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CMR Copy

What is CMR Copy? [Client Master Report]

CMR/CML is provided by the Depository Participant, where investors hold their Demat accounts. It contains the DP Id, client Id, customer name, address, date of birth, nominations, email address, mobile number, PAN number, and linked bank account information of the client.


CMR Copy


Investors often trade through online brokerage platforms or with private stock brokers in the stock market. After trading via a broker, an investor might need to open another equity trading account with another broker; at the same time, he can link his old Demat account with a new trading account; the new broker needs a copy of the CMR in this case. CMR copy is beneficial for the brokerage platforms as it helps them keep track of the bank involved in the transaction and the account from which the funds were transferred. 


A CMR includes the following:

  1. Complete information on the Demat A/c
  2. DP Id
  3. Client Id
  4. First, second, and third holder name
  5. PAN
  6. Bank details
  7. Address
  8. KYC Verified-phone number
  9. Nominee name and guardian details
  10. Power of attorney(POA) details, etc.


Whether it’s an off-market transfer or a need to align the Demat A/c with the respective trading A/c, a CMR suffices both needs. CMR has legal importance as it simplifies brokers’ verification process and helps fulfill a trader’s different trading objectives.

What is a CMR Copy? And Why Is It Important?

CMR Copy

CMR is a document in pdf format that holds all the information above about the client. It is a crucial document in trading and helps in the private market, also known as the unlisted market. Trading in the stock market is impossible without a CMR, as it is the mainstay of the entire trading process.


The funds received in a transaction must be from the bank A/c mentioned in the CMR to be accepted. Not just that, the shares are transferred only to the account in the client master report and not to any third-party names. CMR not only helps brokers to provide end-to-end protection but also follows SEBI regulations. 

When opening a new trading account, the broker will ask you to provide the CMR to confirm the required details for genuine trading. Even during the transfer of shares, a CMR is mandatory, as, without it, the broker cannot complete the transmission.

Also, read:
What is the Delisting of Shares?
What are ESOP Shares?
Check Unlisted/Delisted Shares Price List

Where to Get a CMR Copy?

You can get access to your Client Master Report(CMR) online. To access the document, you must first log into the trading account. After entering the name and password, you will be allowed to download the four essential documents that are part of every authentication process in trading. After requesting the CMR, you will receive the report through mail.

You can also get a physical copy of a CMR via post. But it costs more compared to the digital copy that is completely free of cost for the first time. 

While the transfer of shares does not require you to submit the hard copy, you might need a hard copy of the Client Master Report in particular cases.

When Can a Client Master Report Help?

  1. When you need to provide personal information. (name, birthdate, age, etc.)
  2. When you are required to provide Demat account information or need to check the account status. 
  3. When you need to provide the trading account details.
  4. When you need to check the bank linked with the Demat account.
  5. First, second, and third nominee details.


I hope, we have answered all your doubts regarding CMR and its importance. CMR copy meaning is easy to understand once you read the above article thoroughly. The Client master report importance further helps to understand the CMR meaning in-depth. 

A CMR is given to you after the opening of an account. If you still haven’t received it, you need to request a copy through the online app or by contacting customer support. There are numerous types of transactions, and you might be requested to provide other documents along with a CMR based on your requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQS):

  • What does CMR stand for in trading?

CMR stands for Client Master Report. It is a pdf document that plays- a significant role in the authentication processes of trading online/offline. 


  • Do I need a CMR document?

Yes, you must receive it after opening an account. If you did not receive it yet, you must request the broker to provide the CMR document. Read through all the necessary information before you start trading online/offline.


  • How do I request the client master report?

You have to contact the broker or request the CMR on the online portal. Once the request is verified, the CMR is sent- to the registered mail.


  • Do I have to pay to get a client master report or a CMR copy?

The first copy of a client master report is usually free. If you need the client master report multiple times, then the CMR might cost you a few dollars. A hard copy of the client master report is expensive compared to a digital copy.


  • Does a printed CMR require Demat participants’ stamp on it?

The Demat participant must duly stamp a printed Client Master Report. Typically, you receive the signed document via courier from the official broker.

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