowings: There was a net outflow of Rs -87,115.73 million from borrowings in 2021.
8. Cash Flow from Financing Activities (Net): The net cash flow from financing activities was Rs -91,032.81 million in 2021, reflecting the company 's financing activities.
9. Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash/Cash Equivalents: The company experienced a net increase in cash/cash equivalents, amounting to Rs 4,536.39 million in 2021, in contrast to a decrease of Rs -1,375.68 million in 2020.
10. Cash and Cash Equivalents: The cash and cash equivalents at the end of 2021 were Rs 5,529.72 million, compared to Rs 993.33 million at the beginning of the year. This included cash on hand and balances with banks in current accounts.